Tendencje rozwoju współczesnego rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych
Development priorities of the modern residential real estate market
Contributor(s): Piotr Bartkowiak (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Energy and Environmental Studies, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Social development, Social differentiation, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Gerontology, Rural and urban sociology, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Economic development, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy, Globalization, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu
Keywords: rynek nieruchomości;nieruchomości mieszkaniowe;zachowania nabywców;ceny mieszkań;zrównoważony rozwój;COVID-19;
Summary/Abstract: W literaturze przedmiotu podkreśla się, że jedną z największych słabości rynku nieruchomości, przynajmniej polskiego, jest brak kompleksowych i wiarygodnych informacji na temat jego stanu i rozwoju. Dane, którymi dysponuje przeciętny inwestor, są zwykle ograniczone zarówno jeśli chodzi o zakres przedmiotowy, jak i przestrzenny. Działalność na rynku nieruchomości, w tym deweloperska, wymaga systematycznych badań tego rynku, bowiem proces deweloperski jest długotrwały, wieloetapowy i skutkuje przekształceniem przestrzeni w aspekcie fizycznym, materialnym, społecznym oraz ekonomicznym. Naukowe badania rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych powinny być w związku z tym możliwie jak najbardziej kompleksowe, tzn. dotyczyć sfery podaży, popytu oraz cen mieszkań, uwzględniać perspektywę różnych (również słabszych) interesariuszy, dane historyczne i prognozy rozwojowe, zjawiska lokalne i globalne, wskaźniki ekonomiczne i opinie uczestników rynku. Celem prezentowanej monografii jest przedstawienie sytuacji na rynku mieszkaniowym w kontekście preferencji i potrzeb klientów nabywających mieszkania, wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na rynek nieruchomości, a także określenie czynników mogących oddziaływać na wartość nieruchomości. Problematyka została omówiona z uwzględnieniem istoty współczesnego miasta i procesów w nim zachodzących. Przeprowadzone w poszczególnych rozdziałach przedmiotowe analizy pozwoliły na wskazanie różnych niedopasowań ofert do oczekiwań nabywców na rynku nieruchomości. W wyniku postępowania badawczego autorzy sformułowali wnioski oraz rekomendacje dotyczące kierunków rozwoju rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych. Monografia może być źródłem wiedzy dla teoretyków i praktyków gospodarczych, a także stać się inspiracją do dyskusji i dalszych badań dotyczących kierunków rozwoju rynku nieruchomości. Wydanie dofinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu Doskonała nauka.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-124-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8211-123-1
- Page Count: 213
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Polish
- Author(s):Piotr Bartkowiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Sociology
- Page Range:9-15
- No. of Pages:7
Programy przebudowy miast wobec wyzwań społecznych, ekonomicznych i środowiskowych kształtowania terenów zurbanizowanych
Programy przebudowy miast wobec wyzwań społecznych, ekonomicznych i środowiskowych kształtowania terenów zurbanizowanych
(Programs for the reconstruction of cities in the face of social, economic and environmental challenges of shaping urban areas)
- Author(s):Anna Bernaciak, Alona Revko
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Public Administration, Economic policy, Government/Political systems
- Page Range:17-33
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:przebudowa miast;zrównoważone miasto;kształtowanie terenów zurbanizowanych;Polska;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The main aim of the study is to depict the characteristics of some of the most common concepts of urban reconstruction (compact city, sustainable city, smart city, as well as their hybrids), present practical aspects of the indicated urban policies and attempt to verify their implementation. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the presentation of selected theoretical concepts. In the empirical part, the authors use the method of case studies, presenting the effects of municipal investments and practical obstacles occurring during their implementation. They form assessments based on current media reports, articles in specialist press, as well as statements made by residents. Findings: Contemporary cities are spaces of various challenges that become sources of conflicts as well as places of unmet needs and unfulfilled ambitions. Although the decision-makers make their decisions in connection with these challenges, their interventions are not always effective. The concepts of a compact city, a smart city and a sustainable city serve as recipes for the problems of modern cities: both the short-term ones and those which require shaping a comprehensive policy for the development of cities and urban areas. However, cities are not always properly diagnosed, and local authorities often lack specialists who could consciously and skilfully propose an optimal therapy. Originality and value: The study presents an original analysis of selected case studies which relate to the shaping of the space of Polish cities. The study focuses on the challenges of shaping urban areas in relation to contemporary trends in city planning and design determined by the importance of such issues as the quality of life of residents, the quality of space, its democratisation and sustainability, the presence of art, closed circulation or the use of modern technology and creativity in the process of managing modern cities and their space.
