Forty Birds in Estonian Folk Belief IV Cover Image

Nelikümmend lindu eesti rahvausundis IV
Forty Birds in Estonian Folk Belief IV

Author(s): Mall Hiiemäe
Subject(s): Customs / Folklore
Published by: Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum

Summary/Abstract: It is believed that if you close the nest opening of a black woodpecker Dryocopus martius with a wooden plug then it will bring a wonderous grass that opens all locks. Its call is thought to be a sign of rainy or dry weather. The mythical bluebird with blue wings and waxcoloured legs is a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead. In a runo song it appears before the death of a maiden and carries a death messsage from her to the living. Crane Grus grus is a bird species connected with the world of the dead more intensively than the black woodpeckeer. Especially freared is the crane appearing above dwelling houses. Thus an overpassing flock of cranes was misdirected with incantations. In lgends, black grouse Tetrao tetrix as well as wood grouse Tetrao urogallas may turn out to be a forest fairy misleading the hunter. The song of tits, hoopoes Upupa epops were interpreted as death omens. Black stork Ciconia nigra appearing near dwelling houses was an omen of death and it also transferred to white stork Ciconia alba when it spread to South Estonia in the 19th century. In the newer layer of beliefs, white stork brings babies. Snipe Capella gallinago has been connected with goats because of its song, wryneck Yynx toaquilla predicts somebody's death and the time for sowing oats. Song and nightly lifestyle have given rise to several beliefs connected with nightingale Luxinia luxinia, owls and nightjar Caprimulgus europaesus.

  • Issue Year: 1997
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 7-22
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Estonian
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