Global Maritime Geopolitics
Global Maritime Geopolitics
Contributor(s): Hasret Çomak (Editor), Burak Şakir Şeker (Editor), Mehlika Özlem Ultan (Editor)
Subject(s): International Law, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies, Maritime Law
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: International Relations; Policy Series; Antarctic; Arctic; Baltic; biodiversity; energy geopolitics; foreign policy; geopolitics; Maritime politics; maritime trade; Mediterranean; Russian navy modernization; security; Turkey;
Summary/Abstract: States must develop new approaches, maritime policies, strategies and tactics to cruise through contemporary maritime politics. Soft power, as well as economic, commercial, and logistics factors are of critical importance in establishing marine power. It is critical to promote maritime-related products such as films, serials, literature and art, maritime journalism, and maritime photography as part of governmental policies.
Marine and maritime security challenges are becoming more important in today’s world. As a result of all these developments, the preparation of a multidimensional and comprehensive work on the oceans and seas at the global level has been brought to the agenda. Our book has been written to elucidate these concerns and contribute to this important scholarly and policy field. This book can also be useful for wider audiences as a comprehensive volume on maritime geopolitics covering many cases from around the world and discussions from Turkish perspectives.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-116-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-115-7
- Page Count: 441
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English
Antarctic and Arctic Maritime Security Interaction within Liberalism, Realism and Critical Theories
Antarctic and Arctic Maritime Security Interaction within Liberalism, Realism and Critical Theories
(Antarctic and Arctic Maritime Security Interaction within Liberalism, Realism and Critical Theories)
- Author(s):Burak Şakir Şeker, Hasret Çomak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International Law, Maritime Law
- Page Range:9-23
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Antarctic; Arctic; Maritime; Security; Interaction; Liberalism; Realism; Critical Theories;
- Summary/Abstract:International security possesses a focal situation within the discipline of international relations. This concept is based upon the nations’ sovereignty principle that indicates order and stability in the domestic sphere, and disorder and possible confusion in the international arena. Notwithstanding, the issue of security in the international arena has been the subject of an important theoretical discussion, with various approaches to international security previsions created by liberal, realist and critical theorists. Likewise, various new threats of security have emerged that are especially hazardous, since the end of the Cold War, because these newly emerged threats benefit differently, and more extensively, from the modern world’s interconnectedness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Global Geopolitical Shift: Balance of Power in The Arctic
Global Geopolitical Shift: Balance of Power in The Arctic
(Global Geopolitical Shift: Balance of Power in The Arctic)
- Author(s):Ferdi Güçyetmez
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:25-37
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Global Geopolitical Shift; Balance; Power; The Arctic;
- Summary/Abstract:Considering today's conditions, the international arena seems to be anarchic. In order to ensure the anarchic structuring order, there are regional and international organizational structures. There is a new area of this anarchic structuring and balance of power issue: The Arctica. When we examine the relations of the states in the Arctic region or with interest in the region; Since there is no higher authority to decide on the issues in the region, it is observed that the relations of the states in the region are carried out in an anarchic system. In the last seventy years, we have witnessed geopolitical shifts in which postworld wars global conflicts are transmitted regionally. The Arctic region, which is the new focus of global powers, has not yet met any terrorist activity, unlike other conflict areas. The Arctic region, where countries are trying to increase their cooperation, will be the new conflict area for states that want to keep energy in the future. In this study, we will examine America and Russia's policies on the Arctic, which are geo-strategically trying to create a new balance of power and are determined to redesign the bipolar system in this region through the power balance theory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Baltic States and Arctic Negotiation
Baltic States and Arctic Negotiation
(Baltic States and Arctic Negotiation)
- Author(s):Öncel SENCERMAN
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:39-50
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Baltic States; Arctic Negotiation; Arctic region; Nato; scientific; environmental; economic; logistic; social interests region;
- Summary/Abstract:Arctic region has become a significant region for the last three decades and thanks to the natural richness of the region and the emergence of a new transportation northern route owing to global warming, even the non-Arctic states have started to have scientific, environmental, economic, logistic and social interests on the region. The interest of the Baltic states has also recently increased despite their traditionally weak links with the Arctic. This study aims to understand how these small Baltic states negotiate their interests regarding Arctic issues. For this reason, this chapter consists of two main parts. The first one deals with the Arctic issue itself and the second part is about the Baltic states’ approach towards the Arctic in recent years and their efforts to take part in the Arctic negotiations defending their interests over intergovernmental organizations like the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the Arctic Council, the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
