The Celebrity Status Phenomenon in the Contemporary Political Communication (Pre-Election Campaigns Of Donald Trump, 2016 And Volodimir Zelenski, 2019 In Social Networks) Cover Image

Феноменът „селебрити статус“ в съвременната политическа комуникация (предизборните президентски кампании на Доналд Тръмп, 2016 и Володимир Зеленски, 2019)
The Celebrity Status Phenomenon in the Contemporary Political Communication (Pre-Election Campaigns Of Donald Trump, 2016 And Volodimir Zelenski, 2019 In Social Networks)

Author(s): Svetlana Stankova, Rositsa Moskova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Media studies, Political Sciences, Communication studies, Methodology and research technology
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: political communication; celebrity status; political image; pre-election campaign; social networks; communication techniques; communication dominants; addressee; media message

Summary/Abstract: Celebrity politicians usually have an advantage – their image is already created outside politics. The so-called celebrity status supports their goals with the ability to reach and mobilize otherwise apathetic audiences. It is also perceived as an added value to the image of a politician. That’s why the subject of the study is the role of the celebrity status phenomenon and its transformation into political capital in modern political communication. The study aims to analyze this phenomenon in two different socio-cultural contexts – the pre-election campaign in social networks of Donald Trump in the USA (2016) and that of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine (2019). The last three weeks of the campaigns are considered, answering the questions which specify the research task.

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