За пътя към реализация на иновативните идеи, теории и практики. Реалности и предизвикателства в процеса на преподаване на история на музиката
About the Road to the Implementation of Innovative Ideas, Theories and Practices. Realities and Challenges in the Process of Teaching History of Music
Author(s): Antonia BalevaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, School education, Vocational Education, Adult Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: musicology; music education; history of music; innovative practices in the educational process
Summary/Abstract: The topic of innovation in education is extremely relevant and in this sense it deserves a critical reading, which outlines the long and complicated path that leads to their realization. From the long-standing experience of a university lecturer in history of music, the author outlines his understanding of the problem by bringing to the fore the compulsory theoretical and conceptual preparation, passing through the objective reality and reaching the concrete practical realization in the educational process with students from the musical specialties with pedagogical direction.
Journal: Педагогика
- Issue Year: 92/2020
- Issue No: 8
- Page Range: 1141-1158
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Bulgarian