Wirtualizacja życia osób z niepełnosprawnością
Vitrualizing the lives of people with disabilities
Contributor(s): Grzegorz Całek (Editor), Jakub Niedbalski (Editor), Mariola Racław (Editor), Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: disability; virtualization of life; Internet; online education; digital competence
Summary/Abstract: Papers presented in the monograph respond to the situation that has arisen in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences relating both to the presence of information technology in all areas of social life and the pervasiveness of its use. Therefore, the publication aims to illustrate the complexity and dynamics of the ongoing virtualization processes of social life and their impact on the functioning of people with disabilities, also considering recent events related to the global epidemic. Individual chapters in the book focus on, among other things: how people with disabilities use the Internet, online education and digital competencies for people with disabilities, virtual civic participation, and social and political activism by people with disabilities. Significant emphasis was also placed on the application dimension of the texts prepared. The publication combines both the features of a scientific paper, based on the individual authors' research, and conclusions in the form of recommendations.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8220-739-2
- Page Count: 256
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Polish
Nowe technologie i niepełnosprawność
Nowe technologie i niepełnosprawność
(New technologies and disability)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Całek, Jakub Niedbalski, Mariola Racław, Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:7-16
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:disability; new technologies; digital exclusion; biotechnologies; representations of disability
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an introduction to a monograph devoted to showing the complex relations between new technologies and disability. On the one hand, they are seen as a tool for inclusion and emancipation, and on the other hand, they are a source of exclusion for people with disabilities. Our goal is to show the contextual relationships between technological solutions and the functioning of people with disabilities in everyday life. By showing various perspectives showing the impact of technology on everyday activities and activities undertaken by people with disabilities. This topic is extremely important today because in connection with the Covid-19 epidemic, the role and importance of modern technologies has increased. This was due to the necessity to transfer many daily activities to virtual space. These changes had significant consequences for people with disabilities who were affected by limitations in movement, access to medical care and education and the possibility of exercising their rights to support in independent and independent life, and had to transfer their activities to a virtual space within a very short time.
Nowe narzędzia i technologie komunikacyjne dla osób niepełnosprawnych fizycznie, intelektualnie i społecznie oraz seniorów
Nowe narzędzia i technologie komunikacyjne dla osób niepełnosprawnych fizycznie, intelektualnie i społecznie oraz seniorów
(New tools and communication technologies for people handicapped physically, intellectually and socially as well as senior citizens)
- Author(s):Tomasz Sahaj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:19-43
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Internet; social isolation; disability; online communication; support
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present and describe chosen tools and technology, applications and Internet environments which enable a remote and indirect communication, the supervision and care of senior citizens and people with physical, intellectual and social disabilities. Some of these solutions – such as telecare – grew in considerable importance in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, which in 2020 caused social isolation twice together with lockdown, forcing communication, education and work to be remote. Solutions discussed in the text are of different provenance: animated by single social actors, commercial institutions or social organizations, but also comprehensive solutions of government applications. What links all of the solutions is the fact that supporting people socially marginalised and handicapped, in particular with hearing, sight and speech disorders, they facilitate communication and social integration.
Telemedycyna a niepełnosprawność wzrokowa – szanse, zagrożenia, wyzwania
Telemedycyna a niepełnosprawność wzrokowa – szanse, zagrożenia, wyzwania
(Telemedicine and visual impairment - opportunities, threats, challenges)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Binder-Olibrowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:45-62
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:telemedicine; telehealth; e-Health; vision impairment; access to health care;digital exclusion
- Summary/Abstract:Telemedicine has been evolving for years, and the prevalence of its use spurred by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has made it difficult to imagine healthcare without it in the future. As with other health care interactions, there is a need to control the quality of telemedicine interactions. One of the determinants of this quality is the fit between the services and the needs of the recipients. For years, attention has been drawn to the inequalities in access to health care experienced by people with disabilities. Hence, the question is whether telemedicine is an opportunity to achieve equality or is it another threat for this group of people? What challenges are associated with the use of technology-based health care services? This study is an attempt to answer these questions in relation to people with visual dysfunctions.
