Între imaginar și cercetare istorică. Fortificațiile orașului Târgoviște din secolele XIV-XVI
Between imaginary and historical research. The fortifications of the town of Târgoviște in the 14th−16th centuries
Author(s): Radu Carciumaru, Minodora CârciumaruSubject(s): History, Architecture
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: Targoviste; fortification; documentary sources; foreign travelers; archaeological research;
Summary/Abstract: The problem of the medieval fortifications of Târgoviște, from its first part of the evolution of the urban settlement, remains open to interpretations,and the lack of written sources hinder obtaining an exact chronology. There are some evidences in the mentions of foreign travelers, from the first half of the 16th century, that have not been archaeologically proven. If there is sufficient evidence regarding the urban character of the settlement in the 14th century, the building of some fortifications in the face of the Hungarian and Turkish danger, such as palisades, raises instead serious problems of interpretation. The only systematic research that identified such a fortification took place at the end of the twentieth century and did not benefit from further investigations in order to identify the exact disposition of the defense system. For this reason, in the absence of archaeological discoveries, we need to refer to the information provided by foreign travelers, so that we have succeeded to highlight the unity of opinions regarding the dating of Târgoviște fortification of back to the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century.
Journal: Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu
- Issue Year: XXVII/2020
- Issue No: 27
- Page Range: 137-150
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Romanian