World Lumen Congress 2021
World Lumen Congress 2021
Contributor(s): Antonio Sandu (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: logos;universality;mentality;education;novelty;
Summary/Abstract: The World Lumen Congress 2021 took place in Iasi on May 26-30th, 2021. The resulting proceedings volume, entitled “World Lumen Congress 2021“ includes articles on various topics such as economy, social sciences, education, administrative and political sciences.
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-910129-
- E-ISBN-10: 978-1-910129-
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-910129-
- Print-ISBN-10: 978-1-910129-
- Page Count: 743
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English
Psychological Well-being of First-year Psychology Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Psychological Well-being of First-year Psychology Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Psychological Well-being of First-year Psychology Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Getrude C. AH Gang
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:01-05
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:COVID-19;Psychological well-being;motivation;happiness;
- Summary/Abstract:University life is always colorful, filled with a plethora of memorable moments, both academic and non-academic. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, however, first-year university students’ academic experiences might be slightly different from their expectations due to being fully conducted in online learning. The COVID-19 pandemic denied first year students the opportunity to join the face-to-face classes and become involved in university’s activities in the real setting. All activities were replaced with virtual setting and they could only contact their course mates and lecturers via social media platforms. This derailment of their expectation to experience real-life university settings may dampen their enthusiasm and impact their motivational and happiness levels. To explore the phenomenon, a study was conducted with 143 first-year psychology students to examine their self-reported motivational and happiness levels before and after seven-week of online classes. This study included 113 females (79%) and 30 males (21%) with a mean age of 20.68 (SD=1.88). Data collected revealed that students’ motivation and happiness levels declined significantly after their online classes. According to their extent of agreement with the single statement ‘Overall, I am happy with my university life’, 48 (33.60%) students agreed, 76 (53.10%) were neutral, and 19 (13.30%) indicated dissatisfaction. This study may assist the university and relevant authorities in understanding students’ perceptions of dealing with academic and life challenges through online classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, psychological strategies should be considered to enhance first-year students’ motivation and happiness levels when faced with online classes in their new first semester.
Value Orientations in Education System: Approach, Interpretation, and Formation
Value Orientations in Education System: Approach, Interpretation, and Formation
(Value Orientations in Education System: Approach, Interpretation, and Formation)
- Author(s):Diana Antoci
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:06-25
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:value;value orientations;adolescents;young people;Pedagogical model;behaviours;affective states;attitudes;convictions;values;
- Summary/Abstract:The implemented theoretical study has revealed various scientific positions aimed at: interpreting the concepts of value and value orientation; finding controversial positions and affinities in the use of “value” and “value orientation” concepts; identifying ambiguous positions on structural elements of value orientation and value formation mechanism.The purpose of undertaken research was theoretical, experimental and methodological in nature, outlining formation of value orientations in adolescence and youth ages.The developed definitions and determined structural components of value orientations allowed initiation of an experimental investigation of value orientations in adolescents and young people through which interrelation between the constitutive components of value orientation was confirmed, the specifics of values in adolescents and young people was emphasized. Outlining the specifics of value orientation structure led to identification of criteria, indicators and descriptors and to development and validation of a Questionnaire for Value Orientation Assessment.The results of experimental study laid the basis for development and recognition of a Pedagogical Model for formation of value orientations in adolescents and young people. The previously identified mechanism for formation of values and functioning of value orientations was transposed into the nucleus of the Pedagogical Model, which included the following components: behaviour, emotional states, attitudes, convictions, and values.In order to identify the methodology for forming value orientations in the formal, informal and non-formal educational environment, the principles of humanistic, constructivist and cognitivist education, strategies, conditions were highlighted, which ensure a dynamic progress in general development of the personality, implicitly of value orientations, and which is taken into account in framework of a formative experiment.The data obtained from the validation of the developed Pedagogical Model confirmed its effectiveness and proved that it was a multidimensional one, which could be of great benefit to specialists in the field of Education Sciences and teachers from schools and higher educational institutions.
Cartographic Analysis of the Radon Situation in the Environment
Cartographic Analysis of the Radon Situation in the Environment
(Cartographic Analysis of the Radon Situation in the Environment)
- Author(s):Renat Apkin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Sociology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:26-33
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:radon;lung cancer; hazard;cartographic analysis;environmental surveys;hygienic assessment;
- Summary/Abstract:According to UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiations), no less than 10% of lung cancer diseases registered annually are caused by radon radiation. Born in the belly of the earth, the same gas, a class I cancirogen, increases the risk of non-cancerous diseases of the upper respiratory tract and cardiovascular diseases. The radon problem occupies an important place in the radioecological programs of the USA, Japan, Western Europe and Russia.However, the natural radiation varies in the background from location to location.In many countries, survey work is being carried out, including an assessment of the intensity of the radon hazards of sites allocated for construction.In Russia, the Radiation Safety Standards are stipulating that the concentration of radon in the air of residential premises should not exceed 200 Bq/m3; in Sweden, the maximum radon concentration is taken as 100 Bq/m3, in Finland and Canada - 400 Bq/m3, and in Germany and Great Britain - 200 Bq/m3. It is necessary to carefully choose the constructive site, with the minimum concentration of radon in the soil.Our purpose is to carry out a cartographic analysis of radon intake from soil in the territory of Kazan. An important component is the creation of unique maps based on the measurement of radon escalation.The practical significance of the work lies in the application of the results for making management decisions, in engineering and environmental surveys, for conducting hygienic assessments, or simply being used by citizens for informational purposes.
Three Cords Twisted Together. The Investment Model, Religiousness and Forgiveness
Three Cords Twisted Together. The Investment Model, Religiousness and Forgiveness
(Three Cords Twisted Together. The Investment Model, Religiousness and Forgiveness)
- Author(s):Milka Nicoleta Apostu, Octav-Sorin Candel, Maria Nicoleta Turliuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Theology and Religion, Family and social welfare, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:34-45
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:commitment;relationship satisfaction;forgiveness;religiousness;couple relationship;
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of the present research is to explore the influence of religiousness on couple commitment, drawing from previous studies where religiousness was confirmed as a strong predictor for positive relationship outcomes. We also aim to analyze relationship satisfaction as a mediating variable between religiousness and commitment. Furthermore, the study seeks to investigate forgiveness in dyadic romantic relationships, testing its role as a moderator of the association between relationship satisfaction and commitment.The procedure includes the recruitment of heterosexual students enrolled in post-graduate courses and their partners to take part in the present study. The final sample consists of 116 individuals involved in romantic relationships. All participants filled in a series of validated self-reported measures, providing data which was analyzed using parametric statistical tests. Additionally, we conducted mediation and moderation analyses.Results indicate that relationship satisfaction is positively associated with commitment, whereas religiousness is positively associated with relationship satisfaction, thus having an indirect effect on commitment. Additionally, considering overall forgiveness as well as the negative vs. positive components of the construct, we find that positive forgiveness is associated with commitment, when satisfaction is also considered in the equation.The current results have important therapeutic implications, such as using forgiveness-related therapies for couples and enhancing relationship satisfaction as means to consolidate relationship commitment.
The Role of Biomimicry on Visual Design Education
The Role of Biomimicry on Visual Design Education
(The Role of Biomimicry on Visual Design Education)
- Author(s):Ugur Bakan, Ufuk Bakan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts
- Page Range:46-52
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Biomimicry;visual design;design thinking;sustainable design;
- Summary/Abstract:The change and increasing diversity in communication tools with globalization have ensured the universal presentation of visual elements shaped by local cultural patterns. Today, design products have turned into a strategic tool for many countries in order to reach higher competitive power. As the visual design industry contributes as an important visual communication and marketing tool for different industries within and outside the creative sector, its role in ensuring sustainability becomes even more important. Graphic design is much more effective, direct, and fast than other means of information in order to develop environmental awareness and motivate desired behaviors. The biomimetic graphic is a design process and style that has been spread and passed along throughout today’s culture and society via various channels and networks of communication. In today's world, where globalization and associated social and environmental problems are increasing, design education plays an important role in the development of sustainable design products. In design education, the students should be taught the concepts of ecological material selection, environmentally friendly energy use, recycling, reconsideration, and reuse. In this study, the role of biomimicry in visual design education will be examined with sample applications. In addition to new skills and knowledge in design education, sustainability will emerge as an important feature sought in designers soon.
Design of Experimental Research on the Formation of Nonverbal Communication Skills and Impression Management of Police Officers
Design of Experimental Research on the Formation of Nonverbal Communication Skills and Impression Management of Police Officers
(Design of Experimental Research on the Formation of Nonverbal Communication Skills and Impression Management of Police Officers)
- Author(s):Lucia Bîtca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies, Sociology, Theory of Communication, Applied Sociology, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions
- Page Range:53-57
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Nonverbal communication;impression management;self-promotion;consideration;exemplification;supplication;intimidation;
- Summary/Abstract:Increasing competition in the organizational environment and strengthening human capital can greatly contribute to the ability to close existing gaps in the development process and ensure a more competitive level, and the professional development process includes not only setting career goals and training agreements, but also evaluations and the feedback needed to assess progress. By optimizing nonverbal skills and forming impression management strategies promoted by psychological training in enhancing the knowledge and skills of police employees, they serve as a basis for organizational projects designed to facilitate self-realization of internal potential and stimulate their involvement in the organization. Organizational behavior is the study of the behaviors of individuals, which involves understanding, predicting and controlling human behavior, models and structures, in order to improve the environment, performance and efficiency of the organization. The original of this paper is that the research results led to the identification of components and mechanisms for producing change at the macro-, meso- and microsocial level, which uses a perpetual mobilization of social actors in organizations. Another novelty, for a wider geographical area of scientific research, is the application of an intervention methodology in the training impression management strategies through nonverbal communication, with the purpose and purpose in developing relational skills and optimizing professional activity. The information obtained in research on nonverbal communication and impression management tactics on the organizational environment, can be applied for the development of programs for organizational counseling activities, business coaching and large-scale developmental training, promoted through managerial and corporate profile.
SMEs Sustainability in Times of Crisis
SMEs Sustainability in Times of Crisis
(SMEs Sustainability in Times of Crisis)
- Author(s):Otilia-Maria Bordeianu, Claudia-Elena Grigoras-Ichim, Lucia Moroşan-Dănila
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Micro-Economics, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:58-65
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Development;sustainability;growth;SME;crisis;COVID-19;strategy;
- Summary/Abstract:The global crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic among the population and at the level of companies, state institutions, etc., underlined the importance of analysing its impact at different levels (intern, national and international level). The concepts of sustainability, development and growth must be aware, adapted and implemented more and more frequently, even constantly, in order to cope with the current evolution of the economy (and not only). The paper is an empirical research conducted in the North-East Region of Romania, aiming to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on local companies (especially SME’s), in the context of existing correlation between the COVID-19 impact on resizing, restricting, changing the number of active employees, changing revenue, changing turnover and changing profit, based on the Spearman correlation coefficients. In this sense, it was important to implement sustainability strategies and ensure the activity and resources of companies in the long term, because the effects of an economic crisis (natural resources, human resources, not only financial) are felt in 2021 and will be felt in the future 10 years. The paper concludes with two practical solutions to ensure the sustainability of the companies involved in the study, solutions that can be applied by all companies that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Carol Cortobius Architecture
Carol Cortobius Architecture
(Carol Cortobius Architecture)
- Author(s):Maria Boștenaru Dan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Architecture, History of Church(es), Theology and Religion, Tourism
- Page Range:66-69
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Secession;Art Deco;Hungarian community;Bucharest;sacral architecture;
- Summary/Abstract:Carol Cortobius was an architect trained in Germany, with an initial practice at Otto Wagner in Vienna, who worked for the Hungarian community in Bucharest building churches. An introduction on the catholic Hungarian community in Bucharest will be given. Dănuț Doboș in a monograph of one catholic church in Bucharest offers an overview of all his works. For the three catholic churches on which he intervened (two built, one restored, but altered now) there are monographs showing archive images not available for the general public. Apart of the catholic churches (two of the Hungarian community) he also built the baptist seminar. Particularly the first built church, Saint Elena, is interesting as an early example of Art Deco and will be analysed in the context of the Secession in Vienna and Budapest, which will be introduced. With help of historic maps the places of the works were identified. Many of them do not exist today anymore because of demolitions either to build new streets or those of the Ceaușescu period (ex. the opereta theatre, a former pharmacy). Images of these were looked for in groups dedicated to he disappeared Uranus neighbourhood The paper will show where these were located. Some of the common buildings have an interesting history, such as the first chocolate factory. Another interesting early Art deco building is the pelican house. There are common details between this and the restored church. The research will be continued with archive research in public archives when the sanitary situation will permit.
