Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality
Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality

Contributor(s): Gina Aurora Necula (Editor), Carmelia Mariana Dragomir Bălănică (Editor), Alexandra Toma (Editor)
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning, Communication studies, Sociology, Family and social welfare, Welfare services, Economic development, Migration Studies, Sports Studies, Tourism
Published by: CEEOLPRESS
Keywords: sociology;ecotourism;Economic development;Family and Social welfare;Sport studies
Summary/Abstract: In this study, researchers analyse, from different perspectives, the challenges related to technology, language, culture, society, law, engineering, economics and physical education and sports, viewed from a cross-border perspective, with emphasis on similarities and dissimilarities between life quality in the Republic of Moldova and life quality in Romania. The study involves experienced, as well as young researchers (PhD students), in order to ensure the transfer of knowledge and good practices. The volume endeavors to tackle key aspects related to the quality of environmental factors, food quality, urbanization, communication, language, nutrition, health, education, economic conditions, security, social environment, leisure, all approached in an integrated manner. The transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach aims to mirror the complexity of contemporary life and to consider the variety of factors that influence the perception of life quality.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-3-949607-21-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-3-949607-20-2
  • Page Count: 460
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English
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