Career adaptability: Its forms, changes, contexts, and roles in the lives of young adults undergoing upper-secondary vocational education Cover Image
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Kariérová adaptabilita: Její podoby, proměny, souvislosti a role v životě mladých dospělých procházejících středním odborným vzděláváním
Career adaptability: Its forms, changes, contexts, and roles in the lives of young adults undergoing upper-secondary vocational education

Contributor(s): Lucia Kvasková (Editor), Petr Hlaďo (Editor)
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Vocational Education, Individual Psychology, Comparative Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychology of Self, Demography and human biology, Socio-Economic Research, Sociology of Education
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Career adaptability; Career construction theory; gender and career adaptability; education and career adaptability; social support; self-esteem; professional identity; life satisfaction;
Summary/Abstract: Living in today’s rushed time full of various changes increases the demands on the individual’s ability to adapt to these changes. Career adaptability plays an important role in coping with changing demands in the field of work. What is career adaptability? Why is it important, and what does it affect? The answers to these questions and many others are provided in the monograph, entitled “Career adaptability: Its Forms, Changes, Contexts, and Roles in the Lives of Young Adults Undergoing Upper-Secondary Vocational Education,” which is the first publication written on this topic in the Czech language. In the book, a team of authors presents the construct of career adaptability and the results of unique research carried out in the Czech Republic. In the first part, the reader may find an analytical overview of various concepts of career adaptability and related concepts. The central part of the publication is devoted to the results of quantitatively conducted longitudinal research, which aimed to identify career adaptability and its relationships to several demographic, school, relational, and personality variables in the case of students and later graduates of upper-secondary vocational education—those who are in the crucial stages of their career construction. Many empirical findings concentrated in this book are beneficial not only for the career counseling theories and research on career adaptability but also for vocational education or career counseling practitioners.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9692-9
  • Page Count: 215
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Czech
Kariérová adaptabilita v kontextu teorie konstruování kariéry

Kariérová adaptabilita v kontextu teorie konstruování kariéry
(Career adaptability in the context of career construction theory)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Metodologie výzkumu kariérové adaptability

Metodologie výzkumu kariérové adaptability
(Career adaptability research methodology)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Kariérová adaptabilita a její vztah k vybraným charakteristikám respondentů

Kariérová adaptabilita a její vztah k vybraným charakteristikám respondentů
(Career adaptability and its relationship to selected characteristics of respondents)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Kariérová adaptabilita perspektivou času

Kariérová adaptabilita perspektivou času
(Career adaptability through the perspective of time)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Vliv sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu

Vliv sociální opory na kariérovou adaptabilitu
(The influence of social support on career adaptability)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Sebehodnocení jako prostředník mezi sociální oporou a kariérovou adaptabilitou

Sebehodnocení jako prostředník mezi sociální oporou a kariérovou adaptabilitou
(Self-esteem as a mediator between social support and career adaptability)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Profesní identita jako ukazatel kariérové adaptace

Profesní identita jako ukazatel kariérové adaptace
(Professional identity as an indicator of career adaptation)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Vliv kariérové adaptability, sebehodnocení a pracovních hodnot na životní spokojenost

Vliv kariérové adaptability, sebehodnocení a pracovních hodnot na životní spokojenost
(The influence of career adaptability, self-evaluation and work values on life satisfaction)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Absolventi středního odborného vzdělávání na trhu práce – liší se zaměstnaní a nezaměstnaní?

Absolventi středního odborného vzdělávání na trhu práce – liší se zaměstnaní a nezaměstnaní?
(Graduates of secondary vocational education on the labor market - are employed and unemployed different?)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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