Internet w służbie rodziców dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
Internet w służbie rodziców dzieci z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
(Internet in the service of parents of children with intellectual disability)
- Author(s):Jakub Niedbalski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:63-78
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Disability; family; parents; children; Internet
- Summary/Abstract:Despite the changes that have taken place in recent years, there are plenty of activities that are still inaccessible to categories of excluded and marginalized people due to numerous barriers in the social space. New media, and among them the Internet, offer a real chance to get rid of these limitations at least partially. Therefore, in this paper, I try to present the importance and functions of the Internet as attributed by parents of people with disabilities. The research conducted was qualitative in nature, and data analysis was based on the procedures of the grounded theory methodology.
Edukacja zdalna. Adaptacja procesu dydaktycznego do potrzeb osób z niepełnosprawnościami
Edukacja zdalna. Adaptacja procesu dydaktycznego do potrzeb osób z niepełnosprawnościami
(Online education. Adaptation of the teaching process to the needs of people with disabilities)
- Author(s):Justyna Migacz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:79-95
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:disability; adaptation of online education; higher education; online education process; inclusion
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents information on the adaptation of the study process to the needs of selected groups of people with disabilities. The article focuses on adapting remote education. The concept of adaptation of the education process was defined. Suggestions for communication with people with disabilities were presented. Adaptations of remote education divided into groups of people with disabilities were presented. The information presented in the article is based on the literature on the subject as well as the author's observations and experience. The article contains practical knowledge. Due to the experience of the author, a significant part of the article is devoted to discussing the adaptation of remote education to the needs of people with visual disabilities. The article highlights the differences between distance and conventional education. Differences in the adaptation of the education process of people with disabilities resulting from the use of remote education were indicated.
Konstruowanie tożsamości w Internecie - młodzi ludzie z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
Konstruowanie tożsamości w Internecie - młodzi ludzie z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
(The construction of online identity - young people with intellectual disabilities)
- Author(s):Rafał Maciąg
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Sociology
- Page Range:99-111
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:identity; intellectual disability; online communication; internet; hate
- Summary/Abstract:The construction of online identity by young people with intellectual disabilities is slightly different than in the case of non-disabled peers. According to research, they use online communication, but they usually learn about various amenities and news with a delay. The aim of the considerations is to answer the question of what impact the Internet has on various aspects of life: risk-taking, loneliness and networking, getting to know sex life, the role of parents (eg Seale, Chadwick 2017). Young people with intellectual disabilities use the Internet for slightly different purposes than their peers. It is very important to maintain contact with others online for emotional purposes (Krzyżak-Szymańska 2019). Intellectual disability additionally creates a situation in which young people are subjected to more frequent aggression and hate (Plichta 2012). Although the identity constructed on the Internet allows to hide the real "I" and establish relationships that are a substitute for normalcy (Watson 2002), as a result, real meetings are less frequent than among groups of able-bodied youth.
Wirtualizacja działań społecznych i obywatelskich – szanse i zagrożenia – na przykładzie Kongresu osób z niepełnosprawnościami
Wirtualizacja działań społecznych i obywatelskich – szanse i zagrożenia – na przykładzie Kongresu osób z niepełnosprawnościami
(Virtualization of social and civic activities - opportunities and threats - on the example of the Congress of People with Disabilities)
- Author(s):Zbigniew Głąb
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:113-128
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The limitation of direct contacts resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic caused many projects - wanting to maintain their continuity - to move to the Internet. One of them is the Congress of People with Disabilities - a cyclical social initiative involving and connecting people and institutions related to the subject of disability - aimed at introducing changes and new solutions in this area. The virtualization of the Congress posed new challenges - both for its organizers and participants. The study aimed to determine how the Congress changed its nature as a result of its transfer to the Web, as well as the opportunities, challenges and threats associated with it. The analysis takes the perspective of the social movement and the related issue of representation - with the proviso that it is possible to discuss some features by which the Congress can be described as well as taking into account the difficulties in applying this theory to the disability community in general. For the analysis, 8 free directed interviews were conducted with the organizers of the Congress and the accompanying conventions. Among the respondents there are experts (with and without disabilities) in the field of disability, involved in the organization of Congress 2020, but also in its earlier editions. The research results indicate a noticeable change in the nature of the Congress - related both to the technical and financial side, but also to the social aspect associated with the relations and bonds between participants. Among the most important concerns was maintaining the rank of the Congress as an event that stands out and attracts new people to the emerging nucleus of the representation of people with disabilities in Poland. The particularly emphasized advantages of virtualization include the equalization of accessibility for people with various disabilities.