Metacognitive Regulation and Attention to Body Signals Strategies to Prevent Academic Exhaustion
Metacognitive Regulation and Attention to Body Signals Strategies to Prevent Academic Exhaustion
(Metacognitive Regulation and Attention to Body Signals Strategies to Prevent Academic Exhaustion)
- Author(s):Camelia-Nadia Bran, Editha Margareta Coșarbă
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Educational Psychology
- Page Range:70-78
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Metacognitive regulation;academic exhaustion;lifestyle;attention to bodysignals;burnout;
- Summary/Abstract:In contemporary society, higher education students are confronted more and more with an avalanche of paradigms, models, theories, wider or narrower subject specializations, online learning, face-to-face activities, blended learning, knowledge assessment, competencies assessments, etc. A possible solution for preventing the negative effects of this academic burden is to develop students’ metacognitive competencies. We have developed a study on 133 participants, students in initial or continuous teacher training programs, whose aim was to the level of interrelations between academic exhaustion and the constant usage of regulation strategies and care for the body. A three-section questionnaire was applied using Google form. To test the hypothesis, we have conducted multiple comparisons between and within groups. The descriptive statistics show that the students enrolled in teacher training programs at „Aurel Vlaicu” the University of Arad declared themselves as constantly practicing reflection, planning, monitoring, and evaluation strategies when solving their academic tasks.
Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists Managerial-Legislative Training in the Field of Physical Culture
Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists Managerial-Legislative Training in the Field of Physical Culture
(Epistemological Landmarks of the Specialists Managerial-Legislative Training in the Field of Physical Culture)
- Author(s):Liliana Budevici-Puiu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education, Sports Studies
- Page Range:79-86
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Physical education and sports;methodology;managerial-legislative competence;conception;
- Summary/Abstract:Radical changes that take place in all society spheres (economic, social, political and cultural) of a state, directly and indirectly affect the development and functioning of the socio-economic system of physical culture and sports. A new category of human resources employed in the field of sports management is emerging, given that sports organizations are interested in forming a management system that ensures high performance, development opportunities and a stable market position. In the last decade, the system of physical culture and sports management has undergone substantial changes, as a result of the emergence of new sports events, the development of sports movement, the creation of innovative services and the production of special equipment / installations in accordance with the legislation in force, as well as due to modern trends in entrepreneurial activity in market conditions. The fulfillment of the management functions in these conditions, at a higher level, generator of performance and success can be ensured only by qualified persons who have received a special professional training (including additional, continuous training) and requalification. This training is necessary for all activities specific to the field of physical education and sports management, for the development and proper functioning of sports organizations. Management and marketing activities, innovative for physical culture and the national sports movement, require special knowledge, skills and an effective professional training of the specialists in the field
The Traumatic Life Experiences and Ontological Well-Being: Insights from Narrative Psychology and Self-Memory Theory
The Traumatic Life Experiences and Ontological Well-Being: Insights from Narrative Psychology and Self-Memory Theory
(The Traumatic Life Experiences and Ontological Well-Being: Insights from Narrative Psychology and Self-Memory Theory)
- Author(s):Seçil Bülbül, Serin Işiaçik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Individual Psychology, Personality Psychology, Clinical psychology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:87-92
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Ontological well- being;Posttraumatic stress disorder;Well-being;Traumatic life experiences;Narrative psychology;Self-memory theory;
- Summary/Abstract:Ontological well-being adopts a holistic perspective on well-being similar to the narrative psychology when analyzing life histories by referring to past, present, and future aspects of one's life. Relatedly, the self-memory view proposes that life events are self-evaluated. Based on the narrative psychology and self-memory approach, affective life events and emotions are processed in the memory and play a role in structuring self-perceptions and psychological well-being. Therefore, turbulent external conditions such as the pandemic, uncertain environments and socio-economic challenges may lead to traumatic experiences for individuals. Being exposed to traumatic events and experiencing post-traumatic stress harms mental health, well-being, and work performance. This study aims to examine the relationship between traumatic life experiences and ontological well-being within the period of COVID 19 pandemic. It is intended to reveal the impact of traumatic experiences on ontological well-being of individuals in work life. A cross-sectional study was utilized throughout an online survey with the participation of 270 employees working in various private organizations. Following the statistical analyses, the findings were evaluated and both conceptual and practical discussions were provided.
Optimizing Public Passenger Transport in Bucharest and the Metropolitan Area
Optimizing Public Passenger Transport in Bucharest and the Metropolitan Area
(Optimizing Public Passenger Transport in Bucharest and the Metropolitan Area)
- Author(s):Constantina Chiriac, Valeriu Stelian Nitoi, Marius Gîrtan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:93-120
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:information systems;urban traffic;public transport;durability;sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to be a model of analysis on passenger transport management for Bucharest and the metropolitan area, in order to stimulate the economic development of the city by supporting economic activities of local interest, by increasing the mobility of the transport system, economic activities that benefit local communities and that do not adversely affect people's health or the environment. The analysis presented proposes the use of geospatial information systems for urban traffic management and the construction of traffic simulation models.
Digital Shadow Economy – Literature Review
Digital Shadow Economy – Literature Review
(Digital Shadow Economy – Literature Review)
- Author(s):Dan-Andrei Coca, Andreea Nistor
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Scientific Life, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:121-130
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Digital shadow economy;digital shadow trade;electronic transactions;illegal e-business;illegal e-traders;shadow economy;
- Summary/Abstract:The virtual environment is a phenomenon that has grown exponentially in recent years, changing the way the economy evolves. Through e-commerce, social media platforms, online stores, or websites, financial resources are rolled both legally and illegally. Thus, some transactions are not accounted for or taxed, and also the concept of the digital shadow economy, defined as economic shadow activities conducted in electronic space, with no physical contact is increasingly present today. This paper aims to review and systematically analyze, through bibliometric analysis, using the Web of Science scientific platform and the VOSviewer software, the notion of digital shadow economy, determining the current state of knowledge in the field. Also, a comparative research was performed between digital shadow economy and the traditional shadow economy. The main findings reveal that digital shadow economy has a novelty character that refers to an economy based on digitized services and products, which escapes the official estimates of the GDP and the main research tendencies concern the conceptualization of the term and its main activity channels, aspects that distinguish it from traditional shadow economy. Furthermore, a thematic cluster, containing links to the digital shadow economy term can be noticed to be around cybercrimes.
Determining Factors for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship
Determining Factors for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship
(Determining Factors for Achieving Success in Entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Valentin Radu, Monica Cojocaru, Ayten Güler Dermengi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:131-140
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Entrepreneur;success;motivation;factors;manager;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper represents the quintessence of our own research on the critical success factors identified by analysing the lives and deeds of 10 world leaders from an entrepreneurial perspective. In the research we looked for the answers to a series of questions such as: What defines these action people, who have calculated and taken risks to achieve the proposed objectives? What motivated these personalities to conquer minds, hearts, and territories? Where did they get the courage, they needed to act according to their dream? What were their strengths? What defines and differentiates a successful manager? Where is the boundary between the managerial style beneficial to the organization and the sinusoidal approach of the managerial path? The paper was made by substantiating these answers and developing a list of determining factors in achieving the success of an entrepreneur. The results obtained constitute a decalogue for entrepreneurs to achieve added value for the businesses they implement.
Integration of Instruments for the Protection of Natural Protected Areas in Urban and Biodiversity Strategies and in Urban Planning Regulations
Integration of Instruments for the Protection of Natural Protected Areas in Urban and Biodiversity Strategies and in Urban Planning Regulations
(Integration of Instruments for the Protection of Natural Protected Areas in Urban and Biodiversity Strategies and in Urban Planning Regulations)
- Author(s):Cerasella Crăciun, Atena-Ioana Gârjoabă
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, General Reference Works, Human Geography, Applied Geography, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:141-158
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Natural protected areas;urban planning tools;spatial relationship;ecotone;urban fabric;
- Summary/Abstract:Approximately 75% of the urban settlements in Romania are superimposed or are tangent to at least one natural protected area, these not being integrated from the point of view of their regulation in the urban strategies and in the urban planning regulations. From a spatial point of view, this type of relationship often represents a contrast between the urban fabric and the quasi-natural fabric. However, in the regulatory or strategy instruments for the development of urban settlements, where such contrasts exist, they are only integrated at the border level. The ecotone is, in most cases, the only element mentioned in urban planning instruments and is approached as a land that can only function in isolation and that in no way can support urban development. This reluctance and fear of approaching natural protected areas, also negatively influences the conception of the community, investors and the administration. Urban actors are not informed and therefore not motivated, but neither do they have the opportunity to get involved in the conservation and protection process. The purpose of this article is to research urban and biodiversity strategies at E.U level, to identify gaps in the formulation of urban planning tools, what are the reasons behind generating these gaps and how they can be eliminated, or at least mitigated. The analysis will focus on some models of urban strategies which address natural protected areas, but will also consider related elements, directly related to their conservation, urban ecology and the involvement in the process of urban actors.
Initiatives and Responses to Migrant Workers during the Lockdown
Initiatives and Responses to Migrant Workers during the Lockdown
(Initiatives and Responses to Migrant Workers during the Lockdown)
- Author(s):Candy D'Cunha, Francis Xavier
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:159-163
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Migrant workers;Krishna district;Lockdown;Relief Camp;Experiential Learning;
- Summary/Abstract:This narrative describes an initiative of the National Service Scheme team at Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology. It highlights initiatives to address the situation of migrant workers during the pandemic lockdown in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh in India. In the Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh, migrant laborers were forced to walk home, sometimes hundreds, even thousands of kilometers, to reunite with their families. It was hard to ignore these images, especially those who carried the elderly on their shoulders, and small children slumped over rolling suitcases. Most used any means of transport they found, even bicycles. Some succumbed to accidents and exposure to heat. In the midst of the lockdown, the NSS team quickly came together and planned an outreach/relief camp for migrants in Krishna District. It was chosen since many villagers were migrants and the lockdown had affected in multiple ways. The relief camp took place in the month of April, a time when temperatures soar in southern India. The students and the faculty members joined hands to reach out to the Migrants in the most despairing moments. The students commented that they saw their education from a different perspective, one that integrated curriculum and good citizenship for marginalized persons. One of the ways of infusing relevance into education is to embed it within meaningful service learning. This paper is an attempt to exhibit the Initiative and Responses to the Migrant workers during the Lockdown.
Depressive Symptoms among Self-Harming Adolescents
Depressive Symptoms among Self-Harming Adolescents
(Depressive Symptoms among Self-Harming Adolescents)
- Author(s):Slavka Demuthova, Zuzana Rojková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Personality Psychology, Clinical psychology
- Page Range:164-174
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Self-harm;depressive symptoms;adolescents;gender;age;
- Summary/Abstract:Self-harm is a common form of high-risk behaviour in adolescents. It is often linked to depression; however, the correlation between these two variables has scarcely been studied. The presented study on a sample of 1,117 adolescents aged from 11 to 19 (mean age 15.56) compares the occurrence of depressive symptoms (measured by the CDI questionnaire) in individuals who self-harm versus those who do not self-harm, it investigates whether there is a correlation between the intensity of self-harm (measured by a modified SHI questionnaire) and depressive symptoms on a sample of self-harming adolescents, as well as explores the specificities of the correlation in terms of the age and sex of the subjects. The results showed that the occurrence of depressive symptoms: 1/ is statistically significantly higher (p = 0.000) among self-harming individuals compared to non-self-harmers, particularly in female subjects, 2/ significantly correlates with the intensity of self-harming behaviour in the group of self-harmers (p = 0.000), and 3/ it decreases with age among self-harming female subjects. The conclusions point to a need for the clarification of the relationship between depressive symptoms and self-harming behaviour (presence and direction of causality) and to the consequences in clinical practice.
Barriers to Distance Learning: Perceptions Of Secondary School Teachers and Students in Serbia
Barriers to Distance Learning: Perceptions Of Secondary School Teachers and Students in Serbia
(Barriers to Distance Learning: Perceptions Of Secondary School Teachers and Students in Serbia)
- Author(s):Dragana Dimitrijević, Marija Jovanović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:175-181
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:secondary school students;teachers;barriers in distance learning;e-learning;Serbia;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most current issues facing modern pedagogical theory and practice is distance learning. Since the Covid-19 virus pandemic outbreak, this specific teaching context has become the only hope for education systems globally. Given the role and importance that distance learning has today, our paper is focused on studying its barriers in immediate secondary school practice. This research is part of a broader study that involves a more thorough study of distance learning, which was conducted on a sample of 422 students and 120 secondary school teachers in Southeast Serbia. The aim of this paper is to identify the most common barriers to distance learning and answer the question of whether there are differences in the attitudes of teachers and students about the barriers they encountered during the first months of its implementation. In terms of frequency, the results of the conducted research show that evaluation-related barriers are the most common, while the learning material and technical barriers to distance learning are the least common ones. The research has shown that teachers statistically more often highlight evaluation-related, organizational/administrative and social/emotional barriers, while in practice, students more often experience learning content-related barriers. The results also confirm positive correlation in the participants’ attitudes about the analyzed barriers and directly point to the conclusion about their objective perception and critical reflection on this problem by emphasizing the importance of didactic elements such as: quality of the teaching process, level of knowledge acquired, objectivity of assessment, etc. in relation to the learning material and technical side of teaching. These conclusions point to a number of pedagogical implications by which the new, specific teaching context can be significantly improved.
