A Contribution to the Question of Penetration of the Ideas of Pseudo Dionysius Areopagitus into the Old Bulgarian Literature Cover Image

Към въпроса за проникването на идеите на Псевдо-Дионисий Ареопагит в старобългарската литература
A Contribution to the Question of Penetration of the Ideas of Pseudo Dionysius Areopagitus into the Old Bulgarian Literature

Author(s): Lydia Denkova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките

Summary/Abstract: Attention is drawn to a specific characteristic of the philosophizing Old Bulgarian literature: the reception of the Byzantine neo-Platonism in the form testified to by the so-called Corpus Areopagiticus. The answer to the question about the steady but manyfold influence of the Areopagiticus ideas during the early (Cyril the Philosopher, John the Exarch), Izbornik of 1073* and the late medieval period (the translation by Isaja of Serres in 1371, Patriarch Euthymius, Rjapov Sbomik, etc.) is being searched in the "Dionysius question" itself, i. e. in the Old Bulgarian evidence proving the authenticity and orthodoxy of the Corpus. The analysis distinguishes also evidence of the Aposiolic Dionysius (in Constantine of Preslav), identifies it in a passage of the Izbornik of 1073 and lays stress on the letter of Anasthasius, the librarian of Carolus II, connecting the Dionysius question with the interest of Cyril the Philosopher in the personality of Clement of Rome. It is stated in conclusion that the Areopagitic philosophy has been accepted selectively, often through the intermediaries and in some cases (as in that of Cyril) - as a reflection of the discussion about the authentic author of the corpus.

  • Issue Year: 1991
  • Issue No: 8
  • Page Range: 200-215
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Bulgarian
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