Współczesne trendy bezpieczeństwa biznesu. Problemy i wyzwania gospodarek wschodnich
Contemporary trends in business security. Problems and challenges of eastern economies

Contributor(s): Beata Glinkowska-Krauze (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Ukraine; Poland;eastern economies;business; security;trends
Summary/Abstract: Monograph Contemporary trends in business security. Problems and challenges of eastern economies is a scientific study that has been supported by empirical research and case studies. This monograph is the result of joint and individual international work, researching trends, problems and challenges facing eastern economies, especially in the field of business security. The periodic publication of research results ensures continuity and topicality of participation in the problems of the functioning of modern enterprises in an international, turbulent environment. Previous publications, which were created as part of the cooperation of students, doctoral students, research workers, representatives of local governments and business, were coordinated by the Center for Scientific and Research Cooperation: Poland-Ukraine, existing at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz and at the Lugansk National University. T. Shevchenko in Ukraine. NAWA's international project on scientific mobility between Poland and Ukraine for 2020/2021 has helped in the implementation of comprehensive research. The monograph contains only a part of the research results in the form of popular science articles. The remaining part was presented at the 3rd International Conference on Scientific and Research Conference in the area of Management, Economics, Marketing and Sociology in the perspective of multiculturalism on April 27, 2021 and at the 6th International Scientific Seminar Contemporary trends in international business security on June 1, 2021 in Kiev.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-814-6
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-855-2
  • Page Count: 166
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English, Polish, Ukrainian


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Uwarunkowania współczesnej przedsiębiorczości
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Internet rzeczy, marketing cyfrowy, zarządzanie danymi, bezpieczeństwo, integracja systemów
(Internet of Things, digital marketing, data management, security, system integration)

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Режим міжнародно- публічно- приватного партнерства для активізації взаємодіі України та Польщі у науково-технічній та інноваційній сферах
(Regime of international public-private partnership to intensify cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in science, technology and innovation spheres)

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(Considerations on the internationalization of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of their innovation)

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Економічнe підгрунтя деолігархізації в Україні
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Допомога міжнародних благодійних організацій у відновленні Донбасу як складова інтеграції України до Європейського Союзу
(Assistance of international charitable organizations in the reconstruction of Donbass as a component of Ukraine's integration into the European Union)

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Portret współczesnego migranta zarobkowego z Ukrainy w Polsce
(A portrait of a contemporary economic migrant from Ukraine in Poland)

Особливості формування та реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів забезпечення безпеки та розвитку України та Республіки Польща

Особливості формування та реалізації стратегічних пріоритетів забезпечення безпеки та розвитку України та Республіки Польща
(Features of formation and implementation of strategic priorities for security and development of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland)

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Szanse oraz bariery rozwoju bankowości islamskiej w gospodarce globalnej
(Opportunities and barriers to the development of Islamic banking in the global economy)



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