Równoważenie funkcji mieszkaniowej w obszarach dużych miast
Równoważenie funkcji mieszkaniowej w obszarach dużych miast
(Balancing the housing function in large cities)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Mrozińska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Public Administration, Economic policy, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:34-52
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:suburbanizacja;funkcja mieszkaniowa miasta;obszary podmiejskie;aglomeracja poznańska;Poznań;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess spatial cohesion of suburban areas in terms of balancing the volume of housing functions and accompanying functions in the gminas (communes) of the Poznań agglomeration in the years 2012–2016, based on the analysis of the functions of buildings under construction. Design/methodology/approach: The author has conducted the following tasks: reviewing the literature on suburbanisation processes, in particular in the Poznań agglomeration; performing a statistical analysis on the basis of data from Statistics Poland (GUS); assessing the volume of construction activity performing various functions in the area of the Poznań agglomeration; indicating the main function of newly constructed buildings and analysing measurable characteristics depicting the scale of construction activity, including the number and usable floor area of buildings or the number of dwellings (in the case of the residential function); assessing the relativised characteristics relating to the area and population numbers. Findings: The processes of suburbanisation and the implementation of the residential function are spatially diversified in the Poznań agglomeration. The balance of the housing and supplementary functions differs in individual gminas of the area under analysis. The relation between the usable area of newly completed buildings intended for non-residential purposes (supplementary functions) to the usable area of newly completed buildings intended for residential purposes in the Poznań agglomeration reflected the situation that took place all around Poland. The balance of the residential and supplementary functions depends on the following factors: the state of spatial development in the past (e.g. the presence of land that could be transformed for the needs of a new function), the existence of environmental or administrative development barriers (e.g. marshy ground, military training ground), thecurrent scale of the occurrence of individual functions (e.g. the degree of market saturationwith commercial space) or their location on important transport routes. Originality and value: In the face of the inevitability of the development processes, changing the spatial structure of areas surrounding large cities is a challenge for present and future generations, and in particular for local authorities. Even today, we may observe spatial changes affecting rural and rural-urban gminas neighbouring large cities. Under the pressure of the suburbanisation process, the developed residential function in such gminas forces them to take care of other functions that rural areas (so far unprepared to provide most ofthe functions characteristic of cities) perform or will perform in the future.
Partycypacja lokatorska jako element zrównoważenia społecznego
Partycypacja lokatorska jako element zrównoważenia społecznego
(Tenant participation as an element of social sustainability)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Suszyńska, Karim Youssef
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Social development, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:53-65
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:partycypacja lokatorska;mieszkania społeczne;kapitał społeczny;zrównoważenie społeczne;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Identification of the connections between tenant participation in social housing and the theory of social capital and social sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: Critical analysis of Polish and foreign literature on tenant participation, social capital and social sustainability. The authors adapted various concepts of social capital as the theoretical basis. Findings: In the literature on the subject, two meanings of the term social sustainability may be distinguished – the so-called soft application of the term and a more “severe” one, which covers the issues of changing the balance of power and profound social changes. The authors have attempted to delineate the third perspective, putting forward a thesis that the most useful for research on social housing is Coleman’s concept of social capital, where social capital is related to the capital of an individual. In studies on the housing environment in the social housing stock, it is necessary to identify the social capital of residents in the context of the environment, i.e. housing estates, by examining the level of participation of tenants in the decision-making process. Originality and value: The concepts of tenant participation, social capital and social sustainability are frequent subjects of research. However, these terms are rarely combined, which determines the originality of the proposed approach. The study is of practical importance in relation to social housing, since increasing the social capital of tenants through their participation in the decision-making process is one of the steps towards overcoming the impasse in the field of social sustainability.
Możliwości nabywcze młodych osób na lokalnym rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych
Możliwości nabywcze młodych osób na lokalnym rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych
(Purchasing abilities of young people on the local housing market)
- Author(s):Łukasz Strączkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Social development, Social differentiation, Family and social welfare, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:66-81
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:rynek mieszkań;możliwości nabywcze;młodzi;dostępność mieszkań;Poznań;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the purchasing power (housing affordability indicators) of young people (up to 35 years old) on the local housing market. Design/methodology/approach: The author has conducted a critical review of the literature on the economic situation of young people in terms of the possibility to meet their needs on the housing market. The author has taken into account the problems resulting from the situation of young people on the labour market and their housing preferences. Furthermore, the article also presents the situation on the local residential real estate market. Findings: Based on the results of the analysis of the situation of young people on the labour market, their income and the data illustrating the situation on the local residential real estate market, it may be concluded that dwellings in urban areas are relatively expensive, which means that only a small group of people can freely meet their housing needs. For most young people, buying a preferred dwelling becomes an overwhelming challenge. The indexes reflecting purchasing abilities may explain the choice of suburban locations as places of residence. Originality and value: Research concerning young people on the residential real estate market usually focuses on their needs and preferences. Additionally, it is indicated that young people constitute the largest age group among buyers. On the other hand, the media image of the residential real estate market focuses on growing prices and purchases, ignoring the difficult situation of many people under the age of 35. Therefore, the study attempts to fill this gap and indicates the need to discuss the consequences of the current state of affairs (e.g. limiting housing purchases, parents and adult children living together for long periods of time).
