Капаните на града
The Traps of the City

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Contributor(s): Borislava Petkova (Editor), Vasil Karadzhov (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: ethnology; intangible cultural heritage; urban memory
Summary/Abstract: This collection is the result of a conference on ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Traps of the City‘ held in November 2021. The department of Ethnology and the ‘Center for the Study of Intangible Cultural Heritage‘ established under it were the organizers and hosts of this scientific forum. The Ethnology discipline at the ‘Paisii Hilendarski’ University of Plovdiv has a 30-year history, which is also associated with the development of specific research fields and the formation of the Plovdiv school in ethnology. The issues of the conference are based on the research tasks set by the specialists from the department of Ethnology during their work as a team in the national scientific program ‘Cultural-historical heritage, national memory and social development‘.The conference themed ‘Intangible cultural heritage: the traps of the city‘ was inspired by the specifics of a particular Plovdiv neighborhood called ‘Kapana‘ (‘The Trap’). Historically, it was the economic and commercial center of the city as an artisan quarter. ‘Kapana’ got its name because of the numerous shopping and craft streets where it was easy to get lost, but also to find unexpected spaces and people. It is a dynamic space that has gone through many transformations. As a result of local policies, Kapana is currently being developed as a district for creative industries. It is also transformed into a place where various contemporary forms of art and urban culture unfold, as well as a scene of various festivals and events.The theme of the conference points to a rethinking of the ‘traps‘ and directing the research gaze to these urban spaces, which on the one hand inherit historical and cultural layers, but on the other hand are also places of living legacies. The papers presented various theoretical, field and practical results of urban heritage research. The wealth of approaches and analyzes to urban heritage and memory also led to the thematic diversity of this collection.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7663-23-5
  • Page Count: 213
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Bulgarian
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