The Voice of Youth: Responding to challenges in South-East Europe
The Voice of Youth: Responding to challenges in South-East Europe
Contributor(s): Amina Efendić (Editor), Faris Šehović (Editor)
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Media studies, Civil Society, Labor relations, Government/Political systems, Politics and communication, Politics and society, Studies in violence and power, Gerontology, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
Published by: Fondacija Boris Divković
Keywords: Youth and unemployment; Fake news; Bosnia and Herzegovina; political activism;
Summary/Abstract: Many social problems that are present in the South East Europe (SEE), such as unemployment, low political participation and migration, high brain drain, the highest unemployment rates of youth in Europe and the lowest rates of political participation of young people are particularly visible when it comes to youth, as they are a special social category. All these problems require a systematic approach and thorough analysis which can result in needed change and progress. The “Civic Platform for Young Liberal Activists” (CPLA) is a project organized by European Liberal Forum with the support of the Center Party International Foundation (CIS), Haya van Someren Stichting/VVD Internationaal and Boris Divkovic Foundation. The aim of this project is to provoke interest of youth in political activism, within the broad spectrum of civil society including political parties, NGOs and social movements. Liberal political NGOs of South-East Europe gathered young representatives of liberal political parties with one goal - to raise awareness of youth activism. As a part of the project tasks, teams had to write Opinion Pieces on a chosen topic that is relevant for their county, but also for the region. Due to the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, teams did not have the opportunity to meet in person, however, their strong will and joint goals resulted in a publication named “The Voice of Youth”.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-2-9602333-5-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-2-9602333-5-3
- Page Count: 60
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English
It is your mother too
It is your mother too
(It is your mother too)
- Author(s):Sanela KOLAR, Stefan JOVANOVIĆ, Jasmina ŽUDIĆ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Studies in violence and power, Victimology
- Page Range:16-23
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:violence against women; NGO Safe Women’s House; domestic violence; Montenegro;
- Summary/Abstract:She is awakened by the first rays of summer sun. While still sensitive and fragile, she rubs her eyes and smiles. She enjoys the little things in life. She gets up, smells coffee and smiles again. Her love for coffee is unconditional. She puts on the lightest dress she has to make her feel free and comfortable. Oh, my God, how beautiful she is! She already made plans in her head for this wonderful day. First, she will have a cup of coffee with her husband. He is already drinking it and surely, her cup is waiting for her too. Then, she will make lunch and get ready for work.
Young for the elderly – awareness and actions of young people for a better life of the elderly
Young for the elderly – awareness and actions of young people for a better life of the elderly
(Young for the elderly – awareness and actions of young people for a better life of the elderly)
- Author(s):Adrijana FURJAN
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Public Administration, Labor relations, Health and medicine and law, Gerontology, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:25-30
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Young and elderly; retirees; pensions; shortage of caregivers;
- Summary/Abstract:The fast technological improvements, sustainable growth and development of the world economy have led to what has become a fundamental determinant of the modern, hectic way of life, known as the lifestyle of the 21st century. In such context, people’s expectations are increasing, and they are always seeking for the new opportunities; however, many are often failing to take a break from every day’s haste and stress. Young people often do not have time for their private and business obligations, and thus for activism and caring for society. Scientist in technical and architectural sciences, Mr. sc. Marina Šimunić, finds that only 5% of young people are socially engaged in the Republic of Croatia. This research finds the main reason for such a low interest in social activities and lack of initiative for changes is the fact that youth accept their community as it is. Decreased involvement of young people in social actions has becoming more evident in Croatia especially, when an average of 30,000 young people a year have migrated in the period from 2015 to 2020.
The gift of the gap
The gift of the gap
(The gift of the gap)
- Author(s):Dimitar VANCHOV, Teodora DIMITROVSKA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Government/Political systems, Politics and society, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:32-38
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:political activism; civil society; democratization of political parties; participation of young people in state politics;
- Summary/Abstract:To be able to talk about political activism, we first need to get acquainted with the meaning of the term civil society. This term was first introduced in theory by Leonardo Brun in the 15th century. The term is derived from two Latin terms, namely communication politica and civilis communitas. According to Alexis De Tocqueville, civil society is a self-organizing form, which is legally regulated and not directly dependent on the state. The starting point is the active social actor – citizen. Political activism in a country can be seen in several aspects. It can be viewed from the social, political and individual aspect. Activism is the most important thing in a society that helps succeed in the area of human rights and freedoms in the context of bringing a specific right or freedom into focus to the public and stakeholders. Activism is the key to modern democracies; it is the mirror of the freedom of expression through concrete actions.
Youth unemployment an ongoing issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Youth unemployment an ongoing issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Youth unemployment an ongoing issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Nikola BODULOVIĆ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Labor relations, State/Government and Education, Socio-Economic Research, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:40-45
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Youth unemployment; Bosnia and Herzegovina; youth migration; high unemployment rate; corruption;
- Summary/Abstract:The Balkans, both as a geographic and cultural region of southeast Europe, has raising number of emigrations in the past few years. This is especially prominent amongst young people who, commonly after graduation, decide to travel abroad in search for better opportunities. This phenomenon is also common in the rest of the world due to the globalisation effects on the travelling expenses. Travelling has become affordable to more individuals in the last decade than ever before. Yet, this is not the only cause of increased migration. The idea of “escape” is becoming common among young people from across the Balkans. It is evident that youth’s search for their economic prosperity, career advancements, and improvement of other life affiliations outside their home county is on the rise. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the most alarming in the region.
Fake news and how to fight it
Fake news and how to fight it
(Fake news and how to fight it)
- Author(s):Željka VESIĆ, Luka Marković
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Government/Political systems, Politics and communication, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:47-52
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Fake news; COVID-19 pandemic; false information; Social media;
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us how important it is to have real and true information, and that they are received from the reliable sources. In this particular case, misinformation and spread of fake news endanger our health and raises panic, which further raises danger in multiple ways. This is why it is important to check if a photograph was edited, or if sound was added to a video, and even if the articles spread in mainstream media are modified. The public needs to be protected from the pandemic of false information. Fake news, pseudo-news, alternative facts and news with misinformation are spread through traditional forms of media or social media to create a false narrative about a given topic. Spreading misinformation gives people a distorted view, often on something that they need to decide on. Social media is very convenient place for spreading of false information because of the open nature of their platforms which allows every person to say and share various contents.