Dialect vocabulary against a background of the lexical layers of a literary work (based on “Na Skalnym Podhalu” by Kazimierz Tetmajer) Cover Image

Słownictwo gwarowe na tle innych warstw leksykalnych utworu literackiego (na przykładzie cyklu „Na Skalnym Podhalu” Kazimierza Tetmajera)
Dialect vocabulary against a background of the lexical layers of a literary work (based on “Na Skalnym Podhalu” by Kazimierz Tetmajer)

Author(s): Katarzyna Sicińska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: dialectal lexis; dialect stylization; dialectology; stylistics

Summary/Abstract: Deliberations included in this article concentrate around methodological aspects of lexical analysis of a literary work, in particular, a work that uses various lexical deposits, including dialectal vocabulary. Material basis was taken from the texts of Na Skalnym Podhalu series by Kazimierz Tetmajer, written at the beginning of XX century which was stylistically dominated by dialect stylization (Podhale region dialect was a model). A basic and posing many problems phase of lexical analysis is identification of an origin of respective lexical units existing in investigated texts i.e. separation of dialect, archaic and rare vocabulary, identification of neologisms and others. The next stage is showing thematic circles, around which vocabulary representing specific chronologic, territorial and environmental layers of language are gathered (usually, these layers are separable). The final phase is specification of a function that the said vocabulary plays in a literary work (in relation to the presented reality and on the level of esthetic influencing the recipient).

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 60
  • Page Range: 263-282
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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