Realizarea Planului de Acţiuni UE-Moldova
Implementation of the EU-Moldova Action Plan

Author(s): Igor Boţan, Alexandru Gamanjii, Iurie Gotişan, Corneliu Gurin, Alex Oprunenco, Ana Popa, Valeriu Prohniţchi
Contributor(s): Sergiu Buşcaneanu (Editor)
Subject(s): National Economy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: EXPERT-GRUP Centrul Analitic Independent
Keywords: Moslova-EU-Partnership;
Summary/Abstract: The implementation of PAUEM represented, with certainty, an effort to modernize the Republic of Moldova. Whatever the level of estimation of the degree of implementation of PAUEM, it is a positive one, even if it is, at the same time, insufficient. In such circumstances, it is the honor of the exponents of the Moldovan political class, who signed the Declaration on the political partnership for achieving the objectives of European integration, to continue reforming and modernizing society in order to reach EU standards. The discrepancy between the level of modernization achieved by the Republic of Moldova and the minimum standards of the EU requires that the Moldovan political forces redo their agendas, emphasizing not so much doctrinal subtleties, but the urgent need to overcome handicaps. From this point of view, the primary imperative of the democratic political struggle should be reduced to the competition to optimize the speed and costs of overcoming them, another goal worthy of the citizens' attention being simply missing.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-61-454-2
  • Page Count: 182
  • Publication Year: 2008
  • Language: Romanian
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