Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development

Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor)
Subject(s): National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Environmental and Energy policy, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Rural and urban sociology, Economic development, Environmental interactions, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions
Summary/Abstract: This volume represents the Paper Proceedings of theresearch conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development.

  • Page Count: 34
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English, Romanian
A Polish-Romanian perspective on how planning influences the dynamics of urban green infrastructure

A Polish-Romanian perspective on how planning influences the dynamics of urban green infrastructure
(A Polish-Romanian perspective on how planning influences the dynamics of urban green infrastructure)

Do we regulate to create buildings or to create places? Conventional regulations vs form-based codes

Do we regulate to create buildings or to create places? Conventional regulations vs form-based codes
(Do we regulate to create buildings or to create places? Conventional regulations vs form-based codes)

Dezvoltarea durabilă a infrastructurii rutiere prin utilizarea betonului autoreparator pentru reducerea impactului negativ asupra mediului

Dezvoltarea durabilă a infrastructurii rutiere prin utilizarea betonului autoreparator pentru reducerea impactului negativ asupra mediului
(Sustainable development of road infrastructure by using self-repairing concrete to reduce the negative environmental impact)

Biophilic urbanism and NBS - conceptual approach and critical case study on the process of implementing NBS specific to the proGIreg project

Biophilic urbanism and NBS - conceptual approach and critical case study on the process of implementing NBS specific to the proGIreg project
(Biophilic urbanism and NBS - conceptual approach and critical case study on the process of implementing NBS specific to the proGIreg project)

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