Communication and Language Learning in Virtual Environments through an Eco-semiotic Lens
Communication and Language Learning in Virtual Environments through an Eco-semiotic Lens
(Communication and Language Learning in Virtual Environments through an Eco-semiotic Lens)
- Author(s):Alina Andreea Dragoescu Urlica, Lulzime Kamberi, Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Language acquisition, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:182-187
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Eco-semiotics;sustainable communication;digital literacy;language learning;virtual environments;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper explores the interface between the new theoretical approach of ecolinguistics and language educational practices in the new digital environments that we have plunged into during 2020-2021. From the standpoint of ecological communication and eco-semiotics, the exploration highlights its impact on language learning and education in general, as re-contextualized in the new digital spaces we have all been experiencing as educators and learners. The theoretical input from semiotics and conceptual linguistics on the one hand, and educational ecology on the other hand, is paired with a direct empirical analysis of the students’ language learning experience at the USAMVBT University of Timisoara, Romania, the University of Tetova, North Macedonia, and Lomza State University from Poland. Our aim is to better understand how to sustain students’ communicational skills and their overall adaptation to the emerging digitalised educational environment across fields of study.
The Classroom Demands and Teacher Self-Efficacy in On-Site and Online Teaching
The Classroom Demands and Teacher Self-Efficacy in On-Site and Online Teaching
(The Classroom Demands and Teacher Self-Efficacy in On-Site and Online Teaching)
- Author(s):Diana-Sinziana Duca, Maria Doina Schipor
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Educational Psychology, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
- Page Range:188-197
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Demands of teaching profession;teachers’ self-efficacy;online teaching;
- Summary/Abstract:We investigate in this work the relationship between the perceived demands of the teaching profession and the general sense of teachers’ self-efficacy in on-site and online teaching contexts. We present the results of a study with N= 127 Romanian teachers, with ages ranged from 19 to 55, with a mean age of 39,26 years, SD = 9,20 (123 females, 4 males; 73 from urban area, 54 from rural area). Our results show that the self-efficacy of teachers is lower in online professional activities, compared to the self-efficacy of teachers perceived in the on-site professional activities. In the case of the online teaching environment the teachers with high scores on teachers’ self-efficacy tends to consider as being more challenging when dealing with different levels of children's development, working with children with learning disabilities, who have a small number of attendances, who do not follow the received instructions and with children who need more time and energy compared to other children. We discuss implications of our results for policies and strategies to enhance the quality of teaching practices.
Aesthetics and Creativity. Identity Configurations
Aesthetics and Creativity. Identity Configurations
(Aesthetics and Creativity. Identity Configurations)
- Author(s):Livia Durac
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Psychology, Aesthetics, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:198-208
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:arts;aesthetics;creativity;society;
- Summary/Abstract:Reflecting on human attitude towards reality, together with deciphering the emotional code that accompanies it, has configured - in time – the aesthetic universe, open to human reflection, creation, and evaluation. Aesthetics appears through the way in which consciousness reacts and capitalises upon things in nature and society, or which belong to human subjectivity, including on artistic work, which have an effect on sensitiveness due to their harmony, balance and grandeur. As a fundamental attribute of the human being, creativity is the engine of cultural evolution, meaning the degree of novelty that man brings in his ideas, actions, and creations. Aesthetical values, together with the other types of values, contribute to what society represents and to what it can become, hence motivating human action and creation. Their role is to create a state of mind that encourages the cohesion, cooperation, and mutual understanding of the society. Integrating a chronological succession of the evolution of the concepts that objectify its structure, its aesthetics and creativity, this article stresses the synergetic nature of the two dimensions of human personality, paving the way to beauty, as a form of enchantment of the human spirit.
Social Factors Influencing the Acquisition of the Romanian Language by Students Belonging to a Local Community Hungarian Minority
Social Factors Influencing the Acquisition of the Romanian Language by Students Belonging to a Local Community Hungarian Minority
(Social Factors Influencing the Acquisition of the Romanian Language by Students Belonging to a Local Community Hungarian Minority)
- Author(s):Anikó Erzsébet Fügedy, Gavril Flora
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Sociology, Language acquisition, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Applied Sociology, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:209-216
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Linguistic socialization;minority students;multi-ethnic communities;motivation to learn the language;influencing factors;
- Summary/Abstract:Research on language acquisition is a central theme in sociolinguistic research. Contemporary social, economic and political processes affect the life of communities and the languages what they speak. Globalization, migration and the enlargement of the European Union can significantly change the role and the future of majority and minority languages. In this research, we aim to reveal the family level language choice strategies of the Hungarian community in the small town of Margitha (Bihor County, Romania), discussing the role of family related social framework that positively or negatively influences the motivation of minority students to acquire knowledge of the Romanian language. For this purpose, we used both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. The results of research confirm that in multi-ethnic communities perhaps the most important, however at the same time the most vulnerable component of ethnic identity is the linguistic identity, which plays a key role in shaping the cultural landmarks and contents that determine the social integration of the individual. The positive family effects of socialization with the Hungarian language can be observed mostly in the ethnically homogeneous family. However, if one of the spouses is ethnic Romanian, the dominant language of communication within the family is more likely to be the Romanian language.
The Role of Donations in Financing Extreme Risk Events
The Role of Donations in Financing Extreme Risk Events
(The Role of Donations in Financing Extreme Risk Events)
- Author(s):Ionela Daniela Găitan-Botezatu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Accounting - Business Administration, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:217-227
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Donations;financing;risk;extreme events;correlation;
- Summary/Abstract:Globally, post-event funding needs are growing, while the material and human damage caused by extreme events is constantly growing. The 2015 United Nations (UN) Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction estimated that worldwide, these extreme events cause losses of approximately $ 250-300 billion annually.Although there are now various post-event financing options (insurance, grants, loans, donations, etc.) for the population, companies or public institutions, these instruments are often not sufficient for post-event recovery and reconstruction, so many challenges remain for post-event recovery.Thus, there is often a gap between the financing needs of companies or the population and the existing financing instruments, most often the amounts needed for financing being higher than the amounts that are available through the various existing financing mechanisms.In this article we addressed the topic of post-event funding sources such as donations and highlighted that these, although they are one of the cheapest sources of funding, the support of post-event donors is often uncertain. Also, in the elaboration of this paper I used qualitative and quantitative research based on the use of methods such as Spearman correlation indicator, data processing and analysis, documenting reports, studying reference works and other studies.
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Sustainable Development. Case Study: Romania
The Coronavirus Pandemic and Sustainable Development. Case Study: Romania
(The Coronavirus Pandemic and Sustainable Development. Case Study: Romania)
- Author(s):Ionela Daniela Găitan (Botezatu), Gabriela Prelipcean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Sociology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:228-240
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:sustainable development;objectives;coronavirus pandemic;effects;analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:The coronavirus pandemic has affected all states in the world and the measures taken by governments to limit the spread of coronavirus have also left their mark on sustainable development goals, slowing their implementation or even regressing to some of these goals.In the context in which the pandemic affected the Romanian economy and all segments of the population in all areas of the country, especially vulnerable groups, leading to an increase in existing disparities, the rapid implementation of sustainable development goals is the core of a sustainable and equitable recovery.This paper presents effects of coronavirus pandemic on the sustainable development in Romania, especially on the objectives like no poverty, "zero" hunger, health and well-being, quality education, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure and low inequalities, but also the solutions identified by various international bodies to reduce this impact.Thus, the first part of the paper is a theoretical one, which presents the concept of "sustainable development" and analyses specialized studies that have presented the objectives of sustainable development, including studies that have shown the negative or positive effects of the coronavirus pandemic on these objectives.The second part of the paper presents a descriptive analysis of the stage of sustainable development in Romania, after one year of coronavirus pandemic.In carrying out this paper, qualitative research was used, based on methods such as descriptive analysis, analysis of official statistical data, study of reports and reference papers and synthesis of conclusions.
Challenges and Achievements of European Education Ministers on Information Exchange and Collaboration within the European Economic Community between 60s and 80s
Challenges and Achievements of European Education Ministers on Information Exchange and Collaboration within the European Economic Community between 60s and 80s
(Challenges and Achievements of European Education Ministers on Information Exchange and Collaboration within the European Economic Community between 60s and 80s)
- Author(s):Cristina-Iulia Gîlă
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Education, International relations/trade, State/Government and Education, Geopolitics
- Page Range:241-248
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:European Community;Olivier Guichard;education ministers;equal opportunities;cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the concerns of all national education systems in Europe regarding exchanges of information, ideas and collaborations since the beginning of the configuration of the European Community in the 1960s. The idea of working together member states for a better future for the younger generation was found both in the documents of the Conferences of Heads of State on Education and in the consultations of education experts. This was pointed out by education ministers, such as Edgar Faure or Olivier Guichard, in France, who made strong arguments, demonstrating responsibility for action for future generations. Although the beginning was difficult, in the 1960s the documents referred to the education of the children of migrant workers, the importance of learning modern languages, the recognition of diplomas.In the 1980s, meetings at the level of education ministers highlighted a deepening and strengthening of cooperation to adapt language teaching models, expand the study of European history and European institutions in secondary education increasing access to education for children with special needs, setting up school spaces for language learning, but especially the creation of a European Centre for Education.
Analysis of Ro-La Transport Systems, Possibilities of Implementation in Romania
Analysis of Ro-La Transport Systems, Possibilities of Implementation in Romania
(Analysis of Ro-La Transport Systems, Possibilities of Implementation in Romania)
- Author(s):Marius Gîrtan, Valeriu Stelian Nitoi, Constantina Chiriac
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:249-282
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:RO-LA transport;traffic decongestion;loading-unloading;transfer maneuver;environmental impact;traffic;fuel;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper brings to the fore the need for state support by making investments in railway infrastructure, in order to maintain and ensure the success of railway transport of trucks by introducing RO-LA transport in rail traffic. Using this mode of transport reduces the cost of maintaining road infrastructure, protects the environment, reduces fuel consumption, and reduces road traffic congestion RO-LA transport is an alternative solution to auto transport and contributes to the streamlining of traffic of goods and people.
An Ecosystemic Approach to Preventing Bullying in School. Risk Factors Associated with School
An Ecosystemic Approach to Preventing Bullying in School. Risk Factors Associated with School
(An Ecosystemic Approach to Preventing Bullying in School. Risk Factors Associated with School)
- Author(s):Tudorița Grădinariu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:283-290
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:bullying;ecological theory;bullying prevention;risk factors;teachers' perceptions;
- Summary/Abstract:Previous research has shown that teachers play an important role in preventing bullying in school. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in understanding the risk factors associated with school such as the teachers’ perception of the severity of bullying and their response to bullies and victims. This paper presents risk factors associated with bullying and teachers’ perceptions within Bronfenbrenner’s (1977) classic ecological theory.According to this paradigm, changes are required in the environments with which children interact as they develop (family, school, community and society). By exposing the factors that trigger and maintain bullying, we aim to highlight the importance of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model in designing bullying prevention strategies. We will focus on the risk factors associated with school, chief among which is the, teachers' perceptions of bullying in school. Not only does this view contribute to optimizing the understanding of the importance of ecosystem theory for effectiveness prevention, but it also suggests that both research and prevention should focus on individual risk factors that influence teachers' reactivity to bullying behaviors.