Kultura zdalna: szansa na uczestnictwo czy zagrożenie izolacją? Przypadek osób z niepełnosprawnością wzroku
Kultura zdalna: szansa na uczestnictwo czy zagrożenie izolacją? Przypadek osób z niepełnosprawnością wzroku
(Distance Culture: a chance to participate or a danger of exclusion? Case of people with visual impairment)
- Author(s):Monika Dubiel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:129-148
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:disability studies; accessibility studies; culture; disability; barriers
- Summary/Abstract:The closure of polish cultural institutions for the public in 2020 forced them to switch their activity to completely virtual mode. It influenced significantly the quality, form and frequency of contact with culture for whole society, but probably it was the biggest change for recipients with disabilities. In this article I analyze the proces of virtualization of culture for its accessibility for people with visual impairment. I investigate possibilities and dangers related to it. The field of my research is the accessible cultural offer of selected institutions and nongovernmental organizations. I collected research data by interviewing both: employees of cultural institutions and recipients with visual impairment. The main research question is: Does virtualization contribute to removing barriers for people with visual impairment in the access to culture or the contrary, deepens already existing problems? Further questions are: how the virtualization impact the frequency of the accessible events and grade of participation of people with visual impairment in them? What kind of innovative solutions appeared in the accessible offer of institutions and organizations? Is the accessibility of distance culture easier or more difficult than in the case of face to face events? Disability studies and accessibility studies serve as a theoretical frame for my considerations.
Dostępność Zintegrowanej Platformy Edukacyjnej dla uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi
Dostępność Zintegrowanej Platformy Edukacyjnej dla uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi
(Accessibility of the Integrated Educational Platform for pupils with special educational needs)
- Author(s):Joanna Wojtyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:151-166
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:online education; disability; accessibility; WCAG; special educational needs
- Summary/Abstract:The pandemic limitation in the functioning of schools and the transition to distance learning increased the interest in the website www.epodreczniki.pl, where is located the so-called Integrated Educational Platform (ZPE). The article presents the genesis of ZPE, its content and, above all, the solution used to ensure the adaptation of the didactic materials on the above-mentioned side to the WCAG standard and the requirements of pupils with special educational needs (SEN). The adaptation of the materials was discussed in relation to the educational needs of students with various disabilities related to the use of ICT.
Diagnoza kształcenia zdalnego wśród studentów i doktorantów z niepełnosprawnościami w sytuacji pandemii Covid-19 – wybrane zagadnienia raportu z badań
Diagnoza kształcenia zdalnego wśród studentów i doktorantów z niepełnosprawnościami w sytuacji pandemii Covid-19 – wybrane zagadnienia raportu z badań
(Diagnosis of distance education among students and doctoral students with disabilities in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic - selected issues of the research report)
- Author(s):Anna Gutowska, Joanna Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:167-194
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:students and doctoral students with disabilities; remote education; Covid-19 pandemic; report
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the publication is to present selected results of the research on distance education of students with disabilities in Polish higher education institutions during Covid-19 pandemics. The authors gathered the opinions from 291 students with various disabilities, and they performed the analysis of the implementation of online education process in pandemics from the perspective of this specific group. The publication includes the respondents’ experiences referring to different areas of distance education and to its positive and negative aspects. It also offers the assessment of online learning from the substantive and organisational angle and from the perspective of its influence on the psychic, physic and social sphere of the respondents’ functioning. Also the opinions of students with disabilities on the support they expected and the one they received and on their expectations for distance education to be better adjusted to their needs are included in the publication. Perspectives of students with different disability types and levels, representing various higher education institutions, different study programmes, cycles and stages of studying were taken into consideration in the research.
