On the benefits from the studies in the field of sociology and anthropology of politics. Attempts of reflection Cover Image
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O pożytkach z badań z dziedziny socjologii i antropologii polityki. Próby refleksji
On the benefits from the studies in the field of sociology and anthropology of politics. Attempts of reflection

Contributor(s): Jacek Wódz (Editor)
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: The authors, constituting the very book, are people having a different education, anddifferent research interests, but searching essential explanations of political behaviours or attitudesin social and cultural features of particular societies or organized human collectives.Thus, the authors look at politics in its very broad understanding whereas the explanation ofparticular phenomena is the effect of recognizing social and cultural features of the societiesunder investigation.The book opens with the text by Jacek Wódz, being an introduction of the editor of thebook and organizer of the editorial enterprise. It concerns a few aspects of what can be calledthe benefits from reflections on politics. The very reflections are characterized by a researchattitude placed between the sociology and anthropology of politics. The author himself isa lawyer and sociologist researching sociology and anthropology of politics. Jacek Wódz isa rector of the International School of Political Science in Katowice.A procedural and dynamic perspective of democracy and a diagnosis of a democratic societyconstitute the text by Roberta Pyka. This is an attempt, made to a large extent on the basisof the analysis of deliberations made in the French literature, to answer the question on theevolution of the notion of a democratic nation in the light of a deliberative democracy. RobertPyka is a sociologist and political scientist, an assistant professor in the Department ofthe Sociology of Politics of the Institute of Sociology.The third text, by Anna Rycman, is entitled A symbolic power of the President of the Republicof Poland on the example of a historical politics by Lech Kaczyński. It touches upon theanthropology of politics and relies on the author’s own studies. Anna Rycman is a politicalscientist (a Phd of two universities: Lille 2 in France and the University of Silesia in Katowice)and an assistant professor in the International School of Political Science in Katowice.The fourth text, the author of which is Alicja Kowalska, also concerns the anthropologyof politics. Its title is “Sacred” aspects of a communist social life. An essay in the anthropologyof culture.The subsequent text also relates to the anthropology of politics. Ofka Piechniczek, as thetitle of the article suggests, A mythic dimension of the idea of autonomy in Upper Silesia, raisesthe issue of the autonomy in Upper Silesia. The author is a graduate of the InternationalSchool of Political Sciences in Katowice and a Phd at the Department of Social Sciences atthe University of Silesia.Renata Jankowska, investigating the conflict of Cyprian Greeks and Turks, in the articleAn Orthodox church in Cyprus as a religious and political leader of Cyprian Greeks: a myth orreality? makes an analysis which combines the sociology and anthropology of politics, basedon her own studies. Renata Jankowska is a political scientist, an assistant professor in theInternational School of Political Science in Katowice.Myths, rituals and symbols – the origin of the aspects of a political culture of Marocco, byMarzena Gibas, is a draft from the anthropology of politics. It constitutes an expression ofthe author’s interest in a political culture of Maghreb countries. Marzena Gibas is a politicalscientist and currently performs the function of the Secretary General of the InternationalSchool of Political Science in Katowice.Agnieszka Wróbel, the author of the subsequent text, is a political scientist, a Phd candidateat the Department of the Social Science at the University of Silesia. The title of thetext is Contemporary political myths in the Italian politics on the basis on the analysis of thearticles which were published in Corriere della Sera in November and December 2009. Thearticle is built on the margin of the author’s studies on the image of separatism in Padaniain the journal in question.The next text, by Maja Drzazga, is entitled A mythologisation of I.J. Paderewski in a Silesianbook of songs/ A book of songs in the interwar period. This is a study which can be placedin a widely‑understoodanthropology of politics. The author is a sociologist, a Phd candidateat the Department of the Social Science at the University of Silesia.The subsequent text is entitled Female‑local‑citizenattitudes of Silesian women towardsthe social activity on the example of women from Rybnik. The authors are Jolanta Klimczak‑Ziółekand Agata Zygmunt. Both are the assistant professors in the Institute of Sociology atthe University of Silesia, both conduct empirical studies combining the feminist issues withthe approach within the filed of the sociology of politics.The article is entitled The foundations of the functioning of the Green party 2004 by KatarzynaPonikowska is a text from the field of the sociology of politics, pointing to the mostimportant elements of both the history and programme of this party. The author is a sociologist,an assistant professor in the Department of the Sociology of Politics.The author of the next text is Tomasz Nawrocki, an unassisted employee in the Departmentof the Sociology of Politics, and a sociologist having experience in studies both on thesociology of a city and ethnic relations. His text is entitled Shaping public spaces in Katowicein the light of the anthropology of politics. It is a critical look at the functioning of the cityfrom the point of view of the role the processes of a volatile influence on the city space play.Finally, the last text, a bit different from the rest, though indicates how a particularanalytical look at the phenomena from a distant past can be original just because of a broadperspective of the nation and power, as well as dominant ideologies. The very text illustrateswell a research attitude accepted by a whole team concentrated on the publication underexamination. The text is entitled The history of militarism. The Hyxos in Egypt. The Author,Barbara Le Mercier is a philosopher, a Phd candidate at the Department of Social Science atthe University of Silesia.Certainly, a variety of texts included in the book makes it possible to read the main ideasof research prospecting between the sociology and anthropology of politics.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-533-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2010-6
  • Page Count: 228
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Language: Polish
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