- Price: 4.50 €
Understanding The Antarctic Biodiversity and Turkish Contribution to Its Protection
Understanding The Antarctic Biodiversity and Turkish Contribution to Its Protection
(Understanding The Antarctic Biodiversity and Turkish Contribution to Its Protection)
- Author(s):Bayram Öztürk, Mehmet Gökhan Halıcı
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental interactions
- Page Range:51-56
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Understanding The Antarctic; Biodiversity; Turkish Contribution to Its Protection;
- Summary/Abstract:Antarctica is called the frozen continent and has been reserved for peace and science since the Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 in Washington, D.C. Antarctic research has fundamental societal importance and requirements to have a consultative status cannot be achieved without a substantial scientific and operational presence in Antarctica. The future of this fragile continent depends on international cooperation through the Antarctic Treaty, which Turkey signed in 1995, although it had not performed any scientific study on this continent for more than 20 years.3 In fact, an expedition appeal and agenda have been established in 1991 in Turkey. Historically, the world map drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a great Turkish admiral and the founder of Ottoman Cartography, did not include Antarctica but mapped its adjacent areas, including the Falkland / Malvines Islands.4 Some Turkish scientists participated in Antarctica expeditions of foreign countries since the 1960’s, such as the U.S.A. and Germany, but their main scope was not biodiveristy. Turkey started its own expeditions in 2016 and has been continuing ever since.
- Price: 4.50 €
Securitization Process of Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific Through IR Theories within Maritime Security Interaction
Securitization Process of Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific Through IR Theories within Maritime Security Interaction
(Securitization Process of Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific Through IR Theories within Maritime Security Interaction)
- Author(s):Burak Şakir Şeker
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics, Maritime Law
- Page Range:59-74
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Securitization; Process; Indo-Pacific; Asia-Pacific; Ir Theories; Maritime Security Interaction;
- Summary/Abstract:From ancient times to the present, the Indian and Pacific Oceans have been vital because it is an area that encompasses major trade routes and choke points. Oceans, on the other hand, is vulnerable to a variety of maritime security concerns, including piracy, drug trafficking, significant state conflicts, and terrorist operations. Coastal governments are unable to collectively assure the ocean's security, sometimes due to divergent interests and other times due to issues stemming from internal instability, but they have created regional organizations and are working in this field. Within the context of Indian and Pacific Oceans maritime security, several theoretical explanations of specific aspects can be given.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Geopolitics of Indo Pacific Region
The Geopolitics of Indo Pacific Region
(The Geopolitics of Indo Pacific Region)
- Author(s):Aşkın İnci Sökmen Alaca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology, Geopolitics
- Page Range:75-89
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Geopolitics; Indo Pacific Region; Indian Pacific region; China; USA; geographical
- Summary/Abstract:The new center of gravity of the world, the Indian Pacific region, is the subject of this article. “Free and Open Indian Pacific Policy”, adopted by the USA in 2017, is on the foreign policy agenda. By addressing the geopolitical, geoeconomics and geostrategic importance of the region, it will be explained why the USA has implemented this policy. The fact that the competition between China and the US in the global system can result in war is the subject of the article that the dual containment strategy applied to the Soviet Union during the Cold War period and it is a geopolitical area that has gained importance in the context of the alliance relations established with the countries in the region. The importance of the geographical area will be evaluated from the US perspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
Asean and Its Role in The Geopolitics of The South Pacific
Asean and Its Role in The Geopolitics of The South Pacific
(Asean and Its Role in The Geopolitics of The South Pacific)
- Author(s):Ahmet Ateş, Süleyman Temiz
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:91-109
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Asean; geopolitics; The South Pacific; regional geopolitics; South China Sea;
- Summary/Abstract:ASEAN is a key actor in the South Pacific that has the potential to affect geopolitical shifts in the region. Therefore, its role in the geopolitics of the South Pacific should be addressed comprehensively to explain not only the regional politics but also global politics and geopolitical considerations. In that manner, this chapter explores the role of ASEAN in regional politics in two sections. First, this chapter surveys the evolution of ASEAN to explain its main principles over time. Second, it engages two major geopolitical issues in the region, namely Myanmar Crisis and the dispute over the South China Sea, and explores the impact of ASEAN on regional geopolitics.egional geopolitics
- Price: 4.50 €
Regional Challenges and International Relations: The Complex Realities of South Pacific Geopolitics
Regional Challenges and International Relations: The Complex Realities of South Pacific Geopolitics
(Regional Challenges and International Relations: The Complex Realities of South Pacific Geopolitics)