Koszty utrzymania mieszkań przez emerytów i rencistów na tle innych gospodarstw domowych w latach 1993-2019
Koszty utrzymania mieszkań przez emerytów i rencistów na tle innych gospodarstw domowych w latach 1993-2019
(Housing maintenance costs for retirees and disability pensioners compared to other households in the years 1993–2019)
- Author(s):Anna Górska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Social development, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Gerontology, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:82-95
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:rynek mieszkań;koszty utrzymania mieszkań;gospodarstwa domowe;seniorzy;warunki mieszkaniowe;Polska;budżety domowe;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the costs of maintaining a dwelling by retirees and disability pensioners compared to other households in the years 1993–2019. Design/methodology/approach: In order to determine the amount of housing costs for retirees and disability pensioners as well as for other households, the author has collected data on the costs between 1993 and 2019 based on the publication of the Central Statistical Office (now known as Statistics Poland) entitled “Budżety gospodarstw domowych” (Household budget survey). Findings: The costs related to the maintenance of a dwelling constitute the second largest group of expenses following consumption. The cost analysis in the period between 1993 and 2019 showed a constant increase in housing costs, with the largest group of costs being those related to heating. On the other hand, the highest cost growth dynamics was related to water expenditures. The housing expenditure of retirees and disability pensioners was the highest or one of the highest among all the surveyed groups of households, which results, among other things, from the lack of adjustment of the living conditions of seniors to their needs (in terms of the number of rooms, flat area or architectural solutions), as well as from the poor technical condition of the dwellings, which also translates into higher maintenance costs. Originality and value: The issue of the cost of maintaining a dwelling by seniors is not frequently discussed in the scientific literature. The main areas of research concerning the elderly in the context of housing resources are most often related to architectural maladjustments. However, the topic of increasing housing costs in senior households is an important social problem and should be the subject of more research and analysis.
Komercyjne domy seniora w Polsce a gerontechnologia – wyniki badań
Komercyjne domy seniora w Polsce a gerontechnologia – wyniki badań
(Programs for the reconstruction of cities in the face of social, economic and environmental challenges of shaping urban areas)
- Author(s):Marcin Boruta
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Social development, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Gerontology, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:96-108
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:domy seniora;seniorzy;gerontechnologia;Polska;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to present the concept of the silver economy and basic solutions in the field of gerontechnology utilised in senior housing, as well as to depict the situation in commercial retirement homes in Poland in terms of the use of devices related to gerontechnology. Design/methodology/approach: The author has conducted literature studies in the field of demography, the concept of the silver economy and gerontechnology. Additionally, an empirical study has been carried out with the use of a standardised questionnaire. The research population consisted of institutions providing round-the-clock care for disabled, chronically ill or elderly people. These institutions operate as part of business activity or paid statutory activity from at least January 1, 2017, with minimum 75% of the total population being people aged 65 and older. Findings: The sector of private retirement homes in Poland takes advantage of technological solutions to improve the quality of life of residents and the level of services provided. However, the catalogue of existing solutions is significantly limited and used primarily to support and monitor health. Solutions for the automation and control of the home environment are applied to a small extent, and the use of solutions for the exchange of information and recreation is marginal. Originality and value: The demographic changes taking place in Poland, as well as the growing costs of supporting older population groups and meeting their diverse needs may raise concerns about the productivity of the economy, its competitiveness and the condition of public finances. However, the existing scientific studies and foreign experience allow to conclude that if the silver economy is considered as a field of strategic activities, the existing threats can be perceived as opportunities. Gerontechnology is a vital element of this economy, and modern technological solutions aimed at seniors are an inherent and increasingly popular element of senior housing and will become one of the basic directions for improving the real estate market.
