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Ochrona wód podziemnych w Polsce
Protection of groundwater in Poland

Author(s): Józef Górski
Subject(s): Geography, Regional studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Adama Mickiewicza
Keywords: groundwater; groundwater protection; groundwater pollution sources; waste and groundwater protection problems; migration of nitrogen compounds to groundwater; changes in groundwater quality; protection zones of groundwater intakes
Summary/Abstract: The scientific monograph entitled "Protection of groundwater in Poland" is an attempt to summarize the problems of anthropogenic threats and the protection of groundwater in Poland. It is based on many years of research by the author and collaborators, conducted initially at the Institute of Environmental Management in Poznań, and then at the Department of Hydrogeology and Water Protection at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. The first chapters highlight the natural and economic importance of groundwater, following which outbreaks of groundwater pollution and their impact on the groundwater environment are discussed. In particular, great attention is paid to the risks associated with the impact of landfills, given the prolonged nature of these impacts. In particular, the chapter on pollutant migration discusses problems relating to nitrogen compounds, which are one of the main threats to groundwater quality. The part concerning the protection of groundwater presents the problems of protecting these waters in relation to various branches of the national economy, and also a critical analysis of the status in the field of protection of intakes, as well as the use of spatial development plans and environmental impact assessments in groundwater protection. The summary contains proposals for various actions that should be taken to improve the state of groundwater protection in Poland. The work is addressed to specialists dealing with environmental protection. It can also be used in teaching work in the faculties of natural sciences at universities.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-4081-5
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-232-4080-7
  • Page Count: 446
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Polish
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