- Author(s):Amba Pande
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:111-124
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:South Pacific; Regional Challenges; International Relations; South Pacific Geopolitics;
- Summary/Abstract:South Pacific also known as Oceania is a relatively isolated and remote region and is a home of small island countries apart from two metropolitan powers scattered amidst a vast oceanic area. Yet, the region is not bereft of great power rivalry and both conventional and non-conventional security threats. South Pacific is also a witness to internal turmoils like political upheavals, nuclear tests, resource theft and depletion, environmental challenges, and many other issues. Interestingly, the regional security challenges have been entwined with the intervention of great powers which has given rise to a complex and cluttered geopolitical environment in the South Pacific. This paper seeks to discuss, the geopolitics of the South Pacific region in the context of regional vulnerabilities and international relations that has resulted in a quagmire of political, domestic, economic, ethno-geographic, diplomatic, and environmental issues.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Wider North and The New Geopolitics of The North Pacific: Cryopolitics
The Wider North and The New Geopolitics of The North Pacific: Cryopolitics
(The Wider North and The New Geopolitics of The North Pacific: Cryopolitics)
- Author(s):Ebru Caymaz, Fahri Erenel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:125-132
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:The Wider North; The New Geopolitics of The North Pacific; Cryopolitics; European countries;
- Summary/Abstract:Asia-Pacific is one of the most important regions in world politics and the 21st century is widely regarded as the Asian century since America’s global leadership is being directly challenged for the first time upon the collapse of the Soviet Union. While the states such as the USA, China, Japan and Russia take an active role in the power struggle in this region, India also closely monitors the recent developments, as well as several European countries, which attach importance to Asia-Pacific relations.
- Price: 4.50 €
The African Union’s Maritime Security Strategy And Its Impact on Continental Peace and Stability
The African Union’s Maritime Security Strategy And Its Impact on Continental Peace and Stability
(The African Union’s Maritime Security Strategy And Its Impact on Continental Peace and Stability)
- Author(s):Asena Boztaş, Huriye Yıldırım Çınar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense, Geopolitics
- Page Range:135-150
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:The African Union’s; Maritime Security Strategy; Continental Peace; Africa; maritime security problem;
- Summary/Abstract:Africa, the oldest continent in the world, has a lot of problems. The maritime security problem, which has been one of these recently, deeply affects all continental countries. Maritime security, the solution of which must be found by African countries, is the sum of many different sub-elements. In this context, first of all, “Why Maritime Security Strategy is important for Africa?” an answer to this question was tried to be found. The answer to the question was tried to be reached by firstly examining the potentials of the sea and oceans for Africa, then examining threats and vulnerabilities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Contemporary Geopolitical Aspects of The Atlantic: Actors, Issues, and Cooperation
Contemporary Geopolitical Aspects of The Atlantic: Actors, Issues, and Cooperation
(Contemporary Geopolitical Aspects of The Atlantic: Actors, Issues, and Cooperation)
- Author(s):Ahmet Ateş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:151-166
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Contemporary; Geopolitical Aspects; Atlantic; Actors; Issues; Cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:Atlantic is one of the most important regions in the world because of at least three reasons. First, several key actors in global politics such as the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), and Brazil located in this region. Second, the Atlantic Ocean is crucial for trade flows between North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. Third, this region is vital for global and regional institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA). In a nutshell, the Atlantic is one of the two epicenters of global politics and international trade.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Geopolitical Scenarios of The “Quad” Countries, The United States, Japan, Australia and India
The Geopolitical Scenarios of The “Quad” Countries, The United States, Japan, Australia and India
(The Geopolitical Scenarios of The “Quad” Countries, The United States, Japan, Australia and India)
- Author(s):Duygu Çağla Bayram
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:167-185
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Geopolitical Scenarios; Quad Countries; United States; Japan; Australia; India;
- Summary/Abstract:The Indo-Pacific, which refers the maritime space stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific, surrounding Asia and Eastern Africa, is a relatively new geopolitical concept (re)coined by Indian Captain Dr. Gurpreet Singh Khurana in 2007, attributing to the growing intimacy between India and Japan.1Viewed geopolitically, while the geographical location has a determining power over state policies, it is parallelly seen the political interests shape the perception of geography. In this context, all regions are constructs and they are generally defined by states in line with their own purposes. On the basis of such this geopolitical perspective, the Indo-Pacific concept implies the extended AsiaPacific region across the Indian Ocean in favour of primarily India, the United States and Japan in the face of China’s rise.
