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Wszędzie i zawsze… Żydzi
Everywhere and always... Jews

The image of the Jewish community in national camp press and journalism in Poland from 1930–1939

Author(s): Bohdan Głębocki
Subject(s): History, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: Jews; national camp; press; political commentary; 1930s; Poland
Summary/Abstract: In the interwar period, Jews constituted the second largest national minority in the Republic of Poland. The Jewish minority did not have a territorial character, and its representatives could be found all over the country, although their distribution was obviously not even. The so-called Jewish question was one of the most important issues in Poland at that time, affecting all spheres of life. It was certainly the most important issue for the supporters of what was broadly defined as the national camp. Of course, Jewish themes also figured prominently in the national press and journalism of the time – it is no coincidence that the nationalists' message was Judeocentric. The number of publications on the Jewish community rose sharply after 1931 and remained at a high level until the end of 1938. The field of research is therefore extremely broad, not least because of the division of the national camp in the 1930s into numerous groups, often hostile to each other. Opinions that often sound somewhat exotic to the contemporary reader were expressed in the press and political commentary about the large Jewish community in the last period of its existence under the conditions of Polish independence. These opinions allow for a better understanding of complicated Polish-Jewish relations and that now non-existent multinational society.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-4155-3
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-4154-6
  • Page Count: 546
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Polish
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