Urban Onomastics in Białystok. On the Functions of Street Designations after the Nazi Renaming in 1942 Cover Image

Urbane Onomastik in Białystok. Zu Funktionen der Straßenbezeichnungen nach der NS-Umbennenung von 1942
Urban Onomastics in Białystok. On the Functions of Street Designations after the Nazi Renaming in 1942

Author(s): Andrzej S. Feret, Magdalena Zofia Feret
Subject(s): History, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Military history
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: Białystok; change of street designations; hodonym; Nazi dictatorship; World War II

Summary/Abstract: Street names not only have a topographical-spatial orientation function, but also reflect history and are a political and cultural tool. At the time of the National Socialist dictatorship, street and place names were changed in Germany. Also in the cities of then occupied Poland many streets and squares were renamed during the Second World War. The article aims to present the manner in which streets and squares in Białystok were named during World War II. An attempt is made to determine whichfunctions can be observed in “new” urban designations.

  • Issue Year: 2/2021
  • Issue No: XXIII
  • Page Range: 69-82
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: German
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