- Price: 4.50 €
Russian Naval Doctrine and Russian Navy Modernization
Russian Naval Doctrine and Russian Navy Modernization
(Russian Naval Doctrine and Russian Navy Modernization)
- Author(s):Ahmet SAPMAZ
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:187-205
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Russian Naval Doctrine; Russian Navy Modernization; Russian Federation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Russian Federation (RF) is the largest country in the world. It has coastlines on three oceans and thirteen seas. It has one of the most powerful armed forces in the world, especially nuclear weapons. RF is an important country in the world with its permanent member status of the United Nations Security Council, natural resources, defense and space industry, security and foreign policy in line with being a great power. After the collapse of the USSR, RF, which went through a period of collapse in all respects, pursues policies towards being a great power of the multipolar world with the understanding of “strong army, strong economy, strong state” with Vladimir Putin’s rise to power.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Strategic Importance of The Caspian Sea For Regional and Global Actors
The Strategic Importance of The Caspian Sea For Regional and Global Actors
(The Strategic Importance of The Caspian Sea For Regional and Global Actors)
- Author(s):Volkan Tatar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics, Maritime Law
- Page Range:207-216
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Strategic Importance; Caspian Sea; Regional; Global Actors;
- Summary/Abstract:The Caspian Sea1, which has been on the agenda for a long time, is a geopolitically important region surrounded by 5 states since the debate about whether it is a sea, lake, or border lake includes different conflicts of opinion about the sharing of important energy resources. The most important factors that increase this geopolitical importance are the energy resources in or around the Caspian Sea and the logistics of this energy. The fact that many developed states, especially the USA, European Union members, and states such as China, are interested in the logistics of energy and energy, increases the importance of the Caspian Sea even more. The Caspian Sea was under the control of the Soviet Union during the interwar period and the cold war period. At that time, most of the coasts were under the control of the Moscow-controlled states, which formed the whole of the Soviet Union, while the other reason was that the only way out for connection with the seas was the Don and Volga rivers and the Soviet territory. In addition, the Treaties made with Iran since the beginning of the 1800s are an important factor in terms of the legal basis of this domination. The defeat of Iran in the wars with the Russian Tsardom and the treaties made afterwards changed the influence in the region in favor of the Russian Tsarist and later the Soviet Union, leaving Iran with only a limited area for fishing activities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mediterranean Geopolitics and International Balance
Mediterranean Geopolitics and International Balance
(Mediterranean Geopolitics and International Balance)
- Author(s):Hüseyin Çelik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:217-230
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Mediterranean Geopolitics; International Balance; Latins; Slavs; Arabs; Turks, Jews; Greeks; French; Italians;
- Summary/Abstract:It is located on a strategic crossroads as a middle sea in Europe, Asia and Africa, on the Mediterranean name. This intersection is expressed by many disciplines with different important definitions. This region is a geographic transition point. It is a sea that facilitates trade economically. It is a set of countries with complete political turmoil, governed by politically different regimes. In terms of religion, it is a sea that has a coast to the regions that are the source of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This region is racially among the lands that include Latins, Slavs, Arabs, Turks, Jews, Greeks, French and Italians. To the north is Europe, where the European peoples converge at the point of European unity, and to the south, the north African nations consisting of Arabs. With a middle sea that opens to the Atlantic Ocean with the Strait of Gibraltar, opens to the Indian Ocean with the Suez Canal, the less salty Black Sea is reached through the Dardanelles, Marmara Sea and Istanbul Strait through the Aegean Sea. Thus, this sea, which is the middle center of the world connected with huge oceans, creates an interesting situation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Existing and Prospective Central Paradigms of Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics in The 21st Century: Do / Will All The Related Parties Seek For Collaborations or Confrontations?
Existing and Prospective Central Paradigms of Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics in The 21st Century: Do / Will All The Related Parties Seek For Collaborations or Confrontations?
(Existing and Prospective Central Paradigms of Eastern Mediterranean Energy Geopolitics in The 21st Century: Do / Will All The Related Parties Seek For Collaborations or Confrontations?)
