Iz morfologije i sintakse savremenog bosanskog jezika
From contemporary Bosnian syntax and morphology.
Author(s): Halid Bulić
Subject(s): Morphology, Syntax, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Slavistički komitet BiH
Keywords: Bosnian language; syntax; morphology;
Summary/Abstract: The papers published in this book deal with various issues in contemporary Bosnian syntax and morphology. The paper Types of Nominal Complements of the Verb in Bosnian defines a complement as a clause element and provides a categorization of nominal complements of the Verb in Bosnian The Introduction presents the term complement as it is presented in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian grammar books After the presentation of different linguistic approaches to the term, the author decides to take the approach offered by the German linguist Ulrich Engel According to his definition, complements are clause elements typical for the Verb subclass, which cannot be used with just any verb, and obligatory elements necessary for grammaticality of the clause Using this definition in this study, we have found out that nominal complements can form three types of relations with the Verb They can be the Subject, the Predicative Nominal or the Object The Subject is a nominal or nominalized word in the Nominative case which is not a part of the Predicate It has a person and number concord with the Predicate Hence, the Subject and the Predicate influence one another and this property makes it different from all other complements The Predicative Nominal is different from the Subject and the Object in the fact that it complements the verb and functions as a part of the Predicate Predicatives are found in different forms in Bosnian: nominal and adjectival in the Nominative and the Instrumental case, numerals, congruent phrases in the form of prepositionless Genitive, Nouns in the oblique case with a preposition which attribute a property to the Subject, the structures with kao or structures with a Finite Verb form, za+Accusative and za+Infinitive structures, prepositions, the Infinitive and the Vocative. This is the first paper which mentions the possibility of having a Vocative in Predicative function (which is not in oral poetic tradition and used differently than in oral tradition), and that the Vocative is a part of the sentence structure Some words in Bosnian can be used only predicatively. In some papers they are called copular particles We believe that these words are either Adjectives or Adverbs Not all the above listed forms which can be used predicatively can be regarded as Predicative Nominals We believe that Predicative Nominals include only nominal predicative complements,which can be in the Nominative, the Instrumental, the Vocative case or the Accusative with the preposition za and the structures with kao.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-648-04-5
- Page Count: 145
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: Bosnian