Amun-Re Loves the One Who Loves Him. An Egyptian Scarab Discovered in Sharuna, 1907 Cover Image

Amon-Re kocha tego, kto go umiłował. Skarabeusz egipski odkryty w Szarunie w roku 1907
Amun-Re Loves the One Who Loves Him. An Egyptian Scarab Discovered in Sharuna, 1907

Author(s): Joachim Śliwa
Subject(s): Archaeology
Published by: Komitet Nauk o Kulturze Antycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Egyptian archaeology; scarab

Summary/Abstract: In the period between January 13th and March 4th 1907 the young Polish Egyptologist Tadeusz Smoleński (1884-1909) led excavations in Sharuna and Gamhud. On February 2nd he discovered a blue faience scarab with hieroglyphic signs on its base. According to the observations noted in his Diary, the formula that would fall into the so-called category of personal piety read mrj Jmnrc mrj.sw, "Amun-Re loves the one who loves him". Scarabs of that type are characteristic of the New Kingdom, particularly of the Ramesside Period. The fate of the scarab after its discovery by Smoleński is unknown; at present, however, it resides in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

  • Issue Year: 62/2007
  • Issue No: 1+2
  • Page Range: 82-85
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: Polish
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