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Identitás- és támogatáspolitikák, kulturális fogyasztás és médiahasználat
Identity and Grants Policies, Cultural Consumption and Media Use

Interdisciplinary Studies on the Hungarian Cultural Field in Slovakia

Contributor(s): Marianna Mrva (Editor)
Subject(s): Evaluation research, Sociology of Culture, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet
Keywords: Slovakia;Hungarians;culture;identity policy;grants policy;cultural consumption;broadcasting in minority languages;media consumption
Summary/Abstract: The five studies in this volume present the Hungarian cultural field in Slovakia from different perspectives. The first paper, by Zsófia Nagy, highlights the links between culture and identity politics, pointing out that culture does not exist in isolation, but is in constant dialogue with politics. The fact that (cultural) politics does not only shape culture symbolically is demonstrated by András Morauszki's study on the evolution of the system of cultural subsidies and the structure of the actors applying for them. The third study, by Marianna Mrva, approaches the cultural field from the point of view of the next important factor in cultural life: the audience. It highlights the social inequalities that lie behind cultural consumption practices. The focus then shifts to the media. Dóra Mierka's paper describes the situation of public service media in Slovakia, including broadcasting in the languages of minorities. This is followed by Zsuzsanna Lampl's study on the 50 years of media consumption by Hungarians in Slovakia, presenting a range of data never published before.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-89978-32-8
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Hungarian
Identitáspolitikai diskurzusok a szlovákiai magyar kulturális mezőn

Identitáspolitikai diskurzusok a szlovákiai magyar kulturális mezőn
(Discourses of Identity Politics in the Hungarian Cultural Field in Slovakia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
A szlovákiai magyar kultúra állami támogatása

A szlovákiai magyar kultúra állami támogatása
(State Support for Hungarian Culture in Slovakia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
A szlovákiai magyarok kulturális fogyasztásának mintázatai

A szlovákiai magyarok kulturális fogyasztásának mintázatai
(Patterns of Cultural Consumption of Hungarians in Slovakia)

  • Price: 4.50 €
A közszolgálati média mint kulturális termék

A közszolgálati média mint kulturális termék
(Public Service Media as a Cultural Product)

  • Price: 4.50 €
Ötven év a média bűvkörében, avagy a szlovákiai magyarok médiafogyasztása 1971–2021 között

Ötven év a média bűvkörében, avagy a szlovákiai magyarok médiafogyasztása 1971–2021 között
(Fifty Years Under the Spell of the Media, or the Media Consumption of Hungarians in Slovakia Between 1971–2021)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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