DOSIJE: Logori za Hrvate na teritoriji Srbije
DOSSIER: Camps for Croats on the territory of Serbia
Author(s): Jovana Kolarić
Contributor(s): Ivana Žanić (Editor), Predrag Ivanović (Editor)
Subject(s): Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Wars in Jugoslavia
Published by: Fond za humanitarno pravo
Keywords: Humanitarian Law;war crimes;Croats in Serbia and Montenegro;concentration camp;
Summary/Abstract: According to the research of the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC), the largest camp formed in Serbia was in the Penitentiary-Correctional Facility (KPD) Sremska Mitrovica. In addition to this camp, there were also camps in the Banat villages of Begejci and Stajićevo, then in the JNA barracks in Aleksinac and the Penitentiary in Niš. In Serbia, there were also smaller transit camps and centers where detainees stayed for several days, before being transferred to some of the larger camps. Although there were more such places, this file singled out facilities in Šid, the Military Police Training Center in Bubanj Potok and the JNA barracks in Paragovo. All camps, except Nis, which was in the zone of responsibility of the 3rd Military District (VO) of the JNA, were in the zone of responsibility of the 1st VO of the JNA. The camp was secured by members of the JNA Military Police. JNA officers were appointed to the positions of camp commanders, but the Security Directorate of the Federal Secretariat for National Defense (UB SSNO) had real control over the camps. The captured civilians and fighters spent from a couple of days to nine months in the camps. About 7,000 people passed through the camps, and about 3,500 people were kept in them for a long time.
Series: Humanitarian Law Center Books
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-7932-110-7
- Page Count: 73
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Serbian