Проблеми та перспективи зміцнення стійкості фінансової системи України
Problems and Prospects of Strengthening the Sustainability of the Financial System of Ukraine
Author(s): L. G. Shemaeva, Ya. Zhalilo, N. Ya, Yurkiv, D. M. Gladkikh, Valentina V. Gladkikh, Yu. V. Kasperovich, L.P Londar, A. L. Deshko
Subject(s): Economic policy, Security and defense, Financial Markets
Published by: НІСД Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень
Summary/Abstract: The modern globalized world is characterized by increasing turbulence in financial markets, which poses special challenges to ensure the stability of national economies. The megatrend of financialization, which is characterized by increasing the share of financial transactions and the dominance of the financial sector of the economy over the real one, reflects radical changes in the structure of the modern world economy. Fluctuations in financial markets significantly affect the rate of global growth, and global financial flows determine structural changes in national economies. // Currently, Ukraine is facing exacerbation of external risks associated with the sharp increase in global economic volatility, which was observed in the first half of 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which, according to many experts, makes high-scale growth of full-scale global economic crises. Responding to the challenges of the pandemic has led to a number of radical measures at the national level, which have a shocking impact on the national economy. Hybrid aggression against Ukraine continues, shaping its own challenges to the financial system.
Series: Аналітична доповідь
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-966-554-341-1
- Page Count: 104
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Ukrainian