Increasing Self-Confidence in Students from Different Universities through Exercises in Body Technique and Dance Therapy
Increasing Self-Confidence in Students from Different Universities through Exercises in Body Technique and Dance Therapy
(Increasing Self-Confidence in Students from Different Universities through Exercises in Body Technique and Dance Therapy)
- Author(s):Vlad Teodor Grosu, Hanna Vari, Mircea-Nicolae Ordean, Gheorghe Balint, Radu Adrian Rozsnyai, Emilia Florina Grosu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Psychology, Higher Education , Educational Psychology, Individual Psychology, Experimental Pschology, Psychology of Self, Pedagogy
- Page Range:291-307
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Dance-therapy;body technique;self-depreciation;self-esteem;infatuation;
- Summary/Abstract:Objectives of this article refer to ways to increase self-confidence in students from different universities in Transylvania manifested by the values of self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteem. These are realized through the use of complex exercises on music in the form of dance-therapy and body technique.Purpose: elaboration of an action strategy to modify the self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation.Hypothesis: by introducing the exercises of body technique and dance-therapy, the aim is to modify the components of the ASSI psychological test: self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteemMaterial and Methods: statistical processing was performed with the program Stats Direct v.2.7.2. The graphical representation of the results was done with the Excel application (from the Microsoft Office 2010 package). The tests used are: ASSI and an intervention program based on exercises in body technique and dance therapy.The subjects participating in the experiment with a duration of 6 months by 200 students at the Technical University Cluj-Napoca, and the extension from Baia-Mare and from the Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" from Cluj-Napoca.The period: of development was between October 2019 and March 2020.The results: of this study are due to the intervention program through exercises in body technique and dance therapy performed by the experimental group compared to the control group. In the case of A-SN it is a good correlation but of the opposite direction, which means that if (A) self-depreciation decreases then (SN) self-esteem increases. In the case of I-SN it is an acceptable correlation and of the same meaning, which means that if (I) the infatuation increases and (SN) the self-esteem increases, were observed statistically significantly significant differences between the two times (p <0.001).Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed in the indicators of the ASSI tests (self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation) which indicates, that our intervention program in the preliminary study had a positive and measurable impact on students in terms of improving self-depreciation and infatuation, as well as increasing self-esteem.
Rethinking the Communication with the Unions Members in the New Context
Rethinking the Communication with the Unions Members in the New Context
(Rethinking the Communication with the Unions Members in the New Context)
- Author(s):Vasile Hodorogea, Tulia Maria Căşvean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Political Theory, International relations/trade, Politics and communication, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:308-317
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Union communicatio;internal communication;digital;pandemic;social dialog;
- Summary/Abstract:Additional to the three main trends influencing social dialogue at the organizational level - de-centralization, up-scaling, de-institutionalization and representation – the COVID-19 pandemic rules brought a new influence that impacts the Unions, forcing it to adapt its internal communication. This paper is centred upon the way the Unions members in Romania get access to information in the new labour landscape, characterized by the work from home and physical distancing. The research focuses on a collective case-study of three strong Union Federations that developed internal communication with unions’ members that fits the pandemic context. The research focuses on the internal communication repertoire elements used by the Unions. The research method assesses the qualitative information gathered by interviewing key Unions representatives. The main areas of interest are the key topics addressed in the communication with the members, the tools and media mix used, the frequency of the formal communication with the trade unions members, the accountable and the responsible persons with the internal communication, and the management of the feedback from the members, all in the context of what is different vs. 2019. The conclusions are enriched with some recommendations for future development of communication with union members, supporting the social dialog.
Sustainability Enhancement Through Information Technology in Higher Education
Sustainability Enhancement Through Information Technology in Higher Education
(Sustainability Enhancement Through Information Technology in Higher Education)
- Author(s):Dumitrita Iftode
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Higher Education , ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:318-323
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Sustainability;higher education;technology-based learning;digital technologies;
- Summary/Abstract:The quick evolution and development of digital technologies contribute to changes and turning points in every aspect of the modern society. Managing these the digital changes and turning them into long-term sustainable solutions for higher education could be a real challenge. Technology offers immeasurable opportunities to the learning environment and higher education is rapidly integrating information and communication technology (ICT). This paper is discussing the concept of enhanced sustainability in education through learning technologies like applications, electronic resources, and teaching methods for educational development. Technology in higher education is particularly important, therefore it is important to assess the quality that it can provide and the impact on sustainable education. The educational system has been also harshly affected by the latest pandemic situation, which brought significant consequences on the social, economic, and cultural life worldwide. This paper aims to contribute with insights to the literature in the field, by emphasizing that the latest situation around the world could be a great opportunity for further implementation and development of digital technologies for sustainable learning. The methodology used for fulfilling the study goal is a qualitative one, particularly the technique used is data analysis from secondary sources. The results of this analysis lead to the conclusion that there is need and room for improvement of digital sustainable resources in higher education, which includes the challenges that the academic environment face and need to overcome if their goal is to stay relevant on the education market.
Perspectives and Reality of Young People in Slovakia in the Dimensions of Selected Subsystems of Social Policy
Perspectives and Reality of Young People in Slovakia in the Dimensions of Selected Subsystems of Social Policy
(Perspectives and Reality of Young People in Slovakia in the Dimensions of Selected Subsystems of Social Policy)
- Author(s):Michal Imrovič, Oľga Bočáková, Jana Levická
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:324-332
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:young people;social policy;perspective;Slovakia;family policy;employment policy;housing policy;
- Summary/Abstract:Young people are often exposed to various life situations that gradually come during their lives. The quality of life of young people in Slovakia is conditioned by several areas of social policy therefore, these issues are very important for research. The aim of the paper is to point out the analysis of selected factors (areas) that affect the life situations of young people in Slovakia. We pay attention to the areas of support and protection of the establishment of young families and preparation for parenthood, support of employment of young people and support of housing policy of young people. In this paper we work with the analysis of secondary data, which relate to selected monitored areas focused on young people in Slovakia. The data we use in the article are of a quantitative character. We will use the method of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction to achieve the set goals. Another key method that we use in the paper is descriptive statistics (Rimarčík, 2007; Chajdiak, 2010; Marek, 2015). In Slovakia, the issue of young people often appears only as a political issue. In scientific discourses, the issue of young people is addressed in isolation, as evidenced by several contributions from the authors. The authors of this paper present the problems of selected factors (areas) influencing the perspectives and reality of young people in Slovakia in an integrated manner.
The Rapid Shift from Onsite to Online Teaching – Students’ Perceptions
The Rapid Shift from Onsite to Online Teaching – Students’ Perceptions
(The Rapid Shift from Onsite to Online Teaching – Students’ Perceptions)
- Author(s):Lulzime Kamberi, Alina Andreea Dragoescu Urlica
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning, Higher Education , Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:333-336
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:English language teaching;Exploratory research;online learning;Students’ perceptions;
- Summary/Abstract:Recent developments in response to the Covid-19 pandemic have had a substantial impact on students, teachers and content delivery modes around the globe. This paper reports the efforts of the University of Tetovo (UT) in North Macedonia (NM) and Banat’s USAMVB University “King Michael I of Romania” to find rapid and efficient means of switching from direct to remote course delivery while maintaining effective communication. Acknowledging that little space was available for training teachers and learners to prepare for such rapid changes, this study examines how students responded. Applying exploratory research methods, the paper offers a preliminary analysis of the difficulties that learners faced in shifting to online presentation. Qualitative data was collected using student interviews and content analysis (Silverman, 2005) was applied to identify themes, biases and meaning. Convenience sampling among enrolled students in the academic year 2020/2021 at both universities identified a non-random sample of 16 students. The findings of the study revealed that participants faced many difficulties in their venture; however, using various strategies, effective planning and organization, they managed to a certain extent to overcome this situation.
The Association between Social Integration, Coping Mechanisms and Anxiety in Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases
The Association between Social Integration, Coping Mechanisms and Anxiety in Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases
(The Association between Social Integration, Coping Mechanisms and Anxiety in Patients with Non-Communicable Diseases)
- Author(s):Rezarta Lalo
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Clinical psychology
- Page Range:337-348
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Chronic diseases;anxiety disorder;self-monitoring;social integration;health directed activity;Fier city hospital;
- Summary/Abstract:Recently, mental health issue and chronic physical condition are substantially linked and this comorbidity is likely to increase. Patient focusing in the self-care activities is an important component in the mechanism of coping with chronic disease with a significant impact on clinical and psychological outcomes. In this context, the current study is conducted to assess the impact of self-care and social integration mechanisms on anxiety levels among patients with chronic non-communicable diseases. This observational study of cross-sectional design was performed in the pathology service of Fier city hospital, in Albania during August-September 2020. To assess the level of anxiety, we used the scale of 7 items of General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) with a score of ≥10 indicating GAD. Subscales of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ) were used in order to evaluate social integration and self-care mechanism. The data were entered into the statistical program SPSS, version 23. The regression analysis is performed to examine the relationship between variables. The findings revealed that 56% of participants had GAD, 47% of participants were unable to self-monitor the disease, while 89% of them did not perform any type of physical activity. The scale of anxiety was significantly associated with variables of Self–monitoring (p=0.000<0.05; OR=0.10) and Social integration (p=0.000<0.05; OR=21.4). These findings address the need to support people who struggle with chronic non-communicable diseases developing adaptive ways to deal with their chronic condition and improve their lifestyle for better overall health.
Internal Direction versus Outer Direction in Romanian and German Advertising
Internal Direction versus Outer Direction in Romanian and German Advertising
(Internal Direction versus Outer Direction in Romanian and German Advertising)
- Author(s):Patrick Lavrits
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:349-359
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:interculturality;intercultural perception;internal direction vs. outer direction;advertising;
- Summary/Abstract:People try to control and dominate their environment or are dominated by it. This is related to how they try to handle their existence. Personal, individual life is very important in cultures where self-control is common. People are convinced that they can control nature by imposing their will. In cultures characterized by outer control, nature is considered much stronger than the individual. People see themselves as part of nature and want to live in harmony with nature. People believe that they cannot determine their own destiny, as it is influenced by external circumstances.
A Bibliometric Mapping of Innovative Entrepreneurship
A Bibliometric Mapping of Innovative Entrepreneurship
(A Bibliometric Mapping of Innovative Entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Mihaela Sarafescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:360-371
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Bibliometric mapping;innovative entrepreneurship;co-authorship analysis;citation analysis;co-occurrence analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:The new global economy requires innovative businesses that can respond to all major challenges around the world. Innovative Entrepreneurship is an active field of research since innovation is nowadays crucial for the development of any business in the world. Policymakers are also focusing their attention on innovation in business because Innovative Entrepreneurship contributes to economic growth and job creation. To create an environment that supports Innovative Entrepreneurship it is appropriate to provide access to knowledge, labour, finance, and specific policies and regulations. Innovative Entrepreneurship has a new role in the economic development of any country that is interested in creating a competitive business environment. This paper aims to identify the most relevant research concerning Innovative Entrepreneurship and realize a bibliometric mapping of the information gathered during the investigation. To perform the bibliometric analysis was used a Scopus database which included articles related to Innovative Entrepreneurship. The processing of data has been carried out using VOS viewer, an effective tool for the visualization of bibliometric networks. The bibliometric mapping included multiple analysis such as co-authorship, citation, and co-occurrence. The results of this research can be a basis for present and future researchers who are operating in the field of entrepreneurship and who intend to investigate more thoroughly the importance of innovation for business development. Another important issue to be investigated is the development of innovative business models that can strengthen the business environment.
Doping Control in the Republic of Moldova: Specific Features
Doping Control in the Republic of Moldova: Specific Features
(Doping Control in the Republic of Moldova: Specific Features)
- Author(s):Ecaterina Lungu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:372-378
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Doping control;sport;survey;responsibility;anti-doping organization;
- Summary/Abstract:Recently, there has been a strong effort regarding all sports organizations in order to reduce the universality and frequency of doping in sport. However, the efficacy of current strategies to fight against doping might be improved by using anti-doping polices adjusted to the features of doping in each sport. Contemporary sports activity is regarded as a complex phenomenon that involves both physical components, as well as a variety of medical, legal or economic aspects. In recent times, sport worldwide is marked by severe discussions on doping and its effects. In this context, athletes and team members must know the facts that may empower violations of anti-doping legislation and regulations on the doping control procedure. The acquisition of these legal and medical rules will motivate the development of sports, with the effect of preventing risks represented by the doping phenomenon.
E-learning: Introducing Computer Use in Mathematics Lessons in Primary Education
E-learning: Introducing Computer Use in Mathematics Lessons in Primary Education
(E-learning: Introducing Computer Use in Mathematics Lessons in Primary Education)
- Author(s):Daniela Alice Luta (Manolescu), Adrian Ioana, Bianca Cezarina Ene, Ionela Daniela Jugănaru, Daniela Tufeanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:379-386
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Computer;logical thinking;mathematics;education;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze the role that the use of the computer has in stimulating the logical thinking of young schoolchildren. Through this, the purpose of the activity of solving operations with natural numbers, is to develop logical thinking, properly combining intuitive elements with abstract ones. Solving arithmetic problems, we can activate young students in the formation of skills and abilities to analyze the given situation, to intuit and discover the way to get what is required in the mathematical problem. This paper aims to prove that, if both traditional methods and computer-based teaching methods are used in the instructive-educational process, then school performance will register a significant increase in terms of quantity and quality. This experimental study started from the premise that solving arithmetic problems with the help of computer, using e-learning platforms is an important activity in the mathematics lesson in primary school through which we stimulate young students’ logical thinking.
