Забезпечення економічних інтересів України у відносинах з країнами Субсахарської Африки
Ensuring Ukrainian economic interests in relations with Subsaharian African countries

Author(s): A. V. Bobrovytsky, V. P. Kolosova, I. V. Us
Subject(s): Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade
Published by: НІСД Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень
Keywords: Ukraine and African Countries;
Summary/Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa is a giant subcontinent for rhetoric of sub-Saharan Africa. In modern definitions There is some disagreement as to the exact number of countries that are part of this region. According to the methodology used by the World Bank, the subcontinent consists of 48 countries1 differing in level of development, self-organization, historical features of the colonial past, geographical location, natural resources, the spread of world religions and place in the world economic order. The subcontinent has common features: population composition, geographical location and similar history of development. According to the UN geoeconomic classification, Africa is isolated four subregions. However, there are real differences between North Africa and the rest of the African continent. Therefore, the purpose of this report is a deeper definition of economic interests of Ukraine and the formation of political influence in the way of development of economic cooperation and the formation of permanent actions with subcontinent countries. To the Ukrainian interests in the Sub-African Africa should include: markets for agricultural products and satisfaction (direct supplies, participation in UN procurement and others international organizations); markets for engineering products and services; Ukraine’s interest in supplying useful wormwood from sub-Saharan Africa; humanitarian cooperation and provision of educational and medical services; formation of favorable international and bilateral climate; group formation "Friends of Ukraine" among the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa; training models for ensuring the geoeconomic interests of Ukraine in the Sub-Africa and a long-term strategy to promote interests on the subcontinent.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-966-554-331-2
  • Page Count: 65
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Ukrainian
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