Successors of Mathias Kasimirus Sarbievius’ Acute Style Theory Cover Image

Motiejaus Kazimiero Sarbievijaus aštraus stiliaus teorijos tęsėjai
Successors of Mathias Kasimirus Sarbievius’ Acute Style Theory

Author(s): Živilė Nedzinskaitė
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: the Baroque; history of literature; poetics; rhetoric; acute style.

Summary/Abstract: Mathias Casimirus Sarbievius gave precise and accurate formulation of the style later called baroque style (Acutum est oratio continens affinitatem dissentanei et consentanei, seu dicti concors discordia vel discors concordia) in his work De acuto et arguto (About acute and quickfire style, circa 1626) which was printed only in 20th century. Nevertheless during 17th century the treatise of Sarbievius spread in manuscripts in Jesuit colleges and universities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Thus the professors and students of these schools were perfectly aware of the ideas raised in the work. Naturally these ideas were discussed in the printed works of literary theory of the day. Different interpretations of the acute style are being analised in the paper. These interpretations were stated in the subsequent works: Orator extemporaneus (Improvisating orator, 1655) by Michael Radau (circa 1616–1687), Phoenix rhetorum (Phoenix of rhetoricians, 1672) by Joannes Kwiatkiewicz (1630–1703) and Quaesita oratoria (Oratorical questions, 1677) by Bohuslav Balbin (1621–1688). All three Jesuit authors indicated Sarbievius as direct source which they appealed to interpretating theoretic problems of the then new style.

  • Issue Year: 12/2010
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 5-10
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Lithuanian
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