Contemporary Women between Feminism and Tradition Cover Image

Современата жена помеѓу феминизмот и традицијата
Contemporary Women between Feminism and Tradition

Author(s): Silvia Petrova
Contributor(s): Rodna Ruskovska (Translator)
Subject(s): Gender Studies
Published by: Институтот за општествени и хуманистички науки – Скопје
Keywords: Bulgaria; Bulgarian women; traditionalism; feminism; gender stereotypes;

Summary/Abstract: The masculine/feminine dichotomy is a basic symbolic division in the tradition of monotheistic societies. For millennia the world has been divided into these culturally- determined halves which are reflected in the models of thought and behaviour imposed by the dominant principle of authority. The established stereotypes of how a body acts mirror the official ideology which is made natural and legitimate by the biological differences.

  • Issue Year: 7/2008
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 201-231
  • Page Count: 31
  • Language: Macedonian
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