

Author(s): Nataša Jovanova, Oliver Bačanović
Subject(s): Criminal Law, Methodology and research technology, Criminology, Penal Policy
Published by: Fakultet za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Keywords: police; fear of crime; reduction;

Summary/Abstract: Reason for writing and research problem(s): Ensuring the security of citizens and local communities is a main function of the modern state. Police is a key organization that is responsible for public security and is therefore strongly linked to individual and local communities welfare, by providing preventive, administrative and penal services. Therefore strongly related to this is the feeling of safety or fear of crime among citizens. In recent years there is a debate about the question is there a need for applying a new task for police - reduction of fear of crime, despite numerous task that they already have! In this regard, this paper will analyze the arguments for and against imposition of reduction of fear of crime as a new task for police and also the effects of different methods of police work for reduction of the level of fear of crime. Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The aim of the paper is to present the arguments for and against reduction of fear of crime as a new task of police work. Analyzing the research results for the best methods for reduction of fear of crime by police, will certainly influence on the police, especially on the police in Macedonia to undertake some of them with purpose to achieve better feeling of safety among citizens. Methodology/Design: This paper provides an overview and analysis of certain scientific papers and research findings and results related to police effort regarding reducing of fear of crime. Research/Paper limitation: Lack of public and scientific analyzes of fear of crime, as well as resistance of police workers for undertaking a measures for reduction of fear of crime among citizens in our country. Results/Findings: Main findings refer to the recognition of the need for reduction of fear of crime by police and the effects and benefits from traditional police working, community policing, foot patrol and automobile patrols and problem-oriented policing on the level of fear of crime. General Conclusion: In the literature can be found some criticism about purposeless of determining the fear of crime as one of the tasks and goals of policing. There are certain considerations that fear of crime is often a tool for the police that serves them to achieve some of their goals through the manipulation of public fears. But despite these criticisms, there are certain arguments that go towards the actualization of reducing the fear of crime as a new and different function of the modern police. Research/ Paper Validity: Research about fear of crime and police efforts for it reduction should continue. The research results will help in discovering a new police methods and measures for reduction of fear of crime, because improving the feeling of safety among citizens is priority for every modern police.

  • Issue Year: XVII/2017
  • Issue No: 5
  • Page Range: 444-453
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: English
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