- Author(s):Sina Kısacık
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Geopolitics
- Page Range:231-267
- No. of Pages:37
- Keywords:Prospective Central Paradigms; Eastern Mediterranean Energy; Geopolitics; 21st Century;
- Summary/Abstract:The Mediterranean Region which has been continuing to be one of the most critically important regions within the context of world history due to its inclusion of several civilizations, old empires and modern nation-states as well as trade routes, natural reserves is preserving its prominence in today’s world. This is because of the discovery of energy reserves in the eastern part of this region since the beginning of 21st century. The finding of especially significant natural gas reserves in Israel, Greek Cypriot Administration and Egypt has been transforming the Eastern Mediterranean region as one of the noteworthy regions that has to be carefully examined in terms of world energy geopolitics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Turkey’s Integration of Its Middle East - Eastern Mediterranean (Me-Em/Mem) And Cyprus (Mem-C) Strategies in Its Foreign Policy
Turkey’s Integration of Its Middle East - Eastern Mediterranean (Me-Em/Mem) And Cyprus (Mem-C) Strategies in Its Foreign Policy
(Turkey’s Integration of Its Middle East - Eastern Mediterranean (Me-Em/Mem) And Cyprus (Mem-C) Strategies in Its Foreign Policy)
- Author(s):Soyalp Tamçelik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Geopolitics
- Page Range:269-324
- No. of Pages:56
- Keywords:Turkey’s Integration; Middle East; Eastern Mediterranean; Cyprus; Strategies; Foreign Policy;
- Summary/Abstract:Turkey, which is a medium-sized power in world politics, has been confronted with many regional and global problems over the past 40 years. Faced with numerous chaotic issues in its foreign affairs, Turkey’s main policy, strategic plannings, areas of action or political attitudes have inevitably been disrupted. This has created difficulties for Turkey in structuring its global and regional policies and has revealed the need to reconsider its foreign policy.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Influence of Sea Power and Turkey’s Struggle in The Blue Homeland
The Influence of Sea Power and Turkey’s Struggle in The Blue Homeland
(The Influence of Sea Power and Turkey’s Struggle in The Blue Homeland)
- Author(s):Doğan Şafak Polat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:325-339
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:The Influence of Sea Power; Turkey; Struggle in The Blue Homeland; nation's military;
- Summary/Abstract:A nation's military force is extended to the sea through naval power. It consists of many elements such as warships and weapons, auxiliary vehicles and trained troops, merchant ships, naval bases; and a nation's naval power is measured by its capacity to use the seas against its enemies and adversaries. The potential for naval power is determined by elements such as population, government character, economic soundness, the quantity and quality of harbors and coastline, and the number and location of a country's bases and colonies relative to desirable maritime trade. The primary purpose of naval power has always been to protect allied ships from hostile attacks, as well as to destroy or intercept enemy military and commercial cargo. One of the belligerent states can dominate the seas only if that state has de facto control over surface transport in some parts of the seas and prevents enemy communications while maintaining its own maritime communications. Naval power can be used to exert military and economic pressure on an enemy by restricting or blocking the import of goods needed for war. Naval power might also prevent an enemy from getting finances through commodity exports to neutrals, as well as neutrals trading with the enemy. Blockade is the term for the use of sea power in this manner, which is normally done in accordance with international law. Land targets have also been bombarded from the sea by naval troops. This function of naval power developed greatly in importance in the first half of the twentieth century. The introduction of the aircraft carrier, as well as the missile-firing nuclear submarine, introduced a new dimension to this bombardment potential. In general nuclear warfare, the nuclear submarine was the single most important tool of naval power in the 1960s and 1970s; functionally, it was not much different from strategic air power and land-based missiles.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Geopolitical Reality of The Island Sea
The Geopolitical Reality of The Island Sea
(The Geopolitical Reality of The Island Sea)
- Author(s):Hüseyin Çelik
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:341-349
- No. of Pages:0
- Keywords:Geopolitical; Island Sea; Europe; Greece; Aegean islands; Information Region;
- Summary/Abstract:The Aegean Sea, which connects Europe, located on the eastern side of the Mediterranean and Anatolia, called Asia Minor, or the Sea of Islands, where over 3000 islands of various sizes are located, constitute an important geopolitical area. The sea of Island is largely dominated by Greece. Except for Bozcaada and Gökçeada, the majority of the islands at the entrance of the Dardanelles Strait are dominated by Greece. This situation strategically creates a situation in favor of Greece and against Turkey. Because it is seen that the provision of disarmament of the eastern Aegean islands in the Treaty of Lausanne is not valid today and it has been repeatedly violated by Greece. Greece opposes the claim that it is arming the Aegean islands, claiming that it only has detective practices and coast guard ships on the islands. There are many disputes between Turkey and Greece, the two states that have a coast on the Aegean Sea. These are: Territorial Waters and the Continental Shelf, the disarmed status of the EasternAegean Islands, the legal status of the geographical formations, the Flight Information Region (FIR) and Search and Rescue (SAR) activities. It repeatedly emphasizes that it is a part of the European Union.
