Translations and paraphrases of “Vitae Regum Polonorum” by Klemens Janicjusz from the 16th to the 18th century – ways of creating the image of a perfect ruler Cover Image

Przekłady i parafrazy „Vitae Regum Polonorum” Klemensa Janicjusza od XVI do XVIII wieku – sposoby kreowania wizerunku doskonałego władcy
Translations and paraphrases of “Vitae Regum Polonorum” by Klemens Janicjusz from the 16th to the 18th century – ways of creating the image of a perfect ruler

Author(s): Krystian Słomka vel Słomiński
Subject(s): Polish Literature
Published by: Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne
Keywords: epigram; ruler;addition;omission;transposition;permutation; image;

Summary/Abstract: The article offers an insight into the similarities and differences in the way of creating the images of a perfect ruler in the collection of Janicius' epigrams and the texts inspired by his work, written by S.F. Klonowic, J.A. Kmita, J. Głuchowski, M. Paszkowski and J. Bielski. The fact that these texts refer to the prototype to a varying degree, and, moreover, were written over the span of 200 years, makes the significance of individual epigrams evolve in subsequent collections (the assessment of the ruler’s deeds is softened or the criticism is sharpened). Moreover, the set of monarchs’ features is subject to modification by using four fundamental rhetorical operations (quadripartita ratio): addition (adiectio), omission (detractio), permutation (immutatio) and transposition (transmutatio).

  • Issue Year: 8/2021
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 4-19
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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