Spanish Loanwords in Slovak Vocabulary Cover Image

Hispanizmy v slovenskej lexike
Spanish Loanwords in Slovak Vocabulary

Author(s): Bohdan Ulašin
Subject(s): Comparative Linguistics
Published by: Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Filozofická fakulta, Vydavatelství
Keywords: španielčina; slovenčina; prevzatie; etymológia; adaptácia; frekvencia; chronológia

Summary/Abstract: The main goal of this work is to map Spanish loanwords in contemporary Slovak. Based on the defined criteria, we found 108 words of Spanish origin. We paid great attention to the etymology of the words, which was a key criterion in their selection. In addition to these loanwords, we offer an overview of words that came into Slovak from Arabic and Indian languages through Spanish, as well as of those that originated in other languages, but with the original basis of the word also coming from Spanish. We analyze the Spanish loanwords as for the adaptation processes, in terms of classification into thematic areas, we classify them chronologically according to the century of the first written occurrence as well as the frequency of their use in Slovak.

  • Issue Year: 103/2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 265-283
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Slovak
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