- Price: 4.50 €
A Short History of Maritime Trade
A Short History of Maritime Trade
(A Short History of Maritime Trade)
- Author(s):Haldun Aydıngün
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economic history, International relations/trade, Geopolitics, Maritime Law
- Page Range:353-361
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Short History; Maritime Trade; Australian; archaeologist; Michael Morwood;
- Summary/Abstract:The history of ships goes so far back in time that, we don’t have any written text to prove, no folks tales to hint and no surviving remains of the first ships, but just bones, human bones; Australian archaeologist Michael Morwood found a number of humanoid bones in the island of Flores, part of the Indonesian Archipelago. Radiometric measurements gave a date of 840,000 BC.
- Price: 4.50 €
Automation and Cybersecurity in Maritime Commerce
Automation and Cybersecurity in Maritime Commerce
(Automation and Cybersecurity in Maritime Commerce)
- Author(s):Alaettin Sevim
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Geopolitics
- Page Range:363-379
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Automation; Cybersecurity; Maritime Commerce; Maritime; network; communication;
- Summary/Abstract:A ship's various intelligent subsystems ensure smooth operation: from tank and ballast water management to propulsion control, alarm, and monitoring systems. All of them work using industrial automation technology. As network communication increases in the maritime industry, the exchange of sensitive data also increases. Electronic systems such as navigation, monitoring, and collision warning systems require connections with off-ship, thus creating potential targets for cybercrime. With the increasing digitalization and network connections on ships, the risk of data misuse and cybercrime is also increasing. Anyone considering the possibilities of Maritime 4.0 also needs to consider the growing requirements for cybersecurity and, more importantly, find suitable solutions to implement it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Geostrategic and Geopolitical Considerations Regarding Maritime Economics
Geostrategic and Geopolitical Considerations Regarding Maritime Economics
(Geostrategic and Geopolitical Considerations Regarding Maritime Economics)
- Author(s):Murat Koray
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:381-399
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Geopolitical; Maritime Economics; maritime; Turkish Language Association;
- Summary/Abstract:The most crucial strategic mode of transport for world trade is the sea. Shortly, it will be inevitable to think of space as an endless ocean. The concept will change sea power theories and also controlling methods of main seaborne trade routes. Establishing area dominance in any part of the world geography will only keep sea control as in the past. The imbalance between the countries' military capacity and their foreign trade volume changes the maritime strategies to be implemented. A long time has passed since Mahan's famous “influence of sea power” strategy. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to maintain classical naval doctrines. As innovative marine technologies industrialized, the capacity of maritime trade will be increased simultaneously. However, these conversions brought up new hybrid alliances and changed the dominant actors of sea control. The articulation of the space economy to the maritime trade will bring all aspects of geopolitical factors and changed the main shipping lanes. The term geopolitics has been defined in three different meanings in The Dictionary of Turkish Language Association (Turkish: Türk Dil Kurumu, TDK)
- Price: 4.50 €
Maritime Spatial Planning for Global Commons
Maritime Spatial Planning for Global Commons
(Maritime Spatial Planning for Global Commons)
- Author(s):Dinçer Bayer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:401-416
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Maritime; Spatial Planning; Global Commons; Global; international organizations; institutions; governmental authorities;
- Summary/Abstract:Sea has many resources which are called as global commons. Global commons are resource domains that are legally accessible to all nations such as open seas1. The commons might be managed by international organizations established by different institutions instead of governmental authorities. In essence, commons should be handled in having an objective to make all nations freely use their common resources.
- Price: 4.50 €
Blue Economy and Blue Growth
Blue Economy and Blue Growth
(Blue Economy and Blue Growth)
- Author(s):İsmail Melih Baş
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, International relations/trade
- Page Range:417-431
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Blue Economy; Blue Growth; Sustainable development; United Nations;
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable development (SB) was defined by Brundtland Commission of the United Nations in 1987.1 Based on SB mentality the term “green economy”appeared in a report titled as ‘Blueprint for a Green Economy’ prepared by Pearce, Markandya and Barbier in 1989.2 This report translated into even Turkish. Subsequently, interest in green economy has spread worldwidely
- Price: 4.50 €