Metodika práce s třídním kolektivem v inkluzivní třídě se zaměřením na žáky se sluchovým postižením: Metodická příručka
Methodology of Classroom Management in Inclusive Classroom with a Focus on Pupils with Hearing Disability: Methodological Manual
Author(s): Radka Horáková, Lenka Doležalová, Ilona Bytešníková
Subject(s): School education, Educational Psychology, Methodology and research technology, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Pupils with Hearing Disability; inclusive education; Methodology; Pedagogy methods; Communication;
Summary/Abstract: The methodology introduces the specific features of the educational process of a pupil with a hearing disability. The structure of the text reflects the systematic summary of various types of hearing impairment. It includes the specifics of the principles of right communication with pupils with hearing disability during individual and also teamwork, organization of the educational process methods and forms of the teaching, professional support during the lessons and diverse ideas concerning the activities with pupils with hearing disability and the collective of the classroom. The book comprises a chapter presenting outcomes of a research, which was administered in a chosen school educating a pupil with hearing disability. The text contains examples of successful practice.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-6643-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-6643-4
- Page Count: 298
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Czech