Cztery wyzwania w zarządzaniu ludźmi
Four Challenges in People Management

Contributor(s): Grażyna Wieczorkowska-Wierzbińska (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: employee psychological adjustment; temperament; professional burnout; meaningfulness of work; teamwork; evaluation; audit
Summary/Abstract: The monograph addresses four important issues related to people management and concerning the functioning of an employee in an organisation. The authors analyse, among others, the problem of psychophysiological costs incurred by employees performing work that does not match their temperament and activity style, which translates into the style of performing tasks at work; their own research concerning problems with meaningfulness at work; and they propose remedial measures supporting meaningfulness at work that can be applied by organisations and employees themselves. The monograph also presents issues related to building teams that are efficiently led and cooperate to achieve their goals; threats to the accuracy of numerical evaluations and tips on how to interpret those evaluations to which an employee is subjected during an audit. The book is addressed to managers and professionals involved in human resource management, as well as to students and PhD students of management with a specialisation in human resource management, management psychology and management sociology.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5410-3
  • Page Count: 126
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Polish
Konsekwencje braku psychologicznego dopasowania pracownika do wymagań pracy

Konsekwencje braku psychologicznego dopasowania pracownika do wymagań pracy
(Consequences of the employee's lack of psychological adjustment to the work requirements)

Poszukiwanie sensu pracy

Poszukiwanie sensu pracy
(Searching for the meaning of work)

Praca zespołowa wyzwaniem dla organizacji XXI wieku

Praca zespołowa wyzwaniem dla organizacji XXI wieku
(Teamwork as a challenge for organizations in the 21st century)

Pułapki liczbowych ewaluacji

Pułapki liczbowych ewaluacji
(Pitfalls of numerical evaluation)

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