Изследване, разработване и въвеждане на иновативни методи в процеса на обучение
Research, Development and Implementation of Innovative Methods in the Learning Process


Author(s): Miroslava Peicheva, Lyubomir Stefanov, Margarita Atanassova, Nevyana Kaneva, Valeria Dineva, Zheneta Karavasileva, Venko Andonov, Anton Krastev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: interactive books; innovations; higher education; distance learning; online learning; learning management systems
Summary/Abstract: Innovations are increasingly entering all spheres of economic and social life. Their development and application in the field of education is especially active. It is no coincidence that innovations in the learning process are the subject of national and international research. The main goal of the current research is: to research, development and implementation of innovative methods in the learning process . The goal was achieved through the implementation of the following tasks:the scientific literature related to innovations in education was analyzed; the practice related to the application of innovative methods in the learning process in world-renowned universities was analyzed; the fundamental differences between paper, pdf and interactive textbooks are explored; a questionnaire was developed for students' needs for using interactive textbooks in the learning process; an analysis of the legal aspects of online education in Bulgaria was carried out; a comparative analysis was performed between distance and online learning; four interactive textbooks were developed - Human Resources Audit, Social Responsibility Standards, Internal Audit Standards; Training and Human Resource Development, which are published on MOODLE. The object of the research is the innovative methods applied in the training process. The subject of the research is: the innovative methods applied in the learning process in higher education, the innovative methods applied in the learning process in world-famous universities, the needs of students for applying innovative methods in the learning process, essence and content of interactive textbooks, audio and video clips. The working hypotheses of the study are three. Working hypothesis 1: Innovative forms of learning are an invariable part of the learning process of world-renowned universities in Europe. Working hypothesis 2. UNSS students show preferences more for interactive textbooks than for printed and traditional electronic textbooks in pdf format. Working hypothesis 3. The interactive textbooks "Social Responsibility Standards", "Human Resources Audit" and "Internal Audit Standards" and the innovative forms introduced in the learning process: such as audio and video clips increase the satisfaction and motivation of students. The main methods that have been used in the research have proven their usefulness general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-636-4
  • Page Count: 457
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Bulgarian
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