The Pre-Christian Religions of the Northern Indo-Europeans: The Traditions of the Celts, Germanic Peoples and Balts from a Critical Perspective of the Humanities Cover Image
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Předkřesťanská náboženství severních Indoevropanů: Tradice Keltů, Germánů a Baltů v kritické perspektivě humanitních věd
The Pre-Christian Religions of the Northern Indo-Europeans: The Traditions of the Celts, Germanic Peoples and Balts from a Critical Perspective of the Humanities

Author(s): Jan Reichstäter
Subject(s): Archaeology, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Ancient World, Comparative Studies of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: pre-Christian religions; Celtic tribes; Germanic tribes; Baltic traditions; archeology; pantheon; idols; shrines; rituals; Old Germanic rituals; mythology; pagan relics;
Summary/Abstract: The book aims to offer insights into research on the pre-Christian religions of the northern Indo-Europeans – namely the traditions of the Celtic, Germanic, and Baltic peoples. It presents the results of current research in the spheres of the pantheons, rituals and mythologies of these ethnic groups gained by those branches of the humanities that are usually involved in scientific reconstruction of archaic religions (e.g. archaeology, philology, ethnology). Significant attention is paid to the interpretational problems that have been solved by specialists in the study of these extinct religions for a long time. The book also introduces a brief history of the research in these fields, whose beginnings are mostly connected with the Romantic era, but in some regions they can be traced back as far as the period of Renaissance humanism. In this context the ideological motivations and aims which shaped – or still shape – the images of these religions, both in science and popular culture, are emphasised.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9579-3
  • Page Count: 207
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Czech
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