Pandemia COVID-19 a rynek nieruchomości w Polsce
Pandemia COVID-19 a rynek nieruchomości w Polsce
(The COVID-19 pandemic and the real estate market in Poland)
- Author(s):Maciej Koszel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Labor relations, Economic policy, Social development, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Economic development, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:109-129
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:rynek nieruchomości;pandemia Covid-19;sytuacja zawodowa;lockdown;Polska;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the article is to answer the following research questions in the context of strong factors, both external (COVID-19 pandemic) and internal (restrictions): 1) What is the current professional situation of people associated with the real estate market? 2) What is the general situation on the real estate market? 3) What are the prospects regarding the professional situation and the market itself? Design/methodology/approach: The author has used the diagnostic survey method and the survey technique (electronic questionnaire) in the study. The research was carried out in the second quarter of 2020 (i.e. in the period of the strictest restrictions) on a sample of 247 people representing mainly the professions of a real estate agent, property appraiser and real estate manager. Findings: Pandemic restrictions, including in particular the restrictions on the functioning of selected aspects of the economic sphere (lockdown), drastically worsened the professional situation of people associated with the real estate market and had a negative impact on the overall economic situation. A shock occurred, above all, on the demand side of the market, disrupting the functioning of entities dealing with the professional service of the market, including primarily people working in the profession of a real estate agent and a real estate sales specialist in real estate development companies. A common feature of the professions in question is the work model based on direct contact with clients. In this case, remote work turned out to be possible only to a limited extent. The overall assessment of the situation on local real estate markets and their individual segments was utterly negative. Originality and value: The first weeks of the pandemic were characterised by very high dynamics and frequency of changes, which caused chaos and disrupted the functioning of entities operating on the real estate market. It was considered crucial to obtain the opinions of the people directly involved in and creating this market. The conducted research was one of the first in Poland which comprehensively allowed for a preliminary assessment of changes on the selected market.
Pandemia COVID-19 a działalność podmiotów typu Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) na wybranych rynkach nieruchomości
Pandemia COVID-19 a działalność podmiotów typu Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) na wybranych rynkach nieruchomości
(The COVID-19 pandemic and the activity of Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) entities on selected real estate markets)
- Author(s):Anna Mazurczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Economic development
- Page Range:130-146
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:rynek nieruchomości;Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT);inwestycje w nieruchomości;COVID-19;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess the short- and long-term impact of the pandemic on the activity of REITs on selected global markets. Design/methodology/approach: The research tool consisted in an analysis of the available REIT market indices – FTSE NAREIT Index, and the basic capital market benchmarks, such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones and Russel 2000 indices. On this basis, it could be observed that REITs behaved in a similar way to the capital market, and the reactions of the main global REIT indices dynamically reflected the situation in which the global markets found themselves. Findings: Similar to the 2006-2008 financial crisis, REITs reacted dynamically to the global situation at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this effect has been short-lived so far, and the largest drops in rates of return were observed in the first stage of the pandemic, i.e. in March and April 2020. The long-term effects of COVID-19, on the other hand, relate to the verification of the perception of individual real estate market segments, reconstruction of investment strategies and the search for new directions for building property portfolios, which can be verified when the pandemic is over. Originality and value: The study is an attempt to join the international discussion devoted to the assessment of the impact of the pandemic on global economies, including real estatemarkets, regarding the functioning of REITs as one of the most common forms of indirectreal estate investment in the world.
Rynek mieszkaniowy w erze pandemii COVID-19. Studium porównawcze Poznania i Warny
Rynek mieszkaniowy w erze pandemii COVID-19. Studium porównawcze Poznania i Warny
(The housing market in the era of COVID-19. A comparative study of Poznań and Varna)
- Author(s):Slawomir PALICKI, Ivo KOSTOV
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Economic policy, Social development, Economic development, Globalization
- Page Range:147-161
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:rynek mieszkań;rynek nieruchomości;pandemia Covid-19;Poznań;Warna;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to characterise and interpret the impact of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) as an unexpected stimulus on the participants of the housing market. The research was designed not only to obtain knowledge about contemporary market trends (the cognitive aspect) but also to support market entities in shaping optimised investment and housing decisions (the practical aspect). Design/methodology/approach: The research is based on official statistical data describing transactions on the housing markets of two selected European countries and their cities – Poznań (Poland) and Varna (Bulgaria), in the period between 2018 and 2020. The methodology of comparative analysis has been applied to purpose fully selected case studies. Furthermore, the authors have drawn on the possibilities offered by the analysis of the activity and volatility of transaction prices on housing markets. Findings: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant, yet short-term impact on the functioning of residential markets in Bulgaria and Poland in 2020 (based on Varna and Poznań). The dissemination of global information concerning the scale of the epidemic has most severely disrupted the activity on both the primary and secondary housing markets in Bulgaria. The secondary housing market in Poland reacted in a similar way, which resulted in a significant instability of the trend. The primary market in Poland turned out to be relatively most resistant to the stimuli related to the pandemic situation. What is common for both analysed countries and cities is a change in the shape of house price indexes in 2020 compared to 2018–2019. Originality and value: The research is a part of the contemporary trend of assessing the impact of atypical factors disrupting market trends. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the functioning of housing markets, forcing unprecedented global responses. The example ofthe comparative analysis of the two European countries presented in the article allows for indicating the directions and scale of rapid changes which reflect the process of sudden adaptation of societies to previously unknown conditions. Such analyses, which serve asex-post evaluation to some extent, allow for better preparation of specialists in the field of housing market activities to meet the needs created by unusual stimuli. They also allow for more effective planning of measures to mitigate the effects of market shocks in the sphere of housing.
