The people of the borderland Book review: Sen’, D.V. 2020. Russian-Crimean-Ottoman borderland: areas, phenomena, People (ending of the XVII—XVIII centuries). Rostov-on-Don: Al’tair Cover Image

Люди пограничья (рецензия на кн.: Сень Д.В. 2020. Русско-крымско-османское пограничье: пространство, явления, люди (конец XVII—XVIII в.): Избранные труды. Ростов-на-Дону: Альтаир)
The people of the borderland Book review: Sen’, D.V. 2020. Russian-Crimean-Ottoman borderland: areas, phenomena, People (ending of the XVII—XVIII centuries). Rostov-on-Don: Al’tair

Author(s): Maksim V. Moiseev
Subject(s): History, Book-Review
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: review; borderland; new border order; Azov; Cossacks; captivity; slave trade; “Akhreyans”;

Summary/Abstract: The review analyzes the monograph of Professor of the Southern Federal University D.V. Sen’, in which articles from different years were published, as well as essays specially written for this book. The study focuses on the people of the borderlands, the changes that took place in the South of Russia at a time when a new border order was being established in this region and the political situation was changing. The researcher considers these changes from the perspective of heterogeneity and mosaic of the borderline life itself. The author presents a number of theses for scientific discussion, including the thesis about the non-certainty of the fate of the Crimean Khanate. The researcher identified a number of promising areas for further research, which would allow us to consider much more clearly local processes and their impact on the politics of great states.

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