Germany and Ukraine 1934-1945. Facts of European Ostpolitik. A preliminary Report. Vol. I Cover Image
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Deutschland und die Ukraine 1934-1945. Tatsachen europäischer Ostpolitik. Ein Vorbericht. Band I
Germany and Ukraine 1934-1945. Facts of European Ostpolitik. A preliminary Report. Vol. I

Author(s): Roman Ilnytzkyi
Subject(s): Political history, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Keywords: WW II; German-Ukrainian Relations;
Summary/Abstract: ALFRED DE ZAYAS: The extensive journalistic and historical activity of Ukrainians in exile further confirm the results of the investigations carried out by the War Crimes Bureau in 1941. Roman Ilnytzkyi's study condemns both the murders perpetrated in the Ukraine by the SS and the NKVD murders in Lvov. A collection of documents dealing with the Russian colonialism in the Ukraine devotes an entire chapter to the liquidation of Ukrainian political prisoners by the NKVD, not only in Lvov but also in Vinnitsa, Solotschiv, and a dozen other localities. It reproduces numerous reports of Ukrainian eyewitnesses living today in the United States, Canada, and the Federal Republic of German. // THE AUTHOR: The reader who feels bound by the hitherto generally expressed political opinions about German Ostpolitik must be pointed out from the outset that he is encountering new points of view here. First, the attempt is made to prove that the alleged unity of National-Socialist Ostpolitik did not exist at all. Rather, it was very differentiated and represented by various, often strongly opposing currents. The fateful struggle between Hitler and Rosenberg over the direction of German Ostpolitik had already been fundamentally decided before the outbreak of the German-Soviet war. From the outset, Hitler's victory over Rosenberg greatly jeopardized German political and military success in the East. To the detriment of historical knowledge, no one has pointed out this fact to date, so that the German Ostpolitik has so far been withheld from the public in all its diversity. The prevailing view that German Ostpolitik was based on Rosenberg's plan to divide the USSR into national states is a historical misjudgment. // The reader should also be advised that the historical-political insights on which this volume is based must be viewed as the result of the overall research, i.e. also of the material that is only presented in the second volume.

  • Page Count: 395
  • Publication Year: 1955
  • Language: German
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