Muzykoterapia online w czasie pandemii
Muzykoterapia online w czasie pandemii
(Online music therapy during a pandemic)
- Author(s):Edyta Górska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:195-216
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:online music therapy; boarding school; disability; online therapy; lockdown
- Summary/Abstract:In March 2020, because of the pandemic and lockdown, therapeutic activities for people with intellectual disabilities were suspended via revocation throughout Poland. Online music therapy became a necessity when switching to a remote form of music therapy for people with disabilities. It has become a challenge for both the leaders and the mentees. Online music therapy has turned into a daily ritual. The main research problem is the idea of conducting online music therapy. In the process of changing stationary music therapy to online music therapy, I applied innovations that have now become established as new methods. The participants were adults and children with intellectual disabilities from the PSONI center in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. This activity required the development of unconventional solutions, new methods and music therapy activities and it became one of the therapeutic measures in the period of isolation. Online music therapy has proven to be an effective method of therapy, which can successfully replace stationary music therapy in a situation of higher necessity, such as a pandemic.
Joga w czasach zarazy – możliwości i wyzwania praktykowania jogi online przez osoby z dysfunkcją wzroku
Joga w czasach zarazy – możliwości i wyzwania praktykowania jogi online przez osoby z dysfunkcją wzroku
(Yoga in the Time of Cholera - Opportunities and Challenges for Visually Impaired persons to Practice Yoga Online)
- Author(s):Kamila Albin
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:217-232
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:analytical autoethnography; evocative autoethnography; yoga; visual impairment; information and communication technologies
- Summary/Abstract:This paper discusses yoga practice initiated during lockdown by visually impaired people using information and communication technology. The aim of the analysis is to show what possibilities remote communication tools offer blind and visually impaired people in terms of sport, especially in relation to the practice of yoga. The author reflects on the challenges of mediating exercise and contact with the teacher through digital platforms such as Zoom. The article also uncovers the perspective of yoga teachers who conduct classes with visually impaired people. It addresses the issue of challenges they face in working with this group and new skills in teaching yoga they have had to develop. The author poses the question as to whether this way of practicing yoga can have any advantage over practicing in a yoga school. The author explores answers to the questions posed above using the method of analytical autoethnography. The paper combines different perspectives of insight into the experience of practicing yoga: that of a researcher, a sociologist and a person with disabilities, and that of other people participating in classes and yoga teachers.
Poradnictwo prawne i obywatelskie świadczone na odległość dla osób z niepełnosprawnością. Obserwacje z okresu pandemii
Poradnictwo prawne i obywatelskie świadczone na odległość dla osób z niepełnosprawnością. Obserwacje z okresu pandemii
(On-line legal and civic counseling for people with disabilities. Pandemic observations)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Różycka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:233-250
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:People with disabilities; social services; legal aid; citizens advice; legal advice
- Summary/Abstract:The public service of citizens and legal advice has been virtualized even before the lockdown had been implemented in response to the pandemic. This was possible due to previous experiences and both legal and organizational changes introduced one year earlier, which enabled the provision of remote services for people with disabilities from the beginning of 2019. This group of citizens was initially given the choice between advice given in person and services provided by various means of distance communication. Later, in time of the pandemic, the remote advice in most of the poviats (regional unit in Poland) became the only one accessible to all the citizens. Thus people with disabilities lost additional conveniences consisting in the possibility of having a personal meeting both at the point of advice and place of residence, in a place provided with appropriate equipment supporting communication or offering an access to a sign language interpreter. This article attempts to answer the question whether, under these conditions, it is possible to fulfill the role of legal and citizens counseling, taking into account that the problems of the beneficiaries may be complex and they are quite distanced from the ideal of fair protection of rights and obligations contained in the legal system. It was also considered what circumstances and forms of remote counseling contribute to maintaining the appropriate social quality of counseling services, which seems to condition nearing the institutions of the legal system and applicable regulations to a specific situation of an individual and its entire context, and consequently increases the chance of receiving adequate and valuable legal or citizens advice by people with disabilities.