Determinanty wpływające na obniżenie wartości nieruchomości mieszkaniowych na rynku wtórnym
Determinanty wpływające na obniżenie wartości nieruchomości mieszkaniowych na rynku wtórnym
(Determinants causing the reduction of the value of residential real estate on the secondary market)
- Author(s):Piotr Bartkowiak, Tomasz Nowacki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Economic development, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:162-185
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:rynek nieruchomości;rynek mieszkań;wartość mieszkań;hałas;Poznań;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the impact of noise, treated as a phenomenon accompanying transport infrastructure, on the market value of residential real estate. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents a study of the seasonality of phenomena, which makes it possible to determine their cyclical character, e.g. price jumps on the market taking place for a specific period of time. The analysis of the dynamics of these phenomena allows to show changes in the economic situation, e.g. an increase or decrease in the price for 1 m2 of living or usable space. Additionally, the authors have also included a study of the interdependence of phenomena (correlation), which made it possible to determine the interrelationships between the phenomena (or their absence), i.e. the impact (or no impact) of noise on the price for 1 m2 of flat area in dwellings located in the civil or military flight zones. The compilation of the obtained data has been combined with the analysis of the structure of dwellings in terms of their area, floor on which they were located, number of rooms, as well as the age of the building. Findings: The conducted research has shown that noise is an important price factor on the housing market. A number of residential real estate offers have confirmed the relationship between the falling price and increasing noise, and vice versa – the lower the noise level, the higher the price. However, the amount of research into the effect of noise on the price still seems to be insufficient, which makes it difficult to forecast the impact of the noise level on the future value of dwellings. Therefore, it is problematic to determine the trend of such an impact. Originality and value: The noise factor is an important element not only in the decision-making process concerning the purchase of a dwelling, but also during investment activities carried out by developers. Locating an investment in the vicinity of a source of noise may significantly reduce the potential income from the sale of dwellings due to a drop in their value. Noise, which affects human life processes, is indirectly reflected in land and housing prices. The impact of the noise level on the decrease in the real estate value is determined by the noise depreciation index (NDI) or noise sensitivity depreciation index (NSDI). These indices show how a change of 1 dB in the noise level in the vicinity of a real estate affects its value.
Metodyka porównywania wartości nieruchomości mieszkaniowych na rynku międzynarodowym na przykładzie rynku Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych
Metodyka porównywania wartości nieruchomości mieszkaniowych na rynku międzynarodowym na przykładzie rynku Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych
(Methodology for comparing the values of residential real estate on the international market based on the Polish and US markets)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Piasecki, Michał, Dominik Stasiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Economic policy, Economic development, Marketing / Advertising, Globalization
- Page Range:186-192
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:rynek mieszkań;wartość mieszkań;Polska;USA;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose: Comparing the values of residential real estate in individual countries is a complex task which requires taking into account a number of factors relating to both the economic situation and the quality of life in a given country. The aim of the study is to present an original and universal method of determining the index that allows to compare the value of residential real estate in cities located in different countries. Design/methodology/approach: In addition to the absolute average prices of a square meter, the approach to determining the above-mentioned index proposed by the authors utilises the analysis of parameters related to the quality of life, the level of public services offered to residents by a given country, as well as economic parameters. Findings: On the basis of the presented methodology, the authors have compared the values of residential real estate in two sample cities with similar population and characteristics, i.e. Poznań in Poland and Denver in the USA. The conducted research shows that the value of residential real estate in Poznań is higher by 6.14% in the city centre and 18% outside the city centre. Originality and value: The proposed method of comparison is original and universal in nature and may be successfully applied both in theoretical research and in practice, e.g.by investors.
- Author(s):Piotr Bartkowiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Politics, Economy, Sociology
- Page Range:193-202
- No. of Pages:10