Edebiyat, Kültür ve Sanatta Şiddet Temsilleri Konferans Bildiriler Kitabı 2021
Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts Conference Proceedings 2021

Contributor(s): Sümeyra Buran (Editor), Mahinur Akşehır (Editor), Barış Ağir (Editor), Neslihan Köroğlu (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Literary Texts, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Library and Information Science, Sociology
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Posthumanism Series; Türkçe Seri; arts; Burgess; culture; edebiyat; Flannery O'Connor; gender; kültür; literature; Margaret Atwood; racism; Representations; sanat; Şiddet Temsilleri; toplumsal cinsiyet; Violence
Summary/Abstract: In his foreword to World Report on Violence and Health, published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002, Nelson Mandela states that “the twentieth century will be remembered as a century marked by violence”. Now we are nearly at the end of the first quarter of the twenty-first century, but violence still permeates in our lives at various levels. Various forms of violence occurring at levels of interpersonal, self-directed, collective, state, warfare, child and youth violence, intimate partner violence, environmental violence, and animal violence lay bare the complexity and pervasiveness of the phenomenon, yet it also brings along the necessity to discuss violence from multiple perspectives. Nelson Mandela Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün 2002 yılında yayınladığı Şiddet ve Sağlık Hakkında Dünya Raporu’nun önsözünde “yirminci yüzyılın şiddetle mimlenen bir yüzyıl olarak hatırlanacağını” söyler. Bizler, neredeyse yirmi birinci yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinin sonlarını yaşamaktayız, ancak şiddet hayatımıza hala çeşitli düzeylerde nüfuz ediyor. Kişilerarası, öze yöneltilen, kolektif, devlet, savaş, çocuk ve genç şiddeti, yakın eş şiddeti, çevresel şiddet ve hayvan şiddeti gibi çeşitli düzlemlerde vuku bulan şiddet biçimleri olgunun karmaşıklığını ve yaygınlığını açıkça ortaya koymakla beraber şiddet kavramının farklı açılardan tartışılması gerekliliğini de ortaya koymaktadır

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-131-7
  • Print-ISBN-10: 978-1-80135-1
  • Page Count: 185
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Turkish, English
A Clockwork Orange by Burgess: Revisiting Violence in a Dystopian Fiction

A Clockwork Orange by Burgess: Revisiting Violence in a Dystopian Fiction
(A Clockwork Orange by Burgess: Revisiting Violence in a Dystopian Fiction)

The Scrutiny of Violence in the Contemporary Period Through the Scar Test

The Scrutiny of Violence in the Contemporary Period Through the Scar Test
(The Scrutiny of Violence in the Contemporary Period Through the Scar Test)

Zami: A New Spelling against Racism

Zami: A New Spelling against Racism
(Zami: A New Spelling against Racism)

Nonviolence vs. Non-Ethics in Harry Turtledove’s Story “The Last Article”

Nonviolence vs. Non-Ethics in Harry Turtledove’s Story “The Last Article”
(Nonviolence vs. Non-Ethics in Harry Turtledove’s Story “The Last Article”)

Son Fısıltının Hakikati: Flannery O’Connor’ın “Greenleaf” Öyküsünde Otoimmünite ve Şiddet

Son Fısıltının Hakikati: Flannery O’Connor’ın “Greenleaf” Öyküsünde Otoimmünite ve Şiddet
(Reality of the last whisper: Autoimmunity and violence in Flannery O'Connor's "Greenleaf")

Who is Responsible? The Politics of Structural Violence in Selected Films

Who is Responsible? The Politics of Structural Violence in Selected Films
(Who is Responsible? The Politics of Structural Violence in Selected Films)

Violence in textile: A closer look at the warrior shawls of Nagaland

Violence in textile: A closer look at the warrior shawls of Nagaland
(Violence in textile: A closer look at the warrior shawls of Nagaland)

Sanatta Şiddetin Temsili: Bir Kez Daha Guernica

Sanatta Şiddetin Temsili: Bir Kez Daha Guernica
(Representation of Violence in Art: Once Again Guernica)

Şiddetin Mitik Temsilleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme

Şiddetin Mitik Temsilleri Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Değerlendirme
(A comparative analysis of Mythological Representations of Violence)

Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments: A Portrayal of State Violence Against Women

Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments: A Portrayal of State Violence Against Women
(Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments: A Portrayal of State Violence Against Women)

Body as a Territory: A Study of Violence Against Women as Portrayed in Partition Literature of India and Pakistan

Body as a Territory: A Study of Violence Against Women as Portrayed in Partition Literature of India and Pakistan
(Body as a Territory: A Study of Violence Against Women as Portrayed in Partition Literature of India and Pakistan)

Revisiting Gendered Violence in Modern Iranian Fiction: Mahmoud Dowlatabadi’s Missing Soluch

Revisiting Gendered Violence in Modern Iranian Fiction: Mahmoud Dowlatabadi’s Missing Soluch
(Revisiting Gendered Violence in Modern Iranian Fiction: Mahmoud Dowlatabadi’s Missing Soluch)

Violence against Women in France: Actions and New Tools: The 7 Golden Rules of conduct to follow

Violence against Women in France: Actions and New Tools: The 7 Golden Rules of conduct to follow
(Violence against Women in France: Actions and New Tools: The 7 Golden Rules of conduct to follow)

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