The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Old Testament. Vol. 2. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel with Commentaries (= The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Old Testament. Vol. 2) Cover Image
  • Price: 82.50 €

Старобългарският превод на Стария Завет. Т. 2. Книга на пророк Иезекиил с тълкования (= Старобългарският превод на Стария Завет. Т. 2)
The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Old Testament. Vol. 2. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel with Commentaries (= The Old Bulgarian Translation of the Old Testament. Vol. 2)

Author(s): Lora Taseva, Maria Yovcheva, Tatyana Ilieva
Contributor(s): Svetlina Nikolova (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The Introduction to Vol. II of the edition is dedicated to several questions. First of all the reviews of Vol. I of the book are surveyed and the points raised in these reviews which can contribute to the further study of the text of the Book of the twelve Prophets found in the St Petersburg manuscript F.I.461 are indicated. In the second place the types of changes introduced during the publication of volume II, which contains the text of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel from the same manuscript, are indicated. These types of changes are as follows: 1. the parallel places from the Greek text of the commentaries of Theodoret of Cyrrhus, together with the biblical text which accompanies them in the only edition (PG, vol. 81), are provided; 2. the apparatus criticus to the edition is organized in a new way; 3. the biblical text is printed in half-black lettering; 4. certain change are introduced in the specific principles of the edition; 5. the terminological apparatus is made to comply with the received terms in Bulgarian scholarship; 6. the method of presenting lexicographical references, which will appear in a special volume, covering the material from the texts of all the books of the Major Prophets included in the St Petersburg manuscript, has been substantially altered. Finally, an attempt has been made to distinguish the hands in the St Petersburg manuscript up to f.338 where the texts of the prophetical books end. (Translation: Catherine Mary MacRobert)

  • Print-ISBN-10: 954-9787-09-5
  • Page Count: 456
  • Publication Year: 2003
  • Language: English, Bulgarian, German, Old Bulgarian, Creek


Увод, Едиционни принципи, Литература

Увод, Едиционни принципи, Литература
(Introduction, Editing Principles, References)

  • Price: 15.00 €


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Текст - продължение
(Text - continued)

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