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Prozodia zapisana dla aktorów i lektorów
Prosody written down

Author(s): Anita Grzegorzewska
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: prosody; auditory analysis; stress; intonation; pause
Summary/Abstract: The author is interested in research on prosody, conducted according to communicative methodology. The aim of the publication is to present the practical use of the proprietary prosodic notation system, which is based on auditory analysis of spoken texts. The prosodic transcriptions of audiobook excerpts prove that spoken texts can be faithfully transcribed using prosodic signs, presenting their sound layer.The prosodic transcriptions contained in this publication have been abstracted from 15 audiobooks, read by the best polish actors and lectors: that guarantees a professional performance. The pieces were carefully selected to present a literature from different eras and different countries, its’ various genres and unique style of the texts. Wychodząc z definicji: Prozodia jest dziedziną badawczą w obrębie językoznawstwa, przez którą rozumiemy wszelkie zjawiska brzmieniowe języka przynależne wyrazom, wśród których wyodrębniamy trzy najistotniejsze elementy (akcent, intonację i pauzę) występujące pojedynczo lub w kombinacjach; Autorka sklasyfikowała elementy prozodyczne w oparciu o wariant ich realizacji.The basis of the book is an original prosody definition: Prosody is a research field within linguistics, by which we understand all the sound phenomena of language belonging to words, among which we distinguish three most important elements (stress, intonation and pause) occurring singly or in combination. According to that, author classified prosodic elements based on the variant of their implementation.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-985-3
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-984-6
  • Page Count: 218
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Polish
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