Doticaji i suočenja III : Sidran, Ljubović, Cvijetić, Ćatić, Kulenović, Ćopić, Ibrišimović-Šabić, Fetahagić, Veličković, Čehov, Solženjicin, Selimović, Dostojevski, Bahtin
Contacts and Confrontations III : Sidran, Ljubović, Cvijetić, Ćatić, Kulenović, Ćopić, Ibrišimović-Šabić, Fetahagić, Veličković, Čehov, Solženjicin, Selimović, Dostojevski, Bahtin

Author(s): Nazif Kusturica
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Comparative Study of Literature, Bosnian Literature, Russian Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Slavistički komitet BiH
Keywords: Bosnian literature; Abdulah Sidran; Ibrahim Ljubović; Ljubomir Cvijetić; Musa Ćazim Ćatić; Skender Kulenović; Branko; Ćopić, Nedžad Ibrišimović; Sead Fetahagić; Nenad Veličković; Chekhov; Solzhenitsyn; Meša Selimović; Dostoevsky; Bakhtin;
Summary/Abstract: The diversity of the texts and topics of this book of essays, third in a row,titled Doticaji i suočenja III (the first one – Doticaji i suočenja – 1976, andthe second one – Doticaji i suočenja – 2002) comes out from the fact that those texts were emerging, were written and published in the Bosnian-and-Herzegovinian periodicals over the time period of several years and they represent a result of both the author’s literary-critical and literary-theoretical research and even intimate reading, as well as of a fascination with some writers and artists, or with their individual accomplishments.The first part of the book consists of the essays on individual pieces of artistic work, which according to the author, must not be neglected or left out concerning the critical reception. Among others, it deals with the novels of Sead Fetahagic Jednog dana jedna žena negdje (2001, and the 2ndedition 2003) and of Nenad Velickovic Otac moje kćeri (2000), which are combined, maybe, with a syntagma of the “war writing”. In the first part of the book the place also belongs to the texts written on the occasion of marking two important anniversaries – one of them dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of Chekov’s death, and the secondone written on the occasion of the death of the Russian Nobel Prize winner A. I. Solzenjicin.There are also the texts on Bosnian-and Herzegovinian poet writers,that is, on some of their poems. The essay Intepretativni zahvat u nizu Skenderovih soneta – ekfrazisa dedicated to the following Skender Kulenovic’s sonnets: Tarih za Karadjozbegovu džamiju, Tarih (II) za Stari most,Ničija već moja, with the topic on Mestrovic’s monument to Njegoš with a subtitle Tarih; two sonnets related to buildings (Sahat kula – and Tvrđava)and one sonnet, which takes a sculpture for its object of artistic reflections (Vaze). Dvije pjesme Muse Ćazima Ćatića is a text about two excellent works of this Bosnian and Herzegovinin a writer, about the pomes Reminiscenca and Teubi-Nesuh, whereas the theory of ecphrasis is used as a basis for interpretation of Abulah Sidran’s verses (the poem Hrast i knjiga – u ateljeu Ibrahim Ljubovića from Sarajevske zbirke, dedicated to painter Ibrahim Ljubovic and his canvases (the essay titled Iz slike u stih).

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-648-08-3
  • Page Count: 175
  • Publication Year: 2011
  • Language: Bosnian
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