”Whose Is It, Anyway?” The Phantoms of Memory and the Transmission of Trauma in Zyta Rudzka’s “Krótka wymiana ognia” Cover Image

„I czyje to wszystko?” Fantomy pamięci i transfery traumy w „Krótkiej wymianie ognia” Zyty Rudzkiej
”Whose Is It, Anyway?” The Phantoms of Memory and the Transmission of Trauma in Zyta Rudzka’s “Krótka wymiana ognia”

Author(s): Antoni Zając
Subject(s): Psychology, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Phantom; postmemory; post‑traumatic subject; transgenerational trauma; Zyta Rudzka

Summary/Abstract: This article aims to provide a preliminary interpretation of Zyta Rudzka’s novel entitled Krótka wymiana ognia (A Short Exchange of Fire). It is analysed through the lens of interdisciplinary Memory and Trauma Studies as well as Maria Török and Nicolas Abraham’s psychoanalytical thought – special attention is paid to the concept of transgenerational transmission of trauma. The author presents three main series of events (which occur not only in reality but also in the phantasmatic order) which affect the complicated relationship between women from three generations of the same family. Shreds of memory that circulate between them gradually lose an unambiguous affiliation and become a part of a somatic and sensual traumatic palimpsest.

  • Issue Year: 1/2020
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 149-162
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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