Z posluchárny za katedru: Mocenské vztahy ve výuce studentů učitelství
From a Lecture Hall to a Teacher’s Desk: Power Relations in Student Teacher Classes
Author(s): Kateřina Vlčková, Kateřina Lojdová, Josef Lukas, Jan Mareš, Zuzana Šalamounová, Tomáš Kohoutek, Jarmila Bradová, Stanislav Ježek
Subject(s): Education, School education, Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: education; student; teacher; power relations;
Summary/Abstract: The monograph presents research findings on establishing and organizing power relations in classes taught by student teachers who come to their long term practice to lower secondary schools as beginning teachers. The background is constituted by traditional theory of relational power by French and Raven (1959). The authors (on the bases of video recordings of lessons, interviews with student teachers, their reflective diaries from practice and survey of student teachers based on the responses of their students) describe how student teachers work with legitimate, coercive, reward, expert, and referent power in the interaction with their students. The monograph introduces typical situations that student teachers are confronted with on their practice and therefore, they can be useful for student teachers as well as for those who help them to prepare for the profession.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8097-3
- Page Count: 237
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Czech