Particularities of Electrophysiological and Psychoneurological Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Particularities of Electrophysiological and Psychoneurological Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
(Particularities of Electrophysiological and Psychoneurological Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Author(s):Gabriela Mariana Marcu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Neuropsychology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:387-395
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Mild traumatic brain injury;psychoneurological assessment;electrophysiological assessment;QEEG;post concussive syndrome;
- Summary/Abstract:Neuropsychological functioning after mTBI is individualized and dynamic, with no currently known predictors and usually having a trajectory of gradual improvement. It is still a challenge to identify specific cognitive profiles associated with mTBI. One of the causes is the transient character of TBI symptoms as they are not appearing immediately after the injury. Another explanation resides in the individual and group variability of cognitive impairements following mTBI, which also affects the standardisation of the neuropsychological tests to use in mTBI assessment batteries (Iverson et al., 2013; Prince & Bruhns, 2017; Tulsky et al., 2017). Presently concussion has no accepted definition or diagnostic criteria. Also, there is no standard (or gold standard) for screening or properly identifying and diagnosing all population with concussion. (Borg et al., 2004).Patients with mTBI could evolve in a bunch of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms (Permenter et al., 2021) that are usually known as post-concussion syndrome (PCS). In terms of symptoms, we target neuropsychological evaluation of four key domains (“higher-order attention”, “executive function”, “episodic memory”, and “speed of information processing”) implicated in chronic impairment after mTBI. Alternatively, studies on the EEG frequency domain shed new light on the possibility to have a diagnostic marker based on QEEG patterns identified in the mTBI population and some prognostic factors for the PCS syndrome.(Rapp et al., 2015; Thornton & Carmody, 2009).Given the particularities of neuropsychological functioning after mTBI we emphasize the need of a mixed methodology, using both electrophysiological and psychoneurological tools, to provide the best sensitivity and specificity in assessing cognitive and functional deficits and in predicting further PCS.
The Ethics of Elie Wiesel`s Storytelling as a New Theoretical Approach in Representing the Holocaust
The Ethics of Elie Wiesel`s Storytelling as a New Theoretical Approach in Representing the Holocaust
(The Ethics of Elie Wiesel`s Storytelling as a New Theoretical Approach in Representing the Holocaust)
- Author(s):Alina Marincean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Jewish studies, Studies of Literature, History of Antisemitism, American Literature
- Page Range:396-411
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:ethics;Elie Wiesel's Storytelling;Holocaust;Theoretical Approach;
- Summary/Abstract:Grounded on Giorgio Agamben's assertion that once the historical, technical and legal context of the Jewish genocide has been sufficiently clarified, we are facing a serious challenge when we really seek to understand it and becomes more thought-provoking when we try to represent it. The difference between what we know about the Holocaust and how this delicate issue should be represented is facing major challenges in the context of content abundance on both Holocaust classical analyses or contemporary digital formats.Contemporary society is facing ethical and emotional limitation regarding Holocaust representation. What is the right way to represent the Holocaust after eight decades since the Holocaust took place is one of the relevant questions that arises in this context? How to live, what to do, and how do the consequences of my actions affect society after the Holocaust experience,are some of the quests of Elie Wiesel’s life. The paper will highlight how his storytelling provides some guidelines for shaping a possible good way of representing the Holocaust and what are its resources. It will also illustrate what are the ethical components of his storytelling that constitute an example of ethical conduct and give some relevant suggestions on how to instrument them in order to place Holocaust representation on a progressive way of reflection.
Reflection on Social Entrepreneurship in the Penitentiary Environment
Reflection on Social Entrepreneurship in the Penitentiary Environment
(Reflection on Social Entrepreneurship in the Penitentiary Environment)
- Author(s):Carmen Matei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Individual Psychology, Applied Sociology, Studies in violence and power, Penology
- Page Range:412-419
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:reintegration;relapse;work;education;therapy;
- Summary/Abstract:Entrepreneurship can be a solution to the dilemma: “Labour is a form of education, a way of ensuring existence, gaining autonomy, a physical and mental training, a way of oppression, a form of occupational therapy, all together or …none of the variants listed?” Depending on the reference field and the perspectives offered by different specializations, work is defined as a physical or intellectual action, which develop material and emotional satisfactions. Especially in closed environments, it is practiced as a form of occupational therapy (ergotherapy), because it ensures a sense of usefulness, helping to maintain somato-psycho-emotional health. The schoolmasters highlight the formative values of work for students: evaluate the native skills and abilities, lead to the discovery of new unknown interests and talents, support the student in his perfection by inoculating the ideas of responsibility, order, discipline, etc. Before 1989, in detention environment labour was mandatory, but now, labour is an optional right. The two perspectives are diametrically opposed, and the issue was addressed only from the perspective of reduced job supply, both during detention and after release. There are few publications with strict reference to this topic. In general, the social reintegration of post-execution prisoners is addressed. At this moment, the main problem highlighted is integration/reintegration on the labour market, as the main facilitating step of maintaining the accumulations during the detention period and a primary factor for avoiding the recurrence.However, those who have served a custodial sentence do not have a "ticket" to the labour market. To be known and solved, the situation should be addressed continuously: prevention before detention, education/re-education/training / retraining during detention and placement on the labor market / retraining immediately after release.
Increasing the Quality of Life of the Prison Officers and their Families by Recovering their Work Capacity
Increasing the Quality of Life of the Prison Officers and their Families by Recovering their Work Capacity
(Increasing the Quality of Life of the Prison Officers and their Families by Recovering their Work Capacity)
- Author(s):Carmen Matei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Applied Sociology, Criminology, Studies in violence and power
- Page Range:420-425
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:recovery;work capacity;quality of life;therapy;public-private partnership;education;
- Summary/Abstract:The prison officers belong to a slightly known category, despite the transparency ensured after 1989 both by strengthening the relationship with the media institutions and by organizing the "open days" activities. They work in a closed environment between 8 and 12 hours a day, inconstant interaction with a relatively stable population the size of the administrative-territorial unit of a village type. The working schedule is on the one hand routine, on the other hand impacted by unforeseen situations, from those of major risk to those related to the management of the relationship and communication issues within the groups formed in the detention rooms.The mission is twofold, one side consisting in actions taken to maintain the security and safety of the community and the place of detention, and the other side represent the contribution to the education / re-education of convicts by influencing them, both directly and indirectly. The prison staff is seen as a teaching tool itself, their example being the trigger factor of the prisoners’ desire to change. Taking in consideration the numerical ratio between staff and prisoners, the situations in which one can ‘abdicate’ from the mission are excluded, so that the efficiency of the activity is conditioned by the maintenance of a continuous state of alert.After the working schedule, the prison officers continue their personal life, ensuring adequate emotional support for family members, participating in activities of the group of friends, etc., without projecting the accumulated stress from the workplace. But, intentionally or not, the transfer occurs, so that the effects of working in a closed environment marked by tensions and negative emotional charge are also felt by those close to them.Through their work, the prison officers contribute to the increasing of the quality of life to the community they belong to and the quality of life in detention (ensuring community security, individual and group safety, supporting the educational/re-educational process, ensuring somato-psycho-emotional health, etc.).Starting from this reality, through an opinion poll, we identified some of the needs to recover the work capacity, a necessary step to ensure a quality life for prison staff.
The Evaluation of Distance Learning in Tourism Education in the Pandemic Process
The Evaluation of Distance Learning in Tourism Education in the Pandemic Process
(The Evaluation of Distance Learning in Tourism Education in the Pandemic Process)
- Author(s):Nesrin Menemenci Bahcelerli
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Higher Education , Tourism, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:426-431
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Tourism;tourism education;distance learning;student;pandemic;
- Summary/Abstract:The most important feature that distinguishes the tourism sector from many sectors is that it has a labor-intensive structure. Therefore, the knowledge and skills of those working in this sector are important for the competitiveness of businesses. In this direction, tourism education curricula are developed on a practical basis. During the pandemic, the functioning of the tourism industry has come to a complete halt, so education has been moved to digital platforms. In this process, many application-based courses were suspended and these courses were started to be carried out on digital platforms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the views of students who receive tourism education in the pandemic process towards distance learning. The action research technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Action research is a method actively used by educators who take the role of researchers to systematically and scientifically obtain information and develop applications in various fields of education. The sample of the study consists of 24 students studying tourism in the 2020-2021 academic years. The research data were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. As a result of the research, while the students expressed positive opinions about distance learning, they stated that they lacked the application aspect, which is a necessity of tourism education. In addition, with the statements put forward, it is concluded that students improve themselves by participating in seminars and trainings with distance learning methods in many different countries in the pandemic process. Among the problems experienced, students stated that there is a lack of infrastructure.
How Efficient are the Romanian Sports Federations? A Theoretical and Experimental Approach
How Efficient are the Romanian Sports Federations? A Theoretical and Experimental Approach
(How Efficient are the Romanian Sports Federations? A Theoretical and Experimental Approach)
- Author(s):Constanţa-Valentina Mihăilă, Gabriela Alina Paraschiva, Laurentiu Mihai Mihaila
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:437-446
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:sports federations;efficiency calculation methodology;management;
- Summary/Abstract:Examining the links between performance and financial issues has been, and still is, subject of a great number of researches both in the business and in the non-profit environment. In this respect, the world of sports has not been bypassed either, using concepts and / or instruments from accounting, economics or statistic areas in order to analyse a firm or an NGO in the sport industry and his success. The present study represents one of the first attempt to value the Romanian sports federations’ activity which is not based solely on the scores attained following places and medals won by athletes participating in the national and international competition system. And it is intended to identify an appropriate methodology to highlight how efficient the sports federations have been in 2019 year, reporting the results obtained to the resources used, from a domestic perspective (meaning the participation in national sports events and the scores obtained). This paper addresses 12 Romanian sports federations (out of 75 federations on sport branches) and their efficiency, through the lens of several input, output and outcome indicators, using public data gathered from various sources - the Romanian Ministry of Finance, the National Institute of Statistics, the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sports. Using statistical tools, such as Spearman rank correlation, as well as statistical methods, such as standardization, we developed an efficiency calculation methodology, which could be used to support managerial team to improve and / or reshape federations' activities, if necessary.
The Faces of Human Vulnerability
The Faces of Human Vulnerability
(The Faces of Human Vulnerability)
- Author(s):Rariţa Mihail
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:432-436
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Vulnerability;suffering;subjectivity;socialising;Freud;Levinas;Habermas;
- Summary/Abstract:The notion of vulnerability is one of the beliefs of a recent current of moral and political philosophy, namely care ethics. Stemming, especially, from the North American feminist movement, this care ethics, based on the rejection of a universal and abstract morals, privileges the relational dimension based on the orientation towards human vulnerability.Subject to the weight of the tyranny of normality and perfection, contemporary societies, glorifying the individual who is useful and performant, struggle to hide, or more often than not deny the vulnerability of human beings. The notion of vulnerability appeared not only as a mutual sign of any person who is in a dependent situation, but also as one of the constitutive dimensions of the essence of living beings and of their life environment. In this article, the notion of vulnerability will be studied by identifying the representative themes of human vulnerability particular to their life and its conditions of being. Firstly, the hypothesis proposed by Freud in Le malaise dans la culture (2010)represents the underlying basis of this study on human vulnerability. Next, two important concepts guide the study proposed: the vulnerability inherent to human subjectivity, from the perspective of Lévinas, and the one akin the process of socialising of human beings, from the perspective of Habermas.
The Concern of Energy Companies in Obtaining and Maintaining their Sustainable Value
The Concern of Energy Companies in Obtaining and Maintaining their Sustainable Value
(The Concern of Energy Companies in Obtaining and Maintaining their Sustainable Value)
- Author(s):Camelia Cătălina Mihalciuc, Maria Grosu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Financial Markets
- Page Range:447-464
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Sustainable development;sustainable business practices;corporate sustainability;principles of sustainability;listed companies;responsible company;Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Summary/Abstract:The last years are distinguished by increasing the awareness of companies towards sustainable business, going beyond their traditional role of providing goods and services at competitive prices to meet customer requirements. Thus, companies will have to consider the effects of their best practices on the environment and society, in order to contribute to the progress of society and the protection of the environment, the essence of sustainable development being the coexistence of economic and social relations and environmental protection by implementing economic, social and environmental objectives. We can see that every company that seeks to become sustainable must consider approaches based on sustainable business practices geared to meeting customer needs. For companies listed on the stock market, the index that stands next to each company is the one that shows the level of sustainability, through corporate sustainability, long-term value is created for shareholders, taking into account all social factors, those related to the environment, as well as economic ones. All these considerations have led to the establishment of the general objective of the paper, through which the authors aim to explain and present the importance of sustainability/sustainable development in energy companies in conjunction with the UN guidelines on business and human rights, which will address with priority to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.
