The parish of St. Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr in Czeladź – a description from 1791 (A fragment of the undiscovered report from the visitation of the Siewierz deanery in the Krakow Diocese from the 1890s) Cover Image

Opis parafii św. Stanisława Biskupa i Męczennika w Czeladzi z 1791 roku (Fragment nieodnalezionej wizytacji dekanatu siewierskiego diecezji krakowskiej z lat 90. XVIII wieku)
The parish of St. Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr in Czeladź – a description from 1791 (A fragment of the undiscovered report from the visitation of the Siewierz deanery in the Krakow Diocese from the 1890s)

Author(s): Mariusz ks. Trąba
Subject(s): History, Theology and Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: parish of St. Stanislaus; pre-partition Poland; Siewierz deanery; Czeladź; 18th century; canonical visitation; Krakow Diocese

Summary/Abstract: In 1846, Fr. Wojciech Janecki was installed as the parish priest of St. Stanislaus in Czeladź, only to fi nd out that the parish did not have an up-to-date inventory of property and property rights. In search of this document, the parish turned to the General Consistory of the Diocese of Krakow. Despite investigation, such a list was nowhere to be found. The only document discovered in the Consistory Archives was a description of the town of Czeladź and the parish of Czeladź compiled in 1791. A copy of this document was sent to the Consistory of the Krakow Diocese in Kielce. This document is the subject of this study. Entitled “Opisanie Kościoła i Parafi i Miasteczka Czeladź” (“Description of the Church and Parish of the Town of Czeladź”), the 1791 record is a part of a larger fi le from that period – perhaps a visitation of the Siewierz deanery. This can be inferred from its content and structure, which resembles documents of this type from the end of the 18th century, e.g. visitation records of the neighbouring Bytom deanery over the years 1792–1793. The thorough scrutiny of both church and state archives has not produced any positive results so far as to the sources confi rming the said visitation. The published document is one of the most important sources on the history of Czeladź in the fi nal period of the Republic of Nobles. Its author provides detailed data both on the parish and the church in Czeladź in the last years before the partitions of Poland. It should be emphasised that this document has never been used before in the research on the history of Czeladź.

  • Issue Year: 2020
  • Issue No: 114
  • Page Range: 421-454
  • Page Count: 34
  • Language: Polish
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