Изследване на съвременните подходи за обучение по счетоводство с цел адаптиране към изискванията на акредитиращите професионални организации ИДЕС, ICAEW и ACCA
Research on Contemporary Educational Approaches in the Field of Accounting with the Purpose of Adapting to the Requirements of Accreditation Professional Organizations – ICPA, ICAEW and ACCA
Author(s): Maria Markova, Rumiana Pozharevska, Daniela Vatkova-Milusheva, Lilyana Dzhoneva, Iavor Bachev
Subject(s): Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: financial reporting; accounting; education; ACCA; ICAEW; ICPA
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the research is to examine curricula of Financial Accounting and Professional Ethics and Independence taught at the University of National and World Economy based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Curricula are juxtaposed with the requirements of leading accreditation professional organizations such as ICPA, ICAEW, and ACCA, so that educational approaches can be adapted to contemporary challenged in the field of Accounting.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-658-6
- Page Count: 198
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian
- Table of Content
- eBook-PDF
- Introduction