The Effect of Management and Marketing on the Dynamics of the Number of Legitimate Athletes from the Romanian Handball and Basketball Federations
The Effect of Management and Marketing on the Dynamics of the Number of Legitimate Athletes from the Romanian Handball and Basketball Federations
(The Effect of Management and Marketing on the Dynamics of the Number of Legitimate Athletes from the Romanian Handball and Basketball Federations)
- Author(s):Corneliu Miron, Marin Chirazi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:465-474
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:sports education;sports federations;legitimate athletes;sports management and marketing;social policies;
- Summary/Abstract:The research follows the evolution of the number of legitimate athletes, of the number of coaches and of the number of departments (clubs) within two sports federations: the Romanian Basketball Federation and the Romanian Handball Federation. The statistics show a different dynamic regarding the number of legitimate athletes in the period 1992-2019, the study making a comparison between the two federations in terms of management programmes and the impact thereof on the dynamics of the number of athletes, coaches and number of departments.The research started from the hypothesis that the type of management and marketing applied at the federation level is very important because it directly influenced the existence of the number of clubs, coaches and implicitly the number of legitimate athletes, in the context in which both federations are national structures under the control of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and funded from a single source, to a large extent. The data were collected from the National Institute of Statistics of Romania, from the Ministry of Youth and Sports and from the website of the two Federations. The study refers to certain differences in the application of management and marketing strategies and the evolution of the 2 federations. The research also offers some explanations from a social, economic and political perspective of the dynamics of the compared parameters.
Human Resources Strategies in Times of Crisis
Human Resources Strategies in Times of Crisis
(Human Resources Strategies in Times of Crisis)
- Author(s):Lucia Morosan-Danila, Otilia-Maria Bordeianu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:475-481
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Human resources;HRM;crisis;COVID-19;strategy;
- Summary/Abstract:The year 2020 came with new challenges for individuals,enterprise sand public institutions. The COVID-19 pandemic imposed a change in the way of thinking, management and action at local and global level, in order to overcome obstacles of financial, legislative, procedural or organizational nature. The economic crisis felt by the business environment only started in 2020, and companies must understand the need to formulate and implement specific strategies related to management,human resources,supply chain,source of financing ,etc. This paper aims to present solutions for efficient management of human resources within companies in order to cope with the problems generated by COVID-19, based on the analysis of the current situation in Romania,presenting an analysis of the human resources management during the crisis. At the end, proposals are made to support the activity of human resources specialists in crisis situations, especially the type generated by COVID-19 context, when the mobility and interaction of human resources is limited.
Signs and Emotions as the Experience of the Urban Explorer
Signs and Emotions as the Experience of the Urban Explorer
(Signs and Emotions as the Experience of the Urban Explorer)
- Author(s):Mihaela Moțăianu, Cornelia Moțăianu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Applied Geography
- Page Range:482-491
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:psychogeography;infographic;emotions;phenomenological experience;urban visual language;
- Summary/Abstract:Although we have the impression that we understand the urban texture in which we live, the city still holds surprises in the way it communicates everyday aspects, situations, and cultural history.The experience of the urban explorer, that flâneur/stroller mentioned by Guy Debord (1955) and the Situationist school, was until recently only a literary experience. The emotion of discovering the unusual in the urban daily life was communicated only in the form of textual narratives (Sinclair, 1997). Recently the psychogeographical approach to the city has become again a topic of interest. Although contemporary design transposed the behavioral codes of urban life into signs, it did not propose emoticons for the phenomenological experience of one who experiences the city.The original purpose of this paper is to translate the phenomenological experience of the urban explorer into infographics (which translates complex concepts into signs with condensed meaning) and to quantify and communicate emotionally and visually, the experience of the "invisible" [out of sight] cultural details to the hurried passerby.This paper will discuss the phenomenological (psychogeographical) experience of the city transferred into visual signs will be presented. The authors insist on the communicative value of infographics in making visible the hidden beauty of the city, the historical and esthetical details that are not seen by the passersby on the street, proposing a new urban visual language accompanied by visual design theory and cultural history explanations.
Information and Communication – The Limits of Media Discourse. Case Study – Romanian School in the News
Information and Communication – The Limits of Media Discourse. Case Study – Romanian School in the News
(Information and Communication – The Limits of Media Discourse. Case Study – Romanian School in the News)
- Author(s):Xenia Negrea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Media studies, Communication studies, Sociology, Higher Education , Applied Sociology
- Page Range:492-497
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education;journalism;public policy;conflict;entertainment;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study we propose an analysis of the media discourse on education. This paper is based on questions such as: in what manner is the media an echo for the public policy authors, for the dominant ideology, and what are the stories featuring the school topic. Using the content analysis, we aimed to find the narrative frames, and a map of the most cited journalistic sources. We found that the media is a very important source for public agenda. In fact, the media is one of the most powerful public and social policy agents. Our analysis covers the journalistic discourse in Romania for a period of one year, from the moment of declaring the state of emergency. One of the hypotheses was that the type of journalistic discourse under analysis is specific to crisis communication. Regarding the corpus of texts, we selected a publication where there are published only features on education,, a quality publication with stories from different fields, including education,, and a soft publication, The texts were analysed from a multidisciplinary perspective, in order to define and describe a narrative pattern. One of our main findings is this fear of contaminating the quality press with false information. And, as a consequence, we have found a journalistic conformism and a lake of creativity and new approaches, respectively assuming a role of facilitating the information, of carrier, rather than of a watchdog.
Interference with Freedom of Expression
Interference with Freedom of Expression
(Interference with Freedom of Expression)
- Author(s):Gabriela Nemtoi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Sociology, Applied Sociology
- Page Range:498-506
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Right to free expression;expression as information;expression as human dignity;limits of the right to expression;
- Summary/Abstract:Established as a personal right, the right to free speech implies obligations and duties, which may generate possible restrictions. Freedom of expression works correctly in a legal framework when it comes to a legitimate aim in a state law. Article 10, paragraph 2, of the Convention explains the conditions under which the right to freedom of expression is justified by the need to protect certain public interests (such as those relating to national security, the territorial space of the state, public order, the prevention of crimes, the protection of health and social morals, the guarantee of authority and the impartiality of the judiciary) but also to protect certain private interests, such as reputation and the rights of others. persons or the need to prevent the publication of secret information. This paragraph basically authorizes states to take certain measures to protect those interests, which materialize through rules and normative rules of the right to conscience, opinion and freedom of expression States enjoy a margin of appreciation for establishing the need for such reactions in a state governed by the rule of law, but in the end it is also up to the European Court of Human Rights to rule on the compatibility of interference with the provisions of the Convention, assessing on a case-by-case basis if the interference arises as a result of the urgent social issues and whether it is fair.
Violations of Private Life
Violations of Private Life
(Violations of Private Life)
- Author(s):Gabriela Nemtoi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:507-513
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Right to life;violations of the right to life;the crime of home invasion;unlawful interception of a conversation;
- Summary/Abstract:Private life it is essential is a right, along with other rights, shapes the human being, giving it value and identity. In this consensus, the legislator through the Romanian civil code sought to impose a series of deeds aimed at infringing on private life.Thus, the listed facts can be considered as violations of private life only subject to the presented of Civil Code (Romanian Civil Code, 2009). This means that the facts indicated in art. 74 of Civil Code they cannot be qualified under any circumstances as violations of private life, but only if they are not among the violations allowed by the international conventions and pacts ratified by Romania. More specifically, those acts do not attract civil liability (payment of compensation, etc.) if they have infringed the particular life allowed under the Convention and the jurisprudence of the ECHR.The private life must be protected and guaranteed by establishing and identifying actions that are prejudicial.The article is a study that in of regulations standards demonstrate violations of the right to life. Comparative development of ECHR case law pointed out that although there is a solid legislative framework, the right to life can be violated.
Correlations Between Agility, Speed And Effort Capacity In Women's Soccer, Handball And Rugby
Correlations Between Agility, Speed And Effort Capacity In Women's Soccer, Handball And Rugby
(Correlations Between Agility, Speed And Effort Capacity In Women's Soccer, Handball And Rugby)
- Author(s):Florin Nichifor, Petrut-Florin Trofin, Florentina-Petruța Martinas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Demography and human biology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:514-520
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:performance;effort capacity;speed;team sports;agility;agility;
- Summary/Abstract:In team sports, the essential factors in achieving performance are represented by speed and agility, expressed in conditions of high intensity and high volume. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between speed, agility and effort in women's soccer, rugby and handball. At the same time, we want to compare these parameters in order to determine the profile for each discipline. The research analyzed 49 performance women athletes from the first leagues of Romania, divided into 3 groups: soccer, rugby and handball. To evaluate the speed we applied the 10 m test. Agility was assessed using samples 505 and 1001. Anaerobic effort capacity was assessed by the 8x10 + 10m and aerobic effort capacity by the VAM-Eval test. The Pearson correlation showed a direct relationship between 505 and 1001, for all groups. Significant correlations were shown between speed and agility, the effort capacity being also involved in the detected interferences.
Principles of Modelling Development Processes at Regional Level
Principles of Modelling Development Processes at Regional Level
(Principles of Modelling Development Processes at Regional Level)
- Author(s):Valeriu Stelian Nitoi, Valentina Chiriac, Marius Gîrtan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:521-532
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Modelling;sustainable development process;positive impact;ensuring economic security;equitable societies;reduction of environmental degradation;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to be a general analysis material on the principles of modelling sustainable development processes at the regional level, by studying sustainable development of the economy of the regions by supporting regional socio-economic activities, i.e. those processes leading to a sustainable and harmonious development of the region and which do not result in adverse impacts on the human health or the environment. In this context, a regional development plan is proposed that sets out aspects structured on the following dimensions: economy, ecology, social. The plan analyzes all these areas but, what is very important, the adopted measures include elements common to the three spheres, as it is not advisable to prioritize the sectors.
Perspectives on Socio-Educational Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs
Perspectives on Socio-Educational Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs
(Perspectives on Socio-Educational Inclusion of Children with Special Educational Needs)
- Author(s):Romana Oneţ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:533-541
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:special educational needs;socio-educational integration;disability;children;
- Summary/Abstract:The socio-educational inclusion of children with special educational needs is an insufficiently explored topic in Romania, despite the fact that we are part of many international organizations that support human rights and an increasing number of nationally ratified conventions. This paper aims to capture the perception and attitude of teachers on the rights and possibilities of these children to integrate into mainstream education, identifying obstacles and possible solutions. The study was conducted through an opinion poll and a focus group with the participation of teachers from mainstream education units.The main conclusions show that regular education will not be able to integrate children with special educational needs, in the absence of differentiated teaching/ learning, programs and assessments tailored to the specifics of each child, a thorough training of teachers and support of specialized staff, parents and community .
Social Dimensions of Roma Marginalization
Social Dimensions of Roma Marginalization
(Social Dimensions of Roma Marginalization)
- Author(s):Romana Oneţ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Applied Sociology, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:542-551
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:social dimensions;roma;marginalization;inequalities;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to analyze aspects of Roma marginalization, by identifying and assessing the dimensions of social needs within a compact Roma community, located in a marginalized urban area. The effects of the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic increase inequalities regarding the economic and social situation. The major challenge is to reduce the risk of poverty, especially among families with children, people with disabilities and chronic diseases, but also the social exclusion of people at social risk, based on accurate measurements of social phenomena. The community profile indicates the social status of the inhabitants, which provides a picture of the degree of marginalization and social exclusion of Roma. Thus, the study was conducted by constructing a questionnaire as a research tool, which summarizes the results of the activity of information collection and processing, both based on statistical methods and percentage analysis. The problems faced by marginalized Roma communities are low participation in education, early school leaving, difficult transition to tertiary education, lack of adult skills, low skills among vulnerable people in the labor market, low access to services, poor health and housing. Measures for early detection of situations of social risk and intervention lead to positive effects in preventing marginalization and social exclusion.
‘Scaling Up’ the Social Impact of Innovation in Services – Significant Findings and Best Practice Examples from Specialty Research
‘Scaling Up’ the Social Impact of Innovation in Services – Significant Findings and Best Practice Examples from Specialty Research
(‘Scaling Up’ the Social Impact of Innovation in Services – Significant Findings and Best Practice Examples from Specialty Research)
- Author(s):Cristina Patrascu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:552-558
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:social innovation;‘scaling up’;diffusion;impact;public service;
- Summary/Abstract:„Social innovation” have gained the focus of interest of many researchers and professionals preoccupied to find solutions to heavy societal problems manifesting themselves as challenges or obstacles for public organizations in the field of services of general interest.The present article explores the specialty research on the impact of social innovation concentrating on the most recent trends and concepts that better describe the ways that can lead to the „diffusion” of social innovation, particularly in the domain of services that are designed with the goal to ensure a higher quality life for all citizens. The main objective of our paper is to contribute to the conceptual field of innovation, by presenting a clear definition and by highlighting the newest trends in research. We also tried to identify what are the possible strategies to be applied by stakeholders in order to ensure the process of scaling up, bringing examples that prove the relevance of this concept in the field of public services.In light of recent developments in the field of social innovation, we consider that both research and practice related to „scaling up” need further evolution and more efforts in order to become solid points of reference for all interested parties. At the same time, the development of rigorous systems of evaluation of the effects and impact of innovation is strongly needed.The methods used are mainly qualitative, based on the evaluation of the specialty literature on innovation in services, and comparative, applied to highlight similarities and differences between various cases of innovation in the social sector that may be transferred in the public sector.
