Instruments of the promotional mix in integrated marketing communications Cover Image

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Instruments of the promotional mix in integrated marketing communications

Author(s): Tatjana Petkovska Mircevska
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Економски институт - Скопје
Keywords: marketing communications; promotional mix; marketing instruments

Summary/Abstract: According to some prevailing characteristics of promotional activities, we usually make division of promotion following these schemes: economic advertising, promotion and improving purchase, public relations, personal purchase and direct marketing. Only together, in a suitable mix, the above mentioned shapes of promotion could maximally expressed efficiency of each of them. The optimal combination of promotional shapes, whose task is reaching the set marketing goals, is known as promotional mix in the marketing theory. Promotional mix basically depends on nature of the product, the life cycle phase of the product, specifics of purchasing process, and many other factors. Making a good choice of the above mentioned shapes of communications presents a systematic research of particular markets, especially: characteristics of foreign markets purchasers, their attitude towards the products, their culture, way of living e.t.c. According to some prevailing characteristics of promotional activities, we usually make division of promotion following these schemes: economic advertising, promotion and improving purchase, public relations, personal purchase and direct marketing. Only together, in a suitable mix, the above mentioned shapes of promotion could maximally expressed efficiency of each of them. The optimal combination of promotional shapes, whose task is reaching the set marketing goals, is known as promotional mix in the marketing theory. Promotional mix basically depends on nature of the product, the life cycle phase of the product, specifics of purchasing process, and many other factors. Making a good choice of the above mentioned shapes of communications presents a systematic research of particular markets, especially: characteristics of foreign markets purchasers, their attitude towards the products, their culture, way of living e.t.c. According to some prevailing characteristics of promotional activities, we usually make division of promotion following these schemes: economic advertising, promotion and improving purchase, public relations, personal purchase and direct marketing. Only together, in a suitable mix, the above mentioned shapes of promotion could maximally expressed efficiency of each of them. The optimal combination of promotional shapes, whose task is reaching the set marketing goals, is known as promotional mix in the marketing theory. Promotional mix basically depends on nature of the product, the life cycle phase of the product, specifics of purchasing process, and many other factors. Making a good choice of the above mentioned shapes of communications presents a systematic research of particular markets, especially: characteristics of foreign markets purchasers, their attitude towards the products, their culture, way of living e.t.c. According to some prevailing characteristics of promotional activities, we usually make division of promotion following th

  • Issue Year: 10/2008
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 9-26
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Macedonian
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