Analogy between Scripture and Incarnation Cover Image

Analogia dintre Scriptură și Întrupare
Analogy between Scripture and Incarnation

Author(s): Mircea Basarab
Subject(s): Biblical studies, Eastern Orthodoxy
Published by: Renaşterea Cluj
Keywords: Scripture; Incarnation of God; analogy; Interpretation of Scripture; Incarnate Word; Written Word;

Summary/Abstract: The path of analogy is a special way (procedure) to present the attributes of God. The Logos, the Word of God, Verbum Dei is manifested through the incarnate Word (Verbum Dei incarnatum) and also through the written word (verbum Dei scriptum). Chronologically, the written Word precedes the Incarnate One. The biblical hermeneutics of the New Testament reminds us of the two ways of affirming the Word through the interpretation given to certain biblical places by Jesus Himself and by His Apostles. The Christological interpretation offered by Jesus and His Apostles to Old Testament texts leads us to the idea that the Scripture speaks of the Word / Logos of the incarnate God (Verbum Dei incarnatum), but also of the Word of God clothed in the written word (Verbum Dei scriptum) preserved in Scripture. In both cases, the Word of God is conceived and exposed in a theandric reality. The two ambivalent realities represent the visible human nature and the divine one perceived only by those who are connected with life in God, which is the Logos Himself. The Scripture is also the Word of God revealed in writing, through an act that represents the synergy or work of the Spirit in collaboration with man, which transmits the word of God expressed in a language perceptible to men. This word of God, preserved and transmitted in a written form is analyzed as a historical act and according to linguistic rules. In some places, the human text also hides a theological meaning, which we approach through theological methods.

  • Issue Year: XIV/2020
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 25-30
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Romanian
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