Leftist Lettuce - The Economic Aspects of Veganism Cover Image

Lewacka sałata - Ekonomiczne aspekty weganizmu
Leftist Lettuce - The Economic Aspects of Veganism

Author(s): Alicja Węcławiak
Subject(s): Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Culture, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: veganism; lifestyle; consumption; fashion;

Summary/Abstract: Vegetarianism is – simply speaking – not eating meat. Veganism is a bit more radical option – it is not just not eating meat, but generally animal products: eggs, milk, dairy products, honey. These are relatively simple definitions for these types of diets. However, the problem begins when we define vegetarianism or veganism as a type of diet. Vegetarianism and veganism are therefore not only related to food, we can already speak of a certain lifestyle understood primarily as “the size and form of consumption.” In my article I want to follow the motives behind choosing this type of diet and to reflect not only on the health but also on the cultural aspects of veganism. There are more and more vegetarian and vegan products, new restaurants and fast food restaurants, if not completely vegetarian or vegan, at least including meatless or simply vegetable dishes in their menu. Multitudes of forums and online communities, YouTube channels and blogs with vegetable recipes are multiplying. All this lets us wonder whether the vegetarian/vegan diet has become something of a fashion that will soon pass or whether there are other reasons, and if so, what these reasons are.

  • Issue Year: 2019
  • Issue No: 38
  • Page Range: 79-94
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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