The Dissonance Tourist Demand Prices. The Evolution of Romanian Tourist Packages to Turkey and Egypt Destination, During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Dissonance Tourist Demand Prices. The Evolution of Romanian Tourist Packages to Turkey and Egypt Destination, During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(The Dissonance Tourist Demand Prices. The Evolution of Romanian Tourist Packages to Turkey and Egypt Destination, During the COVID-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Corina Mădălina Pintilei, Pavel Stanciu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Tourism, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:559-571
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Romanian tour operatorsp;Sars-Cov-2;prices;tourist packages;Turkey and Egypt destinations;
- Summary/Abstract:The travel industry and tourism can rightly be considered the most affected branches of the global economy in the COVID-19 era, the tourism market registering the sharpest post-war decline with significant disruptions to the supply-demand ratio.An analysis of the tourist offers promoted by two of the most prolific tour operators in Romania states a strategic endurance approach based on psychological prices easily predictable, but focused on regaining a large segment of Romanian tourists who before 2020 practiced outgoing tourism . Turkey and Egypt are considered the destinations of the pandemic moment, the most appreciated in a state of continuous uncertainty, insecurity and reluctance to travel.During the years 2019-2020, the price offers of the Romanian tour operators did not register major changes, even if the outgoing tourist packages experienced, in full pandemic, conjunctural oscillations with reasonable decreases of prices followed, in some places, by price increases meant to suggest an intensification of tourist consumption with the lifting of the lockdown in various countries and the announcement of the first measures of social relaxation.The measures regarding the vaccination and the immunization of the population determined the Romanian tourists to react positively to the inner, urgent desire to travel regardless of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary restrictions determined by it.
The Concept of Identity in the Technological Era
The Concept of Identity in the Technological Era
(The Concept of Identity in the Technological Era)
- Author(s):Ines Razec
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Societal Essay, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:572-589
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Artificial Intelligence;Personal Identity;society;self;digitization;
- Summary/Abstract:We are currently witnessing a process of redefinition of the social structures that we are part of, through the new technologies, which are gradually entering all sectors of our lives, influencing the way we think, live, and relate to others. Since man is essentially a “political animal”, designed to evolve within a community, what impact will the digitalization era have on his behavior, especially when the physical limits imposed by the body are progressively disappearing? The objective of this study is to explore some of the subtle, but sure transformations of human behavior in the technological era, with a particular emphasis on the process of communication, personal feelings, and identity. In a more connected world than ever, where absolutely everything can be quantified, physical reality is in danger of being replaced by the virtual one. In this dynamic, the body could gradually become the only real impediment on the way to progress. Engaged in this alert race, we risk being dehumanized, in an attempt to be as similar as possible to the machines, which, undisturbed by the feelings, experiences, and behavioral predispositions specific to the human being, operate more accurately and are more effective. History shows that man essentially remains the same, with each age illustrating another facet of him. This is why, a thorough education from an early age is needed both in terms of the consequences of digitization and the means to cope with it, thus preventing us from distorting our essence.
VUCA n+1. To the Infinity and Beyond!
VUCA n+1. To the Infinity and Beyond!
(VUCA n+1. To the Infinity and Beyond!)
- Author(s):Dan Florin Stanescu, Marius Constantin Romascanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:590-596
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:VUCA;infinity;disruption;change;Internet of bodies;
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the observation that nowadays, the need to operate in a world described by Horney et al. (2010) as a world characterized by its volatility, uncertainties, complexity, and ambiguity has become more evident than ever, we aim at identifying and reveal the need for a ceaseless VUCA model. During the last decade, the term VUCA has easily migrated in other areas, being transformed into a common expression due to rapid change manifested in the technological, political, financial, and administrative fields (Sarkar, 2016). In this context, we have analyzed the existing VUCA models and proposed the n+1 version of them. Within the current stream of events, including Brexit and especially the COVID-19 pandemic, the way managers addressed the ever-changing business environment has become less efficient in the current disruptive type of period we are facing. Therefore, the VUCA 2.0 model was developed. The model comprising the same acronym is based on the following elements: vision, understanding, courage, and adaptability (George, 2017). But, in the last years, technology has accelerated the VUCA world and, in 2020, the VUCA 3.0 popped out (Day, 2020). As the results of the analysis pointed out, the incredible pace and amplitude of change, together with the associated disruption in the way businesses are managed, call for the constant development of a never-ending VUCA n+1 model. With a wider spread of automatization, cyber systems, and artificial intelligence, a new VUCA model will soon be necessary. This framework invites the reader to think not only about a potential but to a factual infinite sequence of VUCA models.
Adjusting Financial Reporting in the Perspective of Transferring Financial Transactions to the Cryptocurrency Market
Adjusting Financial Reporting in the Perspective of Transferring Financial Transactions to the Cryptocurrency Market
(Adjusting Financial Reporting in the Perspective of Transferring Financial Transactions to the Cryptocurrency Market)
- Author(s):Monica-Laura Sorici (Zlati), Veronica Grosu, Cristina Gabriela Cosmulese, Marian Socoliuc
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:597-610
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Cryptocurrency market;accounting;financial reporting;accounting policies;digital revolution;
- Summary/Abstract:The regulation of the cryptocurrency market is becoming an increasingly debated topic in the context of the transition to the digital economy and the health security procedures adopted by the authorities in this period dominated by the pandemic and economic crisis. In this context, we propose a prospective analysis of the effects of legislative regulation and the shift to the cryptocurrency market as a unit supporting digitization. The methods and procedures used in the analysis aim to obtain the staging of the interaction between the accounting system and the cryptocurrency trading processes. Thus, we will address the issue of the digital economy and the effects produced by it, and the result of this approach will be to identify viable solutions that will prevent certain effects on financial reporting and limit tax evasion or other money laundering techniques as a result of the widespread transition to this trading system. The results obtained will be useful to economic decision-makers and tax authorities concerned with these aspects of economic development.
The Contribution of Innovative Changes to the Strategic Development of Universities in the Context of Achieving Sustainability
The Contribution of Innovative Changes to the Strategic Development of Universities in the Context of Achieving Sustainability
(The Contribution of Innovative Changes to the Strategic Development of Universities in the Context of Achieving Sustainability)
- Author(s):Alina Suslenco
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:611-629
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:innovative changes;strategic development;sustainability;universities;lifelong learning;artificial intelligence;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper constitutes a scientific approach, where there have been highlighted the most important innovative changes that influence the development of a higher education institution and shape the activity of universities towards permanent adaptation to achieve their sustainability. The topicality of the research topic stems from the need to identify effective measures to achieve sustainability in higher education institutions. The aim of the research is to identify the innovative changes that have a positive impact on the strategic development of the universities. The problem of the research lies in highlighting the most important innovative changes that can affect the universities in achieving their sustainability. In this context, we can reiterate that innovative changes have been defined and analysed from the perspective of the need of university change in the direction of their assimilation within institutions. In addition, the innovative potential of the Republic of Moldova was evaluated from the perspective of the analysis of the categories of scientific researchers, of the research fields, of the expenses undertaken by the state for the development of scientific researches. The research methodology focused on the use of several methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, abduction, deduction, qualitative research through documentation, scientific abstraction. In conclusion, we can reiterate that the Republic of Moldova has a valuable innovation potential, which can lead the country to achieve sustainability. The best solution would be the efficient capitalization of the innovative potential of the country but also its direction towards ensuring an ecological-economic-social balance, in the context of applying a management of university sustainability within higher education institutions.
Multicultural Education: Ukrainian Challenges
Multicultural Education: Ukrainian Challenges
(Multicultural Education: Ukrainian Challenges)
- Author(s):Olha Svyridiuk, Svitlana Shumaieva, O. V. Svyrydiuk
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Applied Sociology, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:630-640
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Multiculturalism;multicultural education;identity;diversity;cultures;
- Summary/Abstract:Ukraine is a multinational and multicultural country. Though Ukrainian scientists have studied the issue of multicultural education from different aspects, nevertheless, there is no special or ideal model of multicultural education. That is why we decided to monitor the students’ multicultural education state at secondary schools of Ukraine. In order to identify the state of multicultural education in Ukrainian schools we conducted an empirical study in schools of Cherkasy region among primary, secondary and senior level students. The main method was determined as questionnaire, which is provided for clarification of issues of national-patriotic and multicultural orientation. Accordingly, questionnaires that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection were offered to the 4th, 6th and 11th grade students in some schools in Uman and Uman district, covering 296 respondents. Thus, the monitoring of the state of multicultural education in Ukrainian school education has shown that the problem of multicultural upbringing of children and young people is addressed at the government level, relevant research is conducted, some aspects of multiculturalism are observed in educational programs of some subjects, but the level of multicultural education of students should be higher.
Comparative Study Regarding the Extracurricular Sports Activity among Primary and Middle Schoolers
Comparative Study Regarding the Extracurricular Sports Activity among Primary and Middle Schoolers
(Comparative Study Regarding the Extracurricular Sports Activity among Primary and Middle Schoolers)
- Author(s):Anca Raluca Tanasa, Cristina Elena Moraru, Petrut-Florin Trofin, Rares Alexandru Puni, Razvan Andrei Tomozei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, School education, Sports Studies
- Page Range:641-649
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:extracurricular physical activity;students;evaluation;monitoring;sedentary behaviour;
- Summary/Abstract:The extracurricular sports activity among schooler children plays a significant role in the elimination of their sedentary behaviour. The purpose of this study was to analyse on a sample of 408 students aspects related to the following: the body mass index (BMI), the type of physical activities practiced, the parameters of the physical efforts made, the level of performance attained and the access to sports bases. The subjects within the research were divided into 4 groups: female primary schoolers (FP, n=126, 9.83 ±1.30 years old), male primary schoolers (MP, n=103, 10,04 ± 1.22 years old), female middle schoolers (FM, n=98, 12.40 ± 1.36 years old) and male middle schoolers (MM, n=81, 12.22 ± 1.33 years old). The subjects underwent anthropometric and interrogative analyses, through the survey method. By using the Anova One – Way (p˂0.05), we obtained significant differences of the BMI between FP- MM, MP–MM and FM–MM. The type of preferred sports activities differentiated MP – MM, the last group being centred on cyclical activities. The duration of the session presents significant differences between MP – FM. The weekly frequency and the annual duration of sports activity features a similar level. The volume of annual physical activities is differentiated between BP and FG. The performance level attained is different between MP – FM and MP – MM.Consequently, it may be stated that the preferences of schoolers regarding extracurricular sports activity are practiced with a frequency of 8 months per year, 3 times a week, each session lasting for 90 minutes, while their natureis cyclical at leisure level, too.
Cryptocurrency (Virtual Coins): Accounting Aspects and Tax Regulations
Cryptocurrency (Virtual Coins): Accounting Aspects and Tax Regulations
(Cryptocurrency (Virtual Coins): Accounting Aspects and Tax Regulations)
- Author(s):Adriana Monica Tegledi, Boni Mihaela Straoanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Accounting - Business Administration, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:650-657
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:intangible assets;stocks;currencies;
- Summary/Abstract:Lately, there have been many questions from specialists regarding the accountability of cryptocurrency. The lack of a legislation has allowed them to be interpreted as either intangible assets or stocks, even though Romania owns the biggest transaction platform in Eastern Europe (Bitcoin Romania). National Bank of Romania (NBR) acknowledges the lack of regulations and supervisions regarding cryptocurrency, regarding them as “speculative assets, extremely volatile and risky”. Simultaneously, this brings to attention the fact that these are not national coins nor currencies, and accepting them as a payment method isn’t, legally speaking, mandatory.
On Community in the Political Theology of Jacob Taubes
On Community in the Political Theology of Jacob Taubes
(On Community in the Political Theology of Jacob Taubes)
- Author(s):Daniel Tincu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Theology and Religion, Politics and religion, Cultural Essay, Political Essay, Psychology of Religion
- Page Range:658-661
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Community;political theology;the political revolution;eschatology;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims to analyse through a systematic approach the notion of “community” encountered in the works of Jacob Taubes. Under a theologico-political scenario, the author discusses the political framework of Saint Paul in his Letter to the Romans. According to Taubes, the Apostle inaugurates a new type of sovereignty — acquired by the grace of God, and not by the divine law. Ultimately, the plan of Paul is to create a new “life” for the community of Christians through spirit (gr. πνεῦμα) and the highest form of love (gr. ἀγάπη). According to the author, the Letter to the Romans perfectly illustrates the transformation of the political, where the idea of hierarchy is replaced with the one of equilibrium; under this equation religion is not authority, but participation in community. From a more practical point of view, the political theology of Jacob Taubes is interested in answering the following dilemma: how is it possible for a community that sees its Lord crucified on the Cross not to create rebellions, but, on the contrary, to generally cultivate an obedient attitude towards state authority? Ultimately, while mapping the author’s understanding of community, the paper also brings into attention what the transformation of the political means for Taubes and why political theology is the scenario that accommodates the revolutionised community.
Public Support for the EU in Times of Crisis and the Drivers of Euroscepticism
Public Support for the EU in Times of Crisis and the Drivers of Euroscepticism
(Public Support for the EU in Times of Crisis and the Drivers of Euroscepticism)
- Author(s):Iuliana-Lăcrămioara Tincu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:662-665
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:European Union;public opinion;Euroscepticism;EU citizenship;crisis salience;
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the economic, political and social crises that unfolded during the recent years, the European Union had to withstand a growing pressure from the part of its dissatisfied citizens. The long-term effects of the economic crisis, the limited ability to manage refugee flows or the difficulty to come up with joint solutions to pressing issues have highlighted the shortcoming of the EU as a political system, while also giving rise to growing criticism from EU citizens and the loss of their trust. The 2016 referendum vote of British citizens that subsequently led to what came to be known as “Brexit” could be perceived both as a crisis and as an outcome of the growing popular dissatisfaction and protest from the part of British citizens. Consequently, the present article aims to explore the connections between recent crises and the evolution of European citizens’ attitudes in relation to the EU and the integration process as a whole. This perspective could ultimately shed some light on the roots and drivers of Euroscepticism in the context of an inability of the EU as a political system to channel the solidarity of Member States towards common solutions and to cope with the existing social, economic, and cultural divisions in Europe.
Current Issues of the Motivation Concept in the Instructive-Educational Process with Minor – Pupils
Current Issues of the Motivation Concept in the Instructive-Educational Process with Minor – Pupils
(Current Issues of the Motivation Concept in the Instructive-Educational Process with Minor – Pupils)
- Author(s):Vasile Triboi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Educational Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:666-673
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:minor-pupils;motivation;instructive-educational process;physical education;
- Summary/Abstract:The age where we live is dominated by the strong expansion of science and technology in all fields of activity and the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life. These characteristics of contemporaneity have direct consequences on the preparation of the young generation, which must cope with both the current requirements of society and further social development. Firstly, the rapid increase in the volume of information in all areas, the accelerated fatigue of knowledge requires the continuous adaptation of school objectives, content, forms and teaching methods to this information dynamic.Secondly, the new rhythm of life that demands the man in an increasingly intense measure, from a social, cultural and professional point of view, also affects the pupil.
The Fight against Corruption in Sport: International and National Experience
The Fight against Corruption in Sport: International and National Experience
(The Fight against Corruption in Sport: International and National Experience)
- Author(s):Vasile Triboi, Natalia Nastas
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Sports Studies, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:674-683
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Corruption;legislation;world community;social issue;national sport;Olympic sport;
- Summary/Abstract:Corruption is a particularly dangerous scourge, which encompasses the whole of society, all spheres of human activity, and by virtue of this, it also encompasses education, whether we want to recognize it or not.Corruption flourishes in times of great social unrest, in times of crisis that societies are going through, especially in the period of transition from a totalitarian regime to a democratic society.The factor generating corruption is the socio-economic crisis, having as causes: weakening of state authority, degradation of living standards, altered moral judgment, lack of effective control levers, diminished public confidence in institutions and social values, non-adaptation of legislation to economic and social conditions and so on Sport is one of the largest businesses in the world, being influenced and influencing in turn both financial and political interests. Every year, millions of dollars and Euros circulate in this area, most of the transactions and agreements taking place behind closed doors, in order to keep any possible advantage over the competition. This fierce competitiveness, together with the lack of transparency, makes the sports field extremely vulnerable to corruption acts.Summarizing the results of our study, we can conclude: the fight against corruption is an opportunity for beneficiary institutions, which can strengthen and improve their systems for preventing and combating corruption and money laundering and asset recovery, by reference to worldwide first-class practices and standards. Following intense consultations with all beneficiaries in the Republic of Moldova: Minister of Education, Culture and Research, National Olympic and Sports Committee, Paralympics’ Committee, Sports Federations and other structures in the country, in order to ensure effective support in the field of physical culture and sports. The direct relations with the interested actors contribute to the creation of a positive framework, which will favour the general success of the future activities that will take place in obtaining the expected results.
From Pedagogy to Politeness: Aspects Regarding Feedback in Online Learning Context
From Pedagogy to Politeness: Aspects Regarding Feedback in Online Learning Context
(From Pedagogy to Politeness: Aspects Regarding Feedback in Online Learning Context)
- Author(s):Alina Turculet
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Educational Psychology, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:684-688
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Feedback;process-feedback;politeness;online mediated learning;
- Summary/Abstract:The online learning environment has challenged the educational relationships over the last years. The medical safety has hidden us behind some monitors, devices or platforms that allowed us to continue our studies and our professional activities. From faces with or without associated names, we turned into names that accompany empty icons on the wall. Most often, we had to keep our cameras off. When we turned them on and shared our faces with the audience, we offered and received feedback much easier. The feedback has an important role in any human communication. More than that, in the educational field, the feedback contributes to the adjustments of the teaching – learning – evaluating process. On the positive side, the teacher gives feedback in order to reinforce the appropriate learning behaviour of the student and the student offers feedback to ensure the proper adjustment of the teaching behaviour. The pattern of giving and receiving feedback is simple and visible in all face-to-face communication that develops an educational activity. What happens in the online mediated education? What happens when faces see no faces?Our study investigates the feedback from the perspective of the online mediated educational relationships. Thus, we analyzed the responses of the students to some seminar tasks regarding the use of educational platforms and the role of feedback in the learning process. The target population consisted in 135 students enrolled in the certification program for teaching career. Our findings show that feedback as reinforcement communicative behaviour upgrades the politeness strategy and feedback as a pedagogical principle helps to replace the missing face-to-face interaction in online mediated learning.
Integrated Care for Seniors as a Challenge for Slovakia
Integrated Care for Seniors as a Challenge for Slovakia
(Integrated Care for Seniors as a Challenge for Slovakia)
- Author(s):Michaela Vaceková, Jana Levická
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Gerontology
- Page Range:689-705
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Integrated care;case study;social work;seniors;
- Summary/Abstract:Older age can be accompanied by a lot of changes in the field of health, which influence the social functioning of seniors.One of the factors influencing the quality of life of seniors is the connection of healthcare and social care, built on the interdepartmental cooperation. This approach is still absent in Slovakia.The aim of the paper is therefore to emphasize the importance and need of integrated care and to describe the barriers that prevent its implementation in Slovakia. In search of answers to the questions: “When and why was the healthcare and social care department of seniors established in Slovakia? What are the reasons persisting in this condition? What are the consequences of this divided care for the seniors in practice? What strategies use facilities for seniors to overcome this situation during the COVID-19 pandemic?” the authors used the method of the case study (Yin, 2003) focused on the Trnava self-governing region. Persistent structural, procedural, legislative and political factors have been identified as the main barriers. Specific for Slovakia is the existence of a barrier of the profession, which is caused by the low interest of social workers in the issue. The authors state that the situation in Slovakia is caused mainly by the reflection of integrated care as a political problem. In the end, the authors make several suggestions for solving the situation.
Considerations on the Infringement Procedure against Romania
Considerations on the Infringement Procedure against Romania
(Considerations on the Infringement Procedure against Romania)
- Author(s):Crina Mihaela Verga
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:706-713
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:infringement;European Union;the states' practice;Romania;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is a study of the infringement procedure, as it is regulated at EU level. Thus, we first analyze the existing legal framework on the matter. The implementation of this procedure in various Member States of the European Union and its consequences are then presented. Last but not least, the article refers to a series of aspects regarding the fields in which the procedure was directed against Romania since its integration into the EU.The purpose of the essay is to present in detail Romania's situation regarding the violation of EU’s law.Thus, a comparative presentation throughout time of the number of such proceedings launched against the Romanian state was made.A relevant case in which Romania was tried and convicted was also presented in detail.The large number of cases launched in 2021 highlights the delays registered by Romania on the matter.The measures ordered by the Romanian government through the elaborated the Annual Transposition Plan-2021must be carefully and systematically implemented. Romania could also consider and effectively apply the examples of good practice from the other EU’vsmember states.The historical and the comparative methods used in this presentation reveal both the similarities between the application of this procedure in the EU Member States under review as well as the difference sand its succession in time.The article is important not only for the scientists, but also for the practitioners to dispose all the necessary measures that are required.
Adult Learning Methods in Health Education Institutions
Adult Learning Methods in Health Education Institutions
(Adult Learning Methods in Health Education Institutions)
- Author(s):Cristina Virag-Iorga, Cristian Silviu Bănacu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Adult Education, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:714-722
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Learning;learning style;adults;health education;general nurse;
- Summary/Abstract:The research aims to identify learning styles in health education institutions. The analysis was applied in post-secondary health schools, identifying in addition to the general characteristics of the group, particular aspects of the Kolb model, which determines the belonging to a learning style. The research tool used was Kolb's questionnaire, it was applied in two health education units, in order to be able to capture possible differences between the learning styles present in the respondents of the general nurse specialization. It should be noted that the emphasis was on the four learning styles present in Kolb's model, as this model is the best known and it is still widely used in research. The study highlighted the fact that there is a diversity of learning styles identified within these health education institutions that depend to a greater or lesser extent on the age of the respondents. This research can be extended, being able to be applied in several post-secondary health education units in order to increase the degree of accuracy, the study can be carried out both in state or private health education units, thus increasing the complexity and will be able to obtain even more relevant results.
The Philosophical Vision of Legal Punishment
The Philosophical Vision of Legal Punishment
(The Philosophical Vision of Legal Punishment)
- Author(s):Virginia Zaharia, Veronica Pozneacova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Special Branches of Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Applied Sociology, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Philosophy of Education
- Page Range:723-736
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:crime;punishment;re-education;criminal;philosophy;
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of punishment represents one of the most difficult legal issues that are related to the concept of human freedom and responsibility. Since Antiquity, the brilliant minds of humanity contemplated about the sense of punishment and the function of this institution. Each epoch analyses this concept from different aspects and some of them are reflected in the actual legislation. The most important principles of contemporary criminal law were expounded by the Ancient, Modern and Contemporary philosophers. The field of research of this article is the philosophy of punishment of criminal law. In this study, we have applied the method of historical research of the proposed topic, which gives us the opportunity to analyze the development of criminal punishment and its goals from a historical perspective. In this paper, we aimed to determine the philosophical base of the legal punishment that legitimizes the application of sanctions to the person who committed the crime. We established the importance of the theories developed by brilliant thinkers for the contemporary concept of penal retribution and legal regulation of this institution. This theme generates several discussions that are formed in the process of comparison and debating of the ideas of influential philosophers regarding the purpose of criminal punishment. Therefore, we consider that the analysis of the theories of great thinkers gives us the possibility to understand the complexity of the phenomenon of criminal punishment, and leads to the more effective application of state constraint towards the offender.
Teachers' Perception of the Phenomenon of Cyberbullying During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Teachers' Perception of the Phenomenon of Cyberbullying During the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Teachers' Perception of the Phenomenon of Cyberbullying During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Elena Zavoianu, Ion Ovidiu Pânișoară
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Sociology, Educational Psychology, Health and medicine and law, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Pedagogy
- Page Range:737-743
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cyberbullying;students;teachers;perceptions;effects;
- Summary/Abstract:Cyberbullying is a negative social phenomenon that takes place online. It consists of harassing technology users through various means and various platforms. Frequent exposure to this phenomenon can cause emotional, mental and social problems for victims, witnesses and aggressors.In the current pandemic context, when education has shifted to the online environment, and students spend a significant amount of time using different devices and online platforms, the number of cyberbullying cases is constantly increasing. There is currently little research describing how this phenomenon influenced online aggression.In preventing and eliminating this phenomenon, teachers play an important role, due to the time they spend with students and the impact they can have on them.In order to identify teachers' perceptions of this phenomenon during the pandemic and how they manage it in the classroom, we conducted a qualitative research on 10 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The results of the research were interesting and offered a new perspective on this phenomenon during Covid-19 crisis.