Mental health problems and objective indicators of quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities Cover Image

Problemi mentalnog zdravlja i objektivni pokazatelji kvalitete života odraslih osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama
Mental health problems and objective indicators of quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities

Author(s): Daniela Bratković, Milivoj Kramarić , Snježana Sekušak-Galešev
Subject(s): Psychology
Published by: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet
Keywords: mental health; quality of life; intellectual disability

Summary/Abstract: In previous studies in our country in the field of intellectual disabilities has not been studied relationship between problems of mental health and quality of life (except in isolated samples). Therefore, this paper presents the results of research whose objectives were to evaluate objective indicators of quality of life of adults with intellectual disabilities due to the conditions of their accommodation and their association with the occurrence of mental health problems and behavioral problems. The study was conducted on two samples of participants: sample of adults with intellectual disabilities (older than 21 years) located in the family (N = 90) and sample of adults with intellectual disabilities (older than 21 years) placed in an institution (N = 93) matched in gender, level of intellectual disability and age. We applied three measuring instruments: Scale for developmental - psychiatric diagnosis in persons with intellectual disability (SRPD, Dosen, 1996), the AAMD - Adaptive Behavior Scale Part II (Igrić, Fulgosi-Masnjak, 1991), Scale for the Assessment of Objective Indicators of Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities (Teodorović, Bratković, Škrinjar, Kraljević, 1997; Bratković, 2002). The results were processed by the method of factor analysis, discriminant analysis and robust quasicanonical correlation analysis. It turned out that the quality of life of participants living in families is significantly better, despite the fact that there are still some aspects of quality of life that are better in the institution. It was also found that the quality of life is significantly different depending on the severity of intellectual disability present in subjects regardless whether they live in a family or institution. Connection between quality of life and the emergence of psychological distress and behavioral disorders in patients in the family and those located in the institution is statistically significant, which means that in the family and the institution are protective and risk factors related to the quality of life that affect mental health patients.

  • Issue Year: 49/2013
  • Issue No: Supp.
  • Page